android Programming Glossary: inf
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? 09 29 20 08 27.954 DEBUG GFlash 6543 META INF 09 29 20 08 28.063 DEBUG GFlash 6543 assets 09 29 20 08 28.233..
Can I resign an .apk with a different certificate than what it came with? unzipped the .apk then rezipped it after removing the META INF folder and changed the file extension back into .apk. What I.. of your .apk to .zip 2 Open and remove the folder META INF 3 change the extension to .apk 4 Use the jarsinger and zipalign..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator The file lib mime.types The file or resources named META INF mime types The file or resources named META INF mime types.default.. named META INF mime types The file or resources named META INF mime types.default usually only found in the activation.jar..
Using serviceloader on android trying to use serviceloader but could never get the META INF services into my apk. So I am wondering if it is possible to.. I can't figure out how to get my services folder into META INF on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve.. inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded from the APK by ApkBuilder the..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack a known issue the smack.providers file usually in META INF folder in normal versions of smack can't be loaded in Android..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF.. INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace.. 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry protobuf 2.3.0.jar META INF..
How to get frequency from fft result? re im im find largest peak in power spectrum max_magnitude INF max_index 1 for i 0 to N 2 1 if magnitude i max_magnitude max_magnitude..
Android signing with ANT WARN PackageParser 58 java.lang.SecurityException META INF XXXXX.SF has invalid digest for assets www res droidhdpi favorite_off.png..
Android Proguard Duplicate Definition Can't read path projectname libs jmdns.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry jmdns.jar..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib com ... R.class .apklib . morseflash resorces.apklib META INF AndroidManifest.xml res layout values I'd like all this content..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException creates the package source . One of those folders is META INF no matter if its in the attached library or in the project's.. of Jersey is to provide custom default one looks up META INF services which is not present in android apk implementation.. other types you have to add providers located in META INF services folder of jersey client.jar or from Lucas' implementation..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuItem searchItem.. menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a very small inf style file which describes the platform word size c compiler.. I have to download JHC. What do I have to write in the inf file and how to use it Please note before I answer this question..
Using serviceloader on android to start with an application to gather statistics and information like munin does. I am trying to be able to load plugins.. folder into META INF on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder..
Error opening android camera for streaming video correct. protected Camera getFrontCamera Camera.CameraInfo inf new Camera.CameraInfo for int i 0 i Camera.getNumberOfCameras.. i 0 i Camera.getNumberOfCameras i Camera.getCameraInfo i inf if inf.facing Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT return.. Camera.getNumberOfCameras i Camera.getCameraInfo i inf if inf.facing Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT return
How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app? following output 09 29 20 08 27.843 DEBUG GFlash 6543 AndroidManifest.xml 09 29 20 08 27.954 DEBUG GFlash 6543 META INF 09 29 20 08 28.063 DEBUG GFlash 6543 assets 09 29 20 08 28.233 DEBUG GFlash 6543 classes.dex 09 29 20 08 28.383 DEBUG GFlash..
Can I resign an .apk with a different certificate than what it came with? Jorgesys' solution and where I messed up before was that I unzipped the .apk then rezipped it after removing the META INF folder and changed the file extension back into .apk. What I should have done is simply opened it with winzip and delete.. share improve this question try this 1 change the extension of your .apk to .zip 2 Open and remove the folder