android Programming Glossary: timertask
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? new RemindTask seconds 1000 class RemindTask extends TimerTask public void run System.out.format Time's up n timer.cancel..
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask I am currently trying to set up a WiFi Scan in my Android application.. WiFi access points every 30 seconds. I have used Timer and TimerTask to get the scan running correctly at the intervals which I require... having trouble stopping and then restarting the Timer and TimerTask. Here is my code TimerTask scanTask final Handler handler new..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? MyLocation class import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import android.content.Context import android.location.Location.. int status Bundle extras class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps..
AsyncTask and Looper.prepare() error As requested class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps.. to the UI thread like this class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask private Handler mHandler new Handler Looper.getMainLooper @Override..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import import Started. showNotification timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run onTimerTick 0 100L isRunning true private void..
Android timer? How? if necessary. import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import import android.os.Bundle import.. tells handler to send a message class firstTask extends TimerTask @Override public void run h.sendEmptyMessage 0 tells activity.. activity to run on ui thread class secondTask extends TimerTask @Override public void run main.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android Looper.myLooper Timer t new Timer t.schedule new TimerTask @Override public void run Looper l getLooper if l null l.quit.. the gps receiver thread gpsTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask @Override public void run Location location getBestLocation..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor TimerTask or Handler I need to make my RSS Feed reader check the feed.. about what the most efficient use of these classes or TimerTask . I am also very uncertain about where to make subclasses of.. make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser class to make it simpler...
How do you use a TimerTask to run a thread? be greatly appreciated. android multithreading timer timertask share improve this question You use a Timer and that automatically..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android I have the following code if gps_enabled Log.e ..
Android timer? How? 0 this posts a message to the main thread from our timertask and updates the textfield final Handler h new Handler new Callback..
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent) my code. Can anyone give an example of how to use time timertask and handler OR postDelayed and AsyncTask. Thanks in advance..
Timer and TimerTask in Android timer new Timer timer.schedule task 500 85 android timer timertask share improve this question You need to cancel timer not..
How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals applications. android android asynctask android service timertask share improve this question public void callAsynchronousTask..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? where would I implement these android handler threadpool timertask share improve this question I prefer to use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor...
Timer Task VS Alarm Manager usage in Android Service me Thanks in Advance. android service alarmmanager timertask share improve this question Go for AlarmManager. I have..
Android: Accessing UI Element from timer thread the working better...please help... android timer timertask share improve this question You have to create the Handler..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android a lot of updates instead of one so i thought of using a timerTask and schedule it I now have timer1.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask..
Updating TextView every N seconds? a timer private Timer timer new Timer private TimerTask timerTask timerTask new TimerTask @Override public void run refresh your.. private Timer timer new Timer private TimerTask timerTask timerTask new TimerTask @Override public void run refresh your textview.. public void run refresh your textview timer.schedule timerTask 0 10000 Cancel it via timer.cancel . In your run method you..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? public Reminder int seconds timer new Timer timer.schedule new RemindTask seconds 1000 class RemindTask extends TimerTask public void run System.out.format Time's up n timer.cancel Terminate the timer thread android process multithreading..
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask I am currently trying to set up a WiFi Scan in my Android application that scans for WiFi access points every 30 seconds... set up a WiFi Scan in my Android application that scans for WiFi access points every 30 seconds. I have used Timer and TimerTask to get the scan running correctly at the intervals which I require. However I want to be able to stop and start the scanning.. scanning when the user presses a button and I am currently having trouble stopping and then restarting the Timer and TimerTask. Here is my code TimerTask scanTask final Handler handler new Handler Timer t new Timer public void doWifiScan scanTask..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? myLocation.getLocation this locationResult And here's MyLocation class import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import android.content.Context import android.location.Location import android.location.LocationListener import android.location.LocationManager.. String provider public void onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc..
