android Programming Glossary: ty
Android customized button; changing text color textSize 15sp android textColor @color location_color android textColorHighlight #FFFFFF Has anybody got a clue ty android android button android selector share improve this question Create a stateful color for your button just like..
Android: Is there a programming way to create a web shortcut on home screen our apk application the application will then place a website shortcut onto the phone user's home screen Thanks a lot ty android htc motorola motorola droid share improve this question First you'll need to add a permission to your manifest.xml.. i.setData Uri.parse http You can test this by creating a little test app and doing startActivity i This should open the browser. Once you verified that the above intent is correct you should move on to the next step...
Android image view matrix scale + translate float imageWidth float scaleY float displayHeight float imageHeight float minScale Math.min scaleX scaleY tx ty should be the translation to take the image back to the screen center float tx Math.max 0 0.5f float displayWidth minScale.. to take the image back to the screen center float tx Math.max 0 0.5f float displayWidth minScale imageWidth float ty Math.max 0 0.5f float displayHeight minScale imageHeight Compute the matrix Matrix m new Matrix m.reset Middle of the image.. of the image should be the scale pivot m.postScale minScale imageWidth 2 imageHeight 2 Translate m.postTranslate tx ty imageView.setImageMatrix m The above code works if I don't center the scale on the image center but I will need to do it..