android Programming Glossary: r.xml.preferences
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences And finally you need two implementations of PreferenceActivity.. savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.other and public class OtherPreferencesActivity..
How to listen for preference changes within a PreferenceFragment? from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged SharedPreferences..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?
How do you validate the format and values of EditTextPreference entered in Android 2.1? savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences findPreference mail_preference_key .setOnPreferenceChangeListener..
How to add a button to PreferenceScreen two lines to your onCreate addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences setContentView R.layout.main The ListView in your layout will..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get the custom preference Preference beerPref Preference findPreference.. load the XML preferences file addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Then in your main class you can refer to the preferences public..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value void onCreate PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues this R.xml.preferences false SharedPreferences sharedPreferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences..
How to remove Android preferences from the screen from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get a reference to the preferences mPollPref getPreferenceScreen.. from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get a reference to the preferences mPollPref getPreferenceScreen..
@Override annotation error (android prefs) savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences btn01 RadioButton findViewById Preference..
Process the value of preference before save in Android? savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get the custom preference Preference customPref Preference..
Launch new activity from PreferenceActivity After you add preferences using addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences find your preference that you want to set onClick using findPreference..
How to refresh activity after changing language (Locale) inside application savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences getPreferenceScreen .getSharedPreferences .registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener..
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences And finally you need two implementations of PreferenceActivity for API levels supporting or not supporting PreferenceFragments.. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.other and public class OtherPreferencesActivity extends PreferenceActivity @Override public..
How to listen for preference changes within a PreferenceFragment? super.onCreate savedInstanceState Load the preferences from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged SharedPreferences sharedPreferences String key IT NEVER GETS IN HERE if..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?
How do you validate the format and values of EditTextPreference entered in Android 2.1? protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences findPreference mail_preference_key .setOnPreferenceChangeListener new Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener @Override public..
How to add a button to PreferenceScreen fill_parent LinearLayout In your PreferenceActivity add these two lines to your onCreate addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences setContentView R.layout.main The ListView in your layout will then be replaced by the preferences defined the usual way..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get the custom preference Preference beerPref Preference findPreference beerPref beerPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener new.. Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState load the XML preferences file addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Then in your main class you can refer to the preferences public class DrinkingBuddy extends Activity implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value You have to set the defaults first @Override protected void onCreate PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues this R.xml.preferences false SharedPreferences sharedPreferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this boolean autoStart sharedPreferences.getBoolean..
How to remove Android preferences from the screen super.onCreate savedInstanceState Load the preferences from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get a reference to the preferences mPollPref getPreferenceScreen .findPreference POLLING_PREFERENCE If the SDK is 2.2 or.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState Load the preferences from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get a reference to the preferences mPollPref getPreferenceScreen .findPreference POLLING_PREFERENCE If the SDK is 2.2 or..
@Override annotation error (android prefs) protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences btn01 RadioButton findViewById Preference customPref Preference findPreference customPref customPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener..
Process the value of preference before save in Android? protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences Get the custom preference Preference customPref Preference findPreference pass customPref.setOnPreferenceChangeListener..
Launch new activity from PreferenceActivity preferenceactivity share improve this question After you add preferences using addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences find your preference that you want to set onClick using findPreference foo_bar_pref and define it by casting like BlaBlaPreference..
How to refresh activity after changing language (Locale) inside application protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preferences getPreferenceScreen .getSharedPreferences .registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this @Override protected void onStop..