android Programming Glossary: time_value
GCM send image instead of message
numberformat exception using alarmamanager - crashes before on start exception at line final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value But the above aren't in the main activity... In the xml file.. protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent try String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long.. void onHandleIntent Intent intent try String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long.. void onHandleIntent Intent intent String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime.. String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value mContext getApplicationContext..
GCM send image instead of message
numberformat exception using alarmamanager - crashes before on start on start UPDATE When the app starts I receive numberformat exception at line final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value But the above aren't in the main activity... In the xml file I have in the edittex android inputType number . This line.. below alarm.setRepeating it doesn't recognize thetime value. protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent try String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value catch NumberFormatException.. it doesn't recognize thetime value. protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent try String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value catch NumberFormatException e mContext..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals public myservice super MyService mHandler new Handler @Override protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value mContext getApplicationContext.. super MyService mHandler new Handler @Override protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value mContext getApplicationContext @Override protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent String time_value time_value String intent.getStringExtra time_value final long thetime Long.parseLong time_value mContext getApplicationContext new Runnable @Override public..