android Programming Glossary: merely
Android checkbox style is theme based and not style based because that is merely an empty definition and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo you..
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) data received from the HDP device. This sample application merely reads the raw byte from the incoming file descriptor. The data..
CharSequence VS String in Java? so you can just use Strings and not worry. Android is merely trying to be helpful by allowing you to also specify other CharSequence..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock you use an older version nor do I recommend that. It is merely informing you of the possibilities. share improve this answer..
How to make a ListView transparent in Android? transparent Updated with Jacky's response. I originally merely meant to add to his answer since he was using a plain hex color..
Android project won't build when editing a resource file I have an Android 1.5 project in Eclipse and whenever I merely have an xml resource file open the build dies with an error...
How to start android service on installation this there is no way to automatically start your service merely because it was installed. The application must first be invoked..
Emulator's camera built-in app buggy in Froyo / 2.2? videos obviously. Now running an app which worked merely flawless on 2.1 Emulator causes the camera app to crash. I fire..
Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast” an exception I am forced to connect with Eclipse debugger merely to see the exception details. To avoid that I've used setUncaughtExceptionHandler..
Writing to internal SD card on Android manufacturer. The Compatibility Definition Document CDD merely mandates that it be at least 2GB IIRC. It is not even required..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's onUp method. for int i g.getChildCount..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol of standard ones . Sockets on the other hand provide you merely a communication channel to bring bytes from one side to another..
android:inputType=“textEmailAddress” - '@' key and a '.com' key? There is no default really. android inputType is merely a hint for your IME. Now that IME could be the stock Android..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically imgur share improve this question The fix to this was merely to change the URL to api upload.xml share improve..
Why FPS is not same as original camera app result I can achieve is without saving video to disk. I merely measure the callback function onPreviewFrame triggered rate.. is already done being recorded. The preview callback is merely giving you a sample of the actual video capture not the entire..
Handling the missing MENU button in new versions of Android (3.x and up) to appear on tablets but as far as I can see this is merely pushing the problem into the future which I would prefer not..
Android SDK AsyncTask doInBackground not running (subclass) values if values 0 null activity function which merely creates a dialog showInputError else Log.v TAG adding values..
How to secure my app against piracy code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious code resign the app and publish..
Android checkbox style you're seeing is now easily explained since the appearance is theme based and not style based because that is merely an empty definition and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo you will always get the CheckBox appearance matching the theme...
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) byte b return 0x00 24 b 0xff Thread to read incoming data received from the HDP device. This sample application merely reads the raw byte from the incoming file descriptor. The data should be interpreted using a health manager which implements..
CharSequence VS String in Java? share improve this question Strings are CharSequences so you can just use Strings and not worry. Android is merely trying to be helpful by allowing you to also specify other CharSequence objects like StringBuffers. share improve this..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock
How to make a ListView transparent in Android?
Android project won't build when editing a resource file project won't build when editing a resource file I have an Android 1.5 project in Eclipse and whenever I merely have an xml resource file open the build dies with an error. E.g. if I have the res layout main.xml open as the active document..
How to start android service on installation this android share improve this question You cannot do this there is no way to automatically start your service merely because it was installed. The application must first be invoked by the user through some sort of activity. Or you are going..
Emulator's camera built-in app buggy in Froyo / 2.2? for taking pictures in 2.1 Eclair. What did not work was recording videos obviously. Now running an app which worked merely flawless on 2.1 Emulator causes the camera app to crash. I fire up an intent to launch it Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
Using global exception handling with “setUncaughtExceptionHandler” and “Toast” will help me debug the application. Right now when I have an exception I am forced to connect with Eclipse debugger merely to see the exception details. To avoid that I've used setUncaughtExceptionHandler to handle any unhandled exception and..
Writing to internal SD card on Android . The definition of where this points is up to the device manufacturer. The Compatibility Definition Document CDD merely mandates that it be at least 2GB IIRC. It is not even required for external storage to be removable. At this time there..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] MotionEvent.ACTION_UP action MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL retVal true onUp return retVal public void onUp Here I am merely copying the Gallery's onUp method. for int i g.getChildCount 1 i 0 i g.getChildAt i .setPressed false g.setPressed false..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol to request provide a service see the IETF website for a list of standard ones . Sockets on the other hand provide you merely a communication channel to bring bytes from one side to another and on top of which you are required to implement the protocol...
android:inputType=“textEmailAddress” - '@' key and a '.com' key? setting involved android keyboard share improve this question There is no default really. android inputType is merely a hint for your IME. Now that IME could be the stock Android 1.1 keyboard the Android 2.0 keyboard the HTC Sense keyboard..
Android, uploading a photo to host on imgur programatically
Why FPS is not same as original camera app Camera camera image processing code placed here. The maximum result I can achieve is without saving video to disk. I merely measure the callback function onPreviewFrame triggered rate 15 fps 320x240 800x600 I would like to have performance same.. on the actual video it is better done after the video is already done being recorded. The preview callback is merely giving you a sample of the actual video capture not the entire video capture since most 15fps videos will still look smooth..
Handling the missing MENU button in new versions of Android (3.x and up) go back to using TargetSDK 11 thereby forcing the ActionBar to appear on tablets but as far as I can see this is merely pushing the problem into the future which I would prefer not to do. Drop the Options Menu entirely and go over to only using..
Android SDK AsyncTask doInBackground not running (subclass) Pole. EDIT @Override protected void onProgressUpdate RSSItem... values if values 0 null activity function which merely creates a dialog showInputError else Log.v TAG adding values 0 .toString _tableManager.addRSSItem values 0 super.onProgressUpdate..
How to secure my app against piracy articles and online blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious code resign the app and publish it on the Android Market. The good news here is that unless..