android Programming Glossary: tokenizer
Android: Autocomplete TextView Similar To The Facebook App before the dropdown should be shown Create a new Tokenizer which will get text after '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer.. get text after '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence.. '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader it with a CursorLoader while simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter.. implemented then the terminateToken method of the custom Tokenizer does not receive the string that I intend it to be but rather.. CursorLoader LoaderManger MultiAutoCompleteTextView and Tokenizer Am I going in the right direction with this or is this simply..
Android: Autocomplete TextView Similar To The Facebook App adapter inputEditText.setThreshold 1 Set number of characters before the dropdown should be shown Create a new Tokenizer which will get text after '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence.. dropdown should be shown Create a new Tokenizer which will get text after '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1.. be shown Create a new Tokenizer which will get text after '@' and terminate on ' ' inputEditText.setTokenizer new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' i if i 0..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader trouble extending the MultiAutoCompleteTextView and backing it with a CursorLoader while simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a.. this view. However since there is no convertToString method implemented then the terminateToken method of the custom Tokenizer does not receive the string that I intend it to be but rather a representative string of the cursor object since the cursor.. been able to implement the combination of the three classes CursorLoader LoaderManger MultiAutoCompleteTextView and Tokenizer Am I going in the right direction with this or is this simply not possible I have been able to implement a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView..