android Programming Glossary: vo
Implement page curl on android? 2010 05 implementing ibooks page curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First.. vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished vertex CGFloat R r beta for ushort ii.. the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho v1.z sin rho vo y v1.y vo z..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] 2010 05 implementing ibooks page curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First.. vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished vertex CGFloat R r beta for ushort ii.. the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho v1.z sin rho vo y v1.y vo z..
Implement page curl on android? do is this. I managed to find a page here http 2010 05 implementing ibooks page curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished.. curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished vertex CGFloat R r beta for ushort ii 0 ii numVertices_ ii Get the current input vertex. vi inputMesh_.. through simple substitution but are left separate to keep the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho v1.z sin rho vo y v1.y vo z v1.x sin rho v1.z cos rho that gives an example above code..
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] do is this. I managed to find a page here http 2010 05 implementing ibooks page curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished.. curling using.html void deform Vertex2f vi Current input vertex Vertex3f v1 First stage of the deformation Vertex3f vo Pointer to the finished vertex CGFloat R r beta for ushort ii 0 ii numVertices_ ii Get the current input vertex. vi inputMesh_.. through simple substitution but are left separate to keep the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho v1.z sin rho vo y v1.y vo z v1.x sin rho v1.z cos rho that gives an example above code..