

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:02

android Programming Glossary: inputtype.type_null

how to block virtual keyboard while clicking on edittext in android?


boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event int inType MyEditor.getInputType backup the input type MyEditor.setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL disable soft input MyEditor.onTouchEvent event call native handler MyEditor.setInputType inType restore input type return..

How to Capture soft keyboard input in a View?


line in onCreateInputConnection outAttrs.inputType InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT with this one outAttrs.inputType InputType.TYPE_NULL Per the documentation for InputType.TYPE_NULL This should be interpreted to mean that the target input connection is not.. InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT with this one outAttrs.inputType InputType.TYPE_NULL Per the documentation for InputType.TYPE_NULL This should be interpreted to mean that the target input connection is not rich it can not process and show things like..

Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service


setContentView R.layout.messages myText EditText findViewById R.id.my_text myText.setSingleLine myText.setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL Display a simple test message for now. myText.setText RcvMessages here Any help using a background Service thread and handler..

Disable soft keyboard on NumberPicker


v.getWindowToken InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS EditText weightPicker.getChildAt 1 .setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL EditText repetitionPicker.getChildAt 1 .setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL EditText weightPicker.getChildAt 1 .setOnClickListener.. weightPicker.getChildAt 1 .setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL EditText repetitionPicker.getChildAt 1 .setInputType InputType.TYPE_NULL EditText weightPicker.getChildAt 1 .setOnClickListener disableKeyBoardListener EditText repetitionPicker.getChildAt 1 .setOnClickListener..