AsyncTask and Looper.prepare() error 421 at android.os.AsyncTask. clinit 152 As requested class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc.. within it in a Runnable and post it to a Handler bound to the UI thread like this class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask private Handler mHandler new Handler Looper.getMainLooper @Override public void run ... new Runnable public..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging package com.exampleservice import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import import import import public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.i MyService Service Started. showNotification timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run onTimerTick 0 100L isRunning true private void showNotification nm NotificationManager getSystemService..
Android timer? How? Also remember to clean up your tasks in onPause saving state if necessary. import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.Message import android.os.Handler.Callback.. String.format d 02d minutes seconds h2.postDelayed this 500 tells handler to send a message class firstTask extends TimerTask @Override public void run h.sendEmptyMessage 0 tells activity to run on ui thread class secondTask extends TimerTask @Override.. TimerTask @Override public void run h.sendEmptyMessage 0 tells activity to run on ui thread class secondTask extends TimerTask @Override public void run main.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER 1000 1 locationListener Looper.myLooper Timer t new Timer t.schedule new TimerTask @Override public void run Looper l getLooper if l null l.quit Log.i LocationCollector Stopping collector due to timeout.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show gps_recorder_running true start the gps receiver thread gpsTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask @Override public void run Location location getBestLocation doLocationUpdate location false 0 checkInterval public void..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor TimerTask or Handler I need to make my RSS Feed reader check the feed every 10 minutes for new posts and then parse them if there.. and one of them needs a Handler for updating the UI. I am unsure about what the most efficient use of these classes or TimerTask . I am also very uncertain about where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner.. or TimerTask . I am also very uncertain about where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser class to make it simpler. However to implement it in that way I have to use the run method..
How do you use a TimerTask to run a thread? have no idea how to go about this. Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated. android multithreading timer timertask share improve this question You use a Timer and that automatically creates a new Thread for you when you schedule a..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android I have the following code if gps_enabled Log.e GPS is enabled requestion location updates... interval value..
Android timer? How? main extends Activity TextView text text2 text3 long starttime 0 this posts a message to the main thread from our timertask and updates the textfield final Handler h new Handler new Callback @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg long..
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent) the skills I do know including threads and had many issues with my code. Can anyone give an example of how to use time timertask and handler OR postDelayed and AsyncTask. Thanks in advance java android timer cron share improve this question I have..
Timer and TimerTask in Android
How to execute Async task repeatedly after fixed time intervals to use async task which I think is more efficient for android applications. android android asynctask android service timertask share improve this question public void callAsynchronousTask final Handler handler new Handler Timer timer new Timer..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? what is the best way to schedule the tasks for this and where would I implement these android handler threadpool timertask share improve this question I prefer to use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. Generally if I understand your requirements..
Timer Task VS Alarm Manager usage in Android Service 20 to 30 mins not for every 1 or 3 mins. Any body please suggest me Thanks in Advance. android service alarmmanager timertask share improve this question Go for AlarmManager. I have tried TimerTask before it does not work properly in some devices..
Android: Accessing UI Element from timer thread am going a newbie and am trying out stuff to understand the working better...please help... android timer timertask share improve this question You have to create the Handler in the UI Thread i.e. in onCreate of your Activity . Because..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android my tests showned since I expected update every minute but got a lot of updates instead of one so i thought of using a timerTask and schedule it I now have timer1.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask @Override public void run getLocation 0 180000 3 minutesr.....
Updating TextView every N seconds? self updating share improve this question What about using a timer private Timer timer new Timer private TimerTask timerTask timerTask new TimerTask @Override public void run refresh your textview timer.schedule timerTask 0 10000 Cancel it via timer.cancel.. share improve this question What about using a timer private Timer timer new Timer private TimerTask timerTask timerTask new TimerTask @Override public void run refresh your textview timer.schedule timerTask 0 10000 Cancel it via timer.cancel.. private TimerTask timerTask timerTask new TimerTask @Override public void run refresh your textview timer.schedule timerTask 0 10000 Cancel it via timer.cancel . In your run method you could use runOnUiThread UPDATE I have a livescoring app which..