android Programming Glossary: nwidth
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms boolean sphereFilter Bitmap b boolean bSmoothing int nWidth b.getWidth int nHeight b.getHeight Point pt new Point nWidth.. b.getWidth int nHeight b.getHeight Point pt new Point nWidth nHeight Point mid new Point mid.x nWidth 2 mid.y nHeight 2 double.. pt new Point nWidth nHeight Point mid new Point mid.x nWidth 2 mid.y nHeight 2 double theta radius double newX newY for int..
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms algorithms. Actual filter that implements the algorithm public boolean sphereFilter Bitmap b boolean bSmoothing int nWidth b.getWidth int nHeight b.getHeight Point pt new Point nWidth nHeight Point mid new Point mid.x nWidth 2 mid.y nHeight 2.. boolean sphereFilter Bitmap b boolean bSmoothing int nWidth b.getWidth int nHeight b.getHeight Point pt new Point nWidth nHeight Point mid new Point mid.x nWidth 2 mid.y nHeight 2 double theta radius double newX newY for int x 0 x nWidth x for.. bSmoothing int nWidth b.getWidth int nHeight b.getHeight Point pt new Point nWidth nHeight Point mid new Point mid.x nWidth 2 mid.y nHeight 2 double theta radius double newX newY for int x 0 x nWidth x for int y 0 y nHeight y pt x y new Point..