

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:07

android Programming Glossary: r.menu.menu

Adding a button to the ActionBar with ActionBarSherlock


inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu android.view.Menu menu return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu.. inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu menu return super.onCreateOptionsMenu.. inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu share improve this..

Switching fragments within tab


inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState..

ActionBarSherlock items not appearing in overflow


inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true All the appropriate imports are being used...

Android ActionBarSherlock Top Bar


inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem..

how to improve action bar


inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected..

Action Bar Sherlock SearchView not expanding on click of it


super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu inflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu final MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem R.id.menu_item_search..

Change background color of android menu [duplicate]


MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu setMenuBackground return true and write this in the setMenuBackground..

android paste event


MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu AdapterContextMenuInfo info AdapterContextMenuInfo menuInfo..

SearchView's OnCloseListener doesn't work


onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.menu menu searchView SearchView menu.findItem R.id.search_textbox..

Adding a button to the ActionBar with ActionBarSherlock


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu android.view.MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu android.view.Menu menu return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu This is my menu.xml code xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 menu.. onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu menu return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu It seems like you are intermingling the two right..

Switching fragments within tab


@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode..

ActionBarSherlock items not appearing in overflow


Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true All the appropriate imports are being used. And my menu.xml is as follows xml version 1.0 encoding utf..

Android ActionBarSherlock Top Bar


@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item Intent intent switch item.getItemId case R.id.menu_prefs..

how to improve action bar


menu com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater inflater getSupportMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem item same as using a..

Action Bar Sherlock SearchView not expanding on click of it


void onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu inflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu final MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem R.id.menu_item_search final SearchView searchView SearchView searchItem.getActionView..

Change background color of android menu [duplicate]


method @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu setMenuBackground return true and write this in the setMenuBackground method protected void setMenuBackground Log.d..

android paste event


ContextMenu menu View v ContextMenuInfo menuInfo MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate R.menu.menu menu AdapterContextMenuInfo info AdapterContextMenuInfo menuInfo menu.setHeaderTitle title Create method menu onClick @Override..

SearchView's OnCloseListener doesn't work


to work. Here's my code @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.menu menu searchView SearchView menu.findItem R.id.search_textbox .getActionView searchView.setOnQueryTextListener new OnQueryTextListener..