android Programming Glossary: numread
Android: How to create video player? new FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead.. byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource.. buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource tempPath try stream.close catch..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream null try System.out.println Web Service.. new InputStreamReader stream while offset data.length numRead data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead.. data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine..
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? new FileReader filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf.. filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead.. buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char 1024 reader.close ..
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length.. int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead .. numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException byte bufsizeForDownload int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir.. FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile try numread buf catch IOException e Log.d Downloadingfile.. e Let's get out of here e.printStackTrace break if numread 0 bout.flush stopSelf Log.i Bad read from stream Bad read..
Streaming AAC audio with Android Download write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while.. to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close.. numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 16384 int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead.. 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead.. numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead..
Android: How to create video player? tempPath fileTemp.getAbsolutePath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource tempPath try stream.close catch.. FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource tempPath try stream.close catch Exception ex String sDummy.. FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource tempPath try stream.close catch Exception ex String sDummy ex.toString private void getPathFromParentDialog..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream null try System.out.println Web Service Called Successfully stream dh.getInputStream BufferedReader.. BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader stream while offset data.length numRead data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine.. new InputStreamReader stream while offset data.length numRead data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File..............................
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? new StringBuffer 1000 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new FileReader filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char.. 1000 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new FileReader filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char 1024 reader.close.. filePath char buf new char 1024 int numRead 0 while numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char 1024 reader.close return fileData.toString But it cast a null pointer exception.....
Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java new FileInputStream file Get the size of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW.. of the file long length file.length bytes new byte int length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString.. length int offset 0 int numRead 0 while offset bytes.length numRead bytes offset bytes.length offset 0 offset numRead ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.NEW bytes String data Base64.encodeToString bytes Base64.DEFAULT PDFFile pdf_file new PDFFile..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile byte buf new byte bufsizeForDownload int totalBytesRead 0 totalKbRead 0 numread 0 do if bout null counter downloadingMediaFile new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE counter downloadingMediaFile.deleteOnExit.. bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile try numread buf catch IOException e Log.d Downloadingfile Bad read. Let's quit. stop Log.i return2 return2 stopSelf.. return2 return2 stopSelf return catch NullPointerException e Let's get out of here e.printStackTrace break if numread 0 bout.flush stopSelf Log.i Bad read from stream Bad read from stream3 if stream null urlConn new URL mediaUrl .openConnection..
Streaming AAC audio with Android mediaFile byte buf new byte 16 1024 Log.i FileOutputStream Download write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved MediaPlayer.. byte buf new byte 16 1024 Log.i FileOutputStream Download write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer.. FileOutputStream Download write to file until complete do int numread buf if numread 0 break fos.write buf 0 numread while true fos.flush fos.close Log.i FileOutputStream Saved MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer create listener to tidy up after..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile byte buf new byte 16384 int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead.. byte buf new byte 16384 int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 testMediaBuffer.. 16384 int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead 1000 testMediaBuffer fireDataLoadUpdate while..