

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:07

android Programming Glossary: r.id.text1

How to call a .NET web service from android? [closed]


setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject..

How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?


setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME..

CheckedTextView checkmark in ListView row not showing up


customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 TextView textView1 TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text2..

how to pass parameter to a webservice using ksoap2?


setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject..

Displaying dates in localized format on Android


View view Cursor cursor int columnIndex if view.getId R.id.text1 TextView view .setText getDateFormatView .format parseDatabaseDate..

AutoCompleteTextView displays 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@'… after making selection


cComments new String DBAdapter.KEY_LOG_COMMENT new int R.id.text1 mComment.setAdapter scaComments auto_complete_item.xml xml version..

Display HTML Formatted String


Html.fromHtml yourTextWithHTML TextView findViewById R.id.text1 .setText marked_up.toString This will work where yourTextWithHTML..

Android column '_id' does not exist?


from new String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int R.id.text1 SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row..

Click Listener on ListView


mCursor new String Groups.NAME Groups._ID new int android.R.id.text1 android.R.id.text2 setListAdapter adapter custom_list_activity_view.xml.. Name holder.toptext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text1 holder.toptext.setText c.Name ID holder.bottomtext TextView..

adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events?


ViewHolder holder.tv1 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text1 holder.tv2 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text2 holder.img..

How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list?


those fields to in this case just text1 int to new int R.id.text1 R.id.text2 Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to..

How to set font custom font to Spinner text programmatically?


E.g. i tried TextView spinner_text TextView findViewById R.id.text1 spinner_text.setTypeface externalFont Is it possible to select..

Custom ListView Android


new String Icon Chance TeamID new int R.id.text1 R.id.text2 R.id.text3 setListAdapter adapter This is my simple..

java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol


setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call TextView tv new TextView this SoapObject request new..

Using viewpager in my application


parent false TextView label TextView row.findViewById R.id.text1 label.setText CharSequence imageliste.get position .get Baslik..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 android.R.id.text1 getModel final CustomAdapter adapter new CustomAdapter ListFilterActivity.this.. R.layout.row null txt TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 else rowView.getTag txt.setText names.get position return..

How to send SOAP request and Parse SOAP response in XML format in Android?


envelope.getResponse editText EditText findViewById R.id.text1 editText.setText result.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..

How to call a .NET web service from android? [closed]


Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty passonString Rajapandian..

How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?


Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty prop1 myprop SoapSerializationEnvelope..

CheckedTextView checkmark in ListView row not showing up


customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


rowView inflater.inflate R.layout.category_row parent false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 TextView textView1 TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text2 textView.setText getItem position .id textView1.setText getItem..

how to pass parameter to a webservice using ksoap2?


Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME PropertyInfo PI new PropertyInfo request.addProperty..

Displaying dates in localized format on Android


@Override public boolean setViewValue View view Cursor cursor int columnIndex if view.getId R.id.text1 TextView view .setText getDateFormatView .format parseDatabaseDate cursor.getString columnIndex return true else if view.getId..

AutoCompleteTextView displays 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@'… after making selection


new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.auto_complete_item cComments new String DBAdapter.KEY_LOG_COMMENT new int R.id.text1 mComment.setAdapter scaComments auto_complete_item.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

Display HTML Formatted String


object like so to achieve formatted text Spanned marked_up Html.fromHtml yourTextWithHTML TextView findViewById R.id.text1 .setText marked_up.toString This will work where yourTextWithHTML is any of the Strings within the item tags you posted...

Android column '_id' does not exist?


the code from the NotepadCodeLab Notepadv1Solution String from new String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int R.id.text1 SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just..

Click Listener on ListView


SimpleCursorAdapter this android.R.layout.two_line_list_item mCursor new String Groups.NAME Groups._ID new int android.R.id.text1 android.R.id.text2 setListAdapter adapter custom_list_activity_view.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns.. ContactGroup c groups.get position if c null Name holder.toptext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text1 holder.toptext.setText c.Name ID holder.bottomtext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text2 holder.bottomtext.setText..

adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events?


null etc heres the view inflation from the layout into the ViewHolder holder.tv1 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text1 holder.tv2 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text2 holder.img ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.img holder.ckb..

How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list?


and an array of the fields we want to bind those fields to in this case just text1 int to new int R.id.text1 R.id.text2 Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to display SimpleCursorAdapter scansdb new SimpleCursorAdapter..

How to set font custom font to Spinner text programmatically?


this textview from code i always get null pointer exceptions. E.g. i tried TextView spinner_text TextView findViewById R.id.text1 spinner_text.setTypeface externalFont Is it possible to select my external font even for my spinner text defined in it's..

Custom ListView Android


adapter new SimpleAdapter this this.dh.selectAll R.layout.custom_row_view new String Icon Chance TeamID new int R.id.text1 R.id.text2 R.id.text3 setListAdapter adapter This is my simple adapter. I want put into them icons can I do that android..

java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol


Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById R.id.text1 call TextView tv new TextView this SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty username..

Using viewpager in my application


getActivity row inflater.inflate R.layout.list parent false TextView label TextView row.findViewById R.id.text1 label.setText CharSequence imageliste.get position .get Baslik TextView label2 TextView row.findViewById R.id.text2 int..

List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result


final ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 android.R.id.text1 getModel final CustomAdapter adapter new CustomAdapter ListFilterActivity.this getModel setListAdapter adapter EditText.. rowView convertView if rowView null rowView mInflater.inflate R.layout.row null txt TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 else rowView.getTag txt.setText names.get position return rowView plz help me out.... android share improve this..

How to send SOAP request and Parse SOAP response in XML format in Android?


SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapObject result SoapObject envelope.getResponse editText EditText findViewById R.id.text1 editText.setText result.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace And for xml pls check tutorial for xml parsers use..