android Programming Glossary: numstars
How to make a smaller RatingBar? wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android numStars 5 android stepSize 1.0 RatingBar But the default style for..
Buggy ListView makes me sad wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 0 android stepSize 1 android focusable false..
How to make RatingBar to show five stars . To control the number of stars I tried to use android numStars 5 . The problem is that the number of stars doesn't seem to.. define my layout so that it will only show five stars Set numStars doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance Roland android xml.. style android attr ratingBarStyleSmall android numStars 5 android stepSize 0.1 android isIndicator true in code mRatingBar.setRating..
Problem in reducing size of Rating Bar. wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 3.5 android isIndicator false style @style.. wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 3.5 android isIndicator false style @style..
Android custom RatingBar image artifacts layout_marginBottom 1dp android isIndicator true android numStars 5 android progressDrawable @drawable ratingbar_red android stepSize..
How to make a smaller RatingBar? RatingBar android id @ id ratingbar android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android numStars 5 android stepSize 1.0 RatingBar But the default style for the rating bar is too large. I've trie to change it by adding..
Buggy ListView makes me sad android id @ id rating_rating android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 0 android stepSize 1 android focusable false android clickable false EditText android id @ id rating_text..
How to make RatingBar to show five stars I am following the standard example of how to add a RatingBar . To control the number of stars I tried to use android numStars 5 . The problem is that the number of stars doesn't seem to do anything at all. In portrait layout I get 6 stars and when.. success with that option either. So my question is how do I define my layout so that it will only show five stars Set numStars doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance Roland android xml layout share improve this question RatingBar android id..
Problem in reducing size of Rating Bar. android id @ id rtbProductRating android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 3.5 android isIndicator false style @style foodRatingBar Try Activity .... package x.y import android id @ id rtbProductRating android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android numStars 5 android rating 3.5 android isIndicator false style @style foodRatingBar android layout_below @id tvProductName TextView..
Android custom RatingBar image artifacts wrap_content android layout_marginTop 15dp android layout_marginBottom 1dp android isIndicator true android numStars 5 android progressDrawable @drawable ratingbar_red android stepSize 1 Button android id @ id li_company_callbtn android..