android Programming Glossary: merged
Service not available while calling geoCoder.getFromLocation() bind to the GeocoderService . I think this change has not merged into JellyBean so this problem persists. It can be only solved..
Add markers dynamically on Google Maps v2 for Android Maps Utils as of this writing doesn't have clustering merged into the main branch but you can see clustering branch . If..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android scan for and apparently pair with just fine. The below is merged from a similar question which was successfully resolved by the..
How to get RelativeLayout working with merge and include? to be ignored when used in the include tag and all of the merged layouts are displayed on top of each other. According to this..
How do I use PackageManager.addPreferredActivity()? the code I used it to start with. Also thanks Shimon. I merged his answer into mine. I've got the code working on 1.6 and 2.1..
Simple example of <merge> and <include> usage in Android XML-layouts
Best way to have paid and free version of an Android app library project. At build time the library project gets merged with either of your releases which is what you want. The Android..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact contacts increments only once as these two contacts gets merged due to the aggregation of contacts Refer this for more details...
Android Service Listener for the wakelock screen The previous answer was to another question that got merged with this one I would look into ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL and..
How to get IP address of the device?
How can an Android Activity use a Knopflerfish OSGi Bundle installed on the device better Android Dalvik support in Knopflerfish have been merged so patching and recompiling KF should not be necessary anymore..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException wrote The pull request with the fix was merged into master and will be released with 3.2.1 share improve..
Is it possible to do real http requests with robolectric Berkel submitted a pull request to Robolectric that was merged into master on March 8th. You can now call Robolectric.getFakeHttpLayer..
Service not available while calling geoCoder.getFromLocation() a reconnect mechanism to load the NetworkLocator.apk and bind to the GeocoderService . I think this change has not merged into JellyBean so this problem persists. It can be only solved by reboot. The NetworkLocationService is loaded at boot ..
Add markers dynamically on Google Maps v2 for Android title Clusterkraf mainly focuses on animated clustering. Android Maps Utils as of this writing doesn't have clustering merged into the main branch but you can see clustering branch . If you want to code it yourself I can suggest these approaches..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android trying to connect to is the 00 06 66 03 0C 51 which I can scan for and apparently pair with just fine. The below is merged from a similar question which was successfully resolved by the selected answer here How can one connect to an rfcomm device..
How to get RelativeLayout working with merge and include? into two problems 1 The android layout_ attributes seem to be ignored when used in the include tag and all of the merged layouts are displayed on top of each other. According to this post http resources articles layout..
How do I use PackageManager.addPreferredActivity()? @afonseca I was dealing with the same problem. Thanks for the code I used it to start with. Also thanks Shimon. I merged his answer into mine. I've got the code working on 1.6 and 2.1 update 1 . It has been adjusted a little bit but the 2 main..
Simple example of <merge> and <include> usage in Android XML-layouts
Best way to have paid and free version of an Android app in your eclipse workbench both referencing aforementioned library project. At build time the library project gets merged with either of your releases which is what you want. The Android SDK example source code contains a project called TicTacToe..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact Here the _ID for raw contacts increments twice while _ID for contacts increments only once as these two contacts gets merged due to the aggregation of contacts Refer this for more details. The best approach to fetch the info in your case is by using..
Android Service Listener for the wakelock screen screen. See Is there a way to override the lock pattern screen The previous answer was to another question that got merged with this one I would look into ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL and also at this Android Developers blog post about receiver priority...
How to get IP address of the device?
How can an Android Activity use a Knopflerfish OSGi Bundle installed on the device an android application part 1.html The patches I submitted for better Android Dalvik support in Knopflerfish have been merged so patching and recompiling KF should not be necessary anymore http 2012 07 knopflerfish 33 released.html..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException
Is it possible to do real http requests with robolectric testing robolectric share improve this question Jan Berkel submitted a pull request to Robolectric that was merged into master on March 8th. You can now call Robolectric.getFakeHttpLayer .interceptHttpRequests false in the beginning of..