android Programming Glossary: ties
Android- How can I show text selection on textview? I've hosted the solution to GitHub. The code at BitBucket ties to the application but it's more complete and polished. Selectable..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets .setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true ActionBarDrawerToggle ties together the proper interactions between the sliding drawer..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android stack which is written in C C but not sure how that ties into the java layer which is what I would think is throwing..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] you to explicitly handle threading. ContentProvider ties into ContentResolver's observer this means it is easy to notify..
Create Browser-Bookmark from app browser's bookmarks page. AFAIK there is no open API that ties directly into the browser's bookmarks. However there is a content..
What is the use of private Content Providers? the net. your app mirrors a REST api type of situation It ties into ContentResolver's ContentObserver interface This is an..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter the cursor you want to call startManagingCursor . This ties the cursor's lifecycle with Activity's lifecycle so when the..
Black screen when returning to video playback activity in Android essentially creates the view used for playback and then ties it to the media player setContentView R.layout.mediaplayer_2.. line is mMediaPlayer.setDisplay holder because it ties the current view display to the media player. The view the holder..
Android- How can I show text selection on textview? a Selectable TextView myself for my own app Jade Reader. I've hosted the solution to GitHub. The code at BitBucket ties to the application but it's more complete and polished. Selectable TextView on GitHub Jade Reader on BitBucket Using the..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets .setHomeButtonEnabled true getSupportActionBar .setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true ActionBarDrawerToggle ties together the proper interactions between the sliding drawer and the action bar app icon mDrawerToggle new ActionBarDrawerToggle..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android actual stacks interface. I know that it uses the bluez bluetooth stack which is written in C C but not sure how that ties into the java layer which is what I would think is throwing the exception. Any help on pointing me to where I can try to..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] in a background thread preventing ANR errors while not requiring you to explicitly handle threading. ContentProvider ties into ContentResolver's observer this means it is easy to notify views when content is changed Bottom line the framework..
Create Browser-Bookmark from app so that's probably not enough since it just opens the browser's bookmarks page. AFAIK there is no open API that ties directly into the browser's bookmarks. However there is a content resolver for it which can be accessed android.provider.Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI...
What is the use of private Content Providers? your database in sync with a server hosted database out on the net. your app mirrors a REST api type of situation It ties into ContentResolver's ContentObserver interface This is an interface where among many other useful things a view can register..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter improve this question So a couple of points after you fetch the cursor you want to call startManagingCursor . This ties the cursor's lifecycle with Activity's lifecycle so when the Activity gets destroyed the cursor gets closed cleaned up ...
Black screen when returning to video playback activity in Android initially created the code shown below is executed. This code essentially creates the view used for playback and then ties it to the media player setContentView R.layout.mediaplayer_2 mPreview SurfaceView findViewById holder mPreview.getHolder.. ... mMediaPlayer.setDisplay holder The important line is mMediaPlayer.setDisplay holder because it ties the current view display to the media player. The view the holder is destroyed when you leave the activity. After returning..