android Programming Glossary: tokens
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] In general if someone buys content it gets encrypted using tokens server side and un encrypted using the same which are not stored.. stored but generated each session using device and user tokens which only makes it a bit harder to spoof honestly I can then.. for the hacker is that they have to pay once and if their tokens are suddenly getting used beyond reasonable limits it alerts..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android web service calls to be idempotent using unique request tokens. That lets your app re send modification requests without fear..
Post to facebook after login fails Android View.VISIBLE Making show access tokens button visible btnShowAccessTokens.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. View.VISIBLE Making show access tokens button visible btnShowAccessTokens.setVisibility View.VISIBLE..
How can I get the google username on Android? just need access to the username no passwords or any auth tokens. I'm using android 2.1 sdk. android username share improve..
Android Split string the StringTokenizer class from java.util StringTokenizer tokens new StringTokenizer CurrentString String first tokens.nextToken.. tokens new StringTokenizer CurrentString String first tokens.nextToken this will contain Fruit String second tokens.nextToken.. tokens.nextToken this will contain Fruit String second tokens.nextToken this will contain they taste good in the case above..
Devise Omniauth and Iphone/Android App on your Rails App. Apparently Facebook creates different tokens depending on the support. So what I did was Once I receive the..
Using shared preferences editor prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit.. on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error lines indicated with.. and also that underlines the arguments saying delete these tokens . I have seen this done in other applications in the same format..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords account page and my application destroys the access tokens the next time the WebView is opened it is probably still logged..
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL needs to be in PEM format and I added the BEGIN and END tokens and some line breaks. My problem is that I can not get this..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application project http EDIT2 minimal sample with tokens stored in SharedPreferences so you don't need to do authorization..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb accessProtectedResource new GoogleAccessProtectedResource tokens 0 this is the correct token HttpTransport transport AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport..
The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password cause as mine. How can I remove all potentially cached tokens or session IDs on Android Access token immediately invalidated..
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) add a few device authorizations into database tokens . So now we have N device tokens for 1 user. So that if we send.. into database tokens . So now we have N device tokens for 1 user. So that if we send push notification everyone will..
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] pirates. MY APPROACH My app's are mostly content driven. In general if someone buys content it gets encrypted using tokens server side and un encrypted using the same which are not stored but generated each session using device and user tokens.. server side and un encrypted using the same which are not stored but generated each session using device and user tokens which only makes it a bit harder to spoof honestly I can then track access by user device pairings. The downside for the.. can then track access by user device pairings. The downside for the hacker is that they have to pay once and if their tokens are suddenly getting used beyond reasonable limits it alerts me to the fact and I can turn off that account if I want to..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android style even in mobile web apps. You can also write your web service calls to be idempotent using unique request tokens. That lets your app re send modification requests without fear that it'll perform an action against the database twice...
Post to facebook after login fails Android View.VISIBLE Making post to wall visible btnPostToWall.setVisibility View.VISIBLE Making show access tokens button visible btnShowAccessTokens.setVisibility View.VISIBLE new loadingTask .execute System.out.println one Log.d FB.. View.VISIBLE Making post to wall visible btnPostToWall.setVisibility View.VISIBLE Making show access tokens button visible btnShowAccessTokens.setVisibility View.VISIBLE new loadingTask .execute System.out.println two @Override..
How can I get the google username on Android? android but it seems like it's for grabbing the authtoken I just need access to the username no passwords or any auth tokens. I'm using android 2.1 sdk. android username share improve this question As mentioned in the comments Roman's answer..
Android Split string .trim There are other ways to do it. For instance you can use the StringTokenizer class from java.util StringTokenizer tokens new StringTokenizer CurrentString String first tokens.nextToken this will contain Fruit String second tokens.nextToken this.. can use the StringTokenizer class from java.util StringTokenizer tokens new StringTokenizer CurrentString String first tokens.nextToken this will contain Fruit String second tokens.nextToken this will contain they taste good in the case above I assumed.. tokens new StringTokenizer CurrentString String first tokens.nextToken this will contain Fruit String second tokens.nextToken this will contain they taste good in the case above I assumed the string has always that syntax foo bar but you..
Devise Omniauth and Iphone/Android App you receive is not the same than the one you're gonna receive on your Rails App. Apparently Facebook creates different tokens depending on the support. So what I did was Once I receive the token on the Android device I send it to my rails app via..
Using shared preferences editor MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error lines indicated with comments.. prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error lines indicated with comments that underlines the period and says misplaced construct.. that underlines the period and says misplaced construct and also that underlines the arguments saying delete these tokens . I have seen this done in other applications in the same format I don't understand what is wrong. android sharedpreferences..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords this even after the de authorizes the application via his Twitter account page and my application destroys the access tokens the next time the WebView is opened it is probably still logged in and even if not it has the password box already filled...
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL and the use the data from the same bundle. The public key needs to be in PEM format and I added the BEGIN and END tokens and some line breaks. My problem is that I can not get this PHP code to successfully verify the data signature and I do..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application http p linkedin j EDIT here is my sample project http EDIT2 minimal sample with tokens stored in SharedPreferences so you don't need to do authorization every time i'll update EDIT3 AsyncTask code..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb begin. I am now at this point AccessProtectedResource accessProtectedResource new GoogleAccessProtectedResource tokens 0 this is the correct token HttpTransport transport AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport Calendar service Calendar.builder..
The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password to other related questions that seems to have the same root cause as mine. How can I remove all potentially cached tokens or session IDs on Android Access token immediately invalidated android ios facebook phonegap share improve this question..
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) They logged in through the mob. application and the system automatically add a few device authorizations into database tokens . So now we have N device tokens for 1 user. So that if we send push notification everyone will receive it. Now suppose.. and the system automatically add a few device authorizations into database tokens . So now we have N device tokens for 1 user. So that if we send push notification everyone will receive it. Now suppose those who have installed applications..