android Programming Glossary: r.layout.rowlayout
Android ViewPager and ListViews Pointer Exception on this line when trying to launch my activity listView1.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter Object this R.layout.rowlayout list1 I suspect that I'm just doing this all wrong. If I don't use the ViewPager I can get both lists to display their content... position 0 listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list1 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity context R.layout.rowlayout listData else if position 1 listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list2 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity.. position 1 listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list2 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity context R.layout.rowlayout listData else listData context.getResources .getStringArray R.array.list3 dataAdapter new MyArrayAdapter Activity context..