android Programming Glossary: twitterexception
Android twitter tweet with image [duplicate] twitter should I use to tweet an image and message catch TwitterException e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.e Errorssssssssssssss.. status.setMedia file mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage throw e where..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? import twitter4j.Twitter import twitter4j.TwitterException import twitter4j.TwitterFactory import twitter4j.User import.. throws Exception try mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e throw e public void authorize mProgressDlg.setMessage Initializing..
Android twitter4j upload image status.setMedia file twitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage throw e Note..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) URL mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL catch TwitterException e e.printStackTrace Intent i new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this.. twitterFriends startActivity twitterFriendIntent catch TwitterException e System.out.println e........ e.printStackTrace 3. Getting.. e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch TwitterException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace 4. Code..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW authenticationUri catch TwitterException e e.printStackTrace and yes I have a manifest with Internet.. http search q 0f1d8134 W System.err 817 TwitterException exceptionCode 6c607809 0f1d8134 6c607809 0f1d810a statusCode..
Android twitter tweet with image [duplicate] try twitter.updateStatus New tweet twitter. Which property of twitter should I use to tweet an image and message catch TwitterException e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.e Errorssssssssssssss e.toString How do I include an image as well android share.. Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage throw e where mTwitter is an instance of Twitter class Make sure you are..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? import oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer import twitter4j.Twitter import twitter4j.TwitterException import twitter4j.TwitterFactory import twitter4j.User import twitter4j.http.AccessToken import import.. mSession.getUsername public void updateStatus String status throws Exception try mTwitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e throw e public void authorize mProgressDlg.setMessage Initializing ... new Thread @Override public..
Android twitter4j upload image Exception try StatusUpdate status new StatusUpdate message status.setMedia file twitter.updateStatus status catch TwitterException e Log.d TAG Pic Upload error e.getErrorMessage throw e Note To use this please make sure you have latest jar file i have..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) mTwitter.getOAuthRequestToken callbackURL System.out.println URL mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL catch TwitterException e e.printStackTrace Intent i new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterScreen.class i.putExtra URL mRequestToken.getAuthenticationURL.. twitterFriendIntent.putExtra twitterfriends twitterFriends startActivity twitterFriendIntent catch TwitterException e System.out.println e........ e.printStackTrace 3. Getting following userList public void getFollowers ConfigurationBuilder.. while friendsIDs.hasNext catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch TwitterException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace 4. Code for post tweets public void updateStatus String messageToPost..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server Uri.parse requestToken.getAuthenticationURL startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW authenticationUri catch TwitterException e e.printStackTrace and yes I have a manifest with Internet permission and an intent filter for the callback url. Here.. http search q 6c607809 or W System.err 817 http search q 0f1d8134 W System.err 817 TwitterException exceptionCode 6c607809 0f1d8134 6c607809 0f1d810a statusCode 1 retryAfter 0 rateLimitStatus null version 2.2.1 W System.err..