android Programming Glossary: numcolumns
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + match_parent android layout_below @ id header android numColumns 4 GridView RelativeLayout include layout @layout filter here..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth.. 0dp android stretchMode columnWidth android numColumns 2 FrameLayout Make a custom ImageView that maintains its aspect..
Why are there extra pixels around my Android GridView? @ id abutton android layout_marginBottom 8dp android numColumns 5 android background #FF0000 Here's a screen shot of the problem...
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen setNumColumns a.getInt R.styleable.AspectGrid_numColumns mNumColumns setHorizontalSpacing a.getDimensionPixelSize R.styleable.AspectGrid_horizontalSpacing.. return mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException numColumns.. mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException numColumns must be at least..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? android layout_margin 10dp android tag GridView android numColumns 3 android horizontalSpacing 8dp android verticalSpacing 8dp..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? use a TableLayout but that would require me to implement numColumns auto_fit myself since I want e.g. just one long column on a.. there is a change to the layout or content data. @param numColumns @param itemCount public static void initItemLayout int numColumns.. @param itemCount public static void initItemLayout int numColumns int itemCount mNumColumns numColumns mMaxRowHeight new int itemCount..
Gridview height gets cut 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp.. 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_below @ id header android numColumns 4 GridView RelativeLayout include layout @layout filter here i included the filter.xml which is on top of find.xml layout..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images android android id @ id gridViewContacts android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml file which represents.. match_parent android verticalSpacing 0dp android horizontalSpacing 0dp android stretchMode columnWidth android numColumns 2 FrameLayout Make a custom ImageView that maintains its aspect ratio public class SquareImageView extends ImageView public..
Why are there extra pixels around my Android GridView? android layout_height wrap_content android layout_above @ id abutton android layout_marginBottom 8dp android numColumns 5 android background #FF0000 Here's a screen shot of the problem. The red area in my GridView. The purple areas are my ImageViews...
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.AspectGrid setNumColumns a.getInt R.styleable.AspectGrid_numColumns mNumColumns setHorizontalSpacing a.getDimensionPixelSize R.styleable.AspectGrid_horizontalSpacing mHorizontalSpacing setVerticalSpacing.. catch RuntimeException ex throw ex public int getNumColumns return mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException numColumns must be at least 1 if numColumns mNumColumns mNumColumns.. RuntimeException ex throw ex public int getNumColumns return mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException numColumns must be at least 1 if numColumns mNumColumns mNumColumns numColumns requestLayout..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? layout_weight 1 android background @android color black android layout_margin 10dp android tag GridView android numColumns 3 android horizontalSpacing 8dp android verticalSpacing 8dp CustomGlowListView The CustomGlowListView looks like this..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? id @ id gridview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? of clone and own is there a trick I'm missing here I could use a TableLayout but that would require me to implement numColumns auto_fit myself since I want e.g. just one long column on a phone screen and it also wouldn't be an AdapterView which this.. the max height for each row. This must be called whenever there is a change to the layout or content data. @param numColumns @param itemCount public static void initItemLayout int numColumns int itemCount mNumColumns numColumns mMaxRowHeight new.. is a change to the layout or content data. @param numColumns @param itemCount public static void initItemLayout int numColumns int itemCount mNumColumns numColumns mMaxRowHeight new int itemCount @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec..
Gridview height gets cut wrap_content android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout.. wrap_content android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need to ask it to expand mAppsGrid ExpandableHeightGridView..