android Programming Glossary: toolch
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error ndk dir ANDROID_NDK_PATH export the PATH export PATH TOOLCH standalone toolchain bin PATH Then build the file arm linux.. 35279 arm linux androideabi g o test new test.cpp sysroot TOOLCH sysroot I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google.. androideabi g o test new test.cpp sysroot TOOLCH sysroot I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google include I TOOLCH..
why does arm-linux-androideabi-gcc give iostream error platform android 14 install dir standalone toolchain ndk dir ANDROID_NDK_PATH export the PATH export PATH TOOLCH standalone toolchain bin PATH Then build the file arm linux androideabi g o test new test.cpp Note issue using revision.. of the NDK http p android issues detail id 35279 arm linux androideabi g o test new test.cpp sysroot TOOLCH sysroot I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google include I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google.. p android issues detail id 35279 arm linux androideabi g o test new test.cpp sysroot TOOLCH sysroot I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google include I TOOLCH lib gcc arm linux androideabi 4.6.x google include fixed I TOOLCH..