android Programming Glossary: timestamps
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder get perfect AV sync as you do not know the exact AV sample timestamps. Only android knows that and it writes that in the mp4 header..
Android Set Multiple Alarms alarms and then to trigger those alarms in their specific timestamps. I hope that the question is clear . Thanks Sam android android..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] the distance. tnew and anew are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec the other side has to be told the frame rate in advance or timestamps with each frame. Both of these are not part of elementary stream... use existing protocols like rtsp. In the second case the timestamps are part of the stream sent in form of something like rtp. Then.. your frame rate if you have a fixed rate encoder or give timestamps Local PC playback will be fast because it will not know the..
Android SSO (Single sign-on) for app username and password are valid. If they are it digitally timestamps and signs the token and returns the signed token to the app...
Android Touch Event determining duration I came up with when I was writing this was to use simple timestamps e.g. System.currentTimeMillis to determine the duration between..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder a socket. The only issue you will face is that you will not get perfect AV sync as you do not know the exact AV sample timestamps. Only android knows that and it writes that in the mp4 header at the end. So no good for you. You have to be making an assumption..
Android Set Multiple Alarms approach to dynamically set multiple alarms like an Array of alarms and then to trigger those alarms in their specific timestamps. I hope that the question is clear . Thanks Sam android android alarms share improve this question If you want to set..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] Inertial navigation I am using the following code to calculate the distance. tnew and anew are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel 0 long time_prev while anew.hasNext float temp_acc..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec you have to do here. Since it is a streaming solution the other side has to be told the frame rate in advance or timestamps with each frame. Both of these are not part of elementary stream. Either pre determined framerate is chosen or you pass.. chosen or you pass on some sdp or something like that or you use existing protocols like rtsp. In the second case the timestamps are part of the stream sent in form of something like rtp. Then the client has to depay the rtp stream and play it bacl... it bacl. This is how elementary streaming works. either fix your frame rate if you have a fixed rate encoder or give timestamps Local PC playback will be fast because it will not know the fps. By giving the fps parameter before the input e.g ffplay..
Android SSO (Single sign-on) for app service. The login service determines whether or not your username and password are valid. If they are it digitally timestamps and signs the token and returns the signed token to the app. The app relays the signed token to the server. The server checks..
Android Touch Event determining duration is true in the checkGlobalVariable function. One idea I came up with when I was writing this was to use simple timestamps e.g. System.currentTimeMillis to determine the duration between MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN and MotionEvent.ACTION_UP . share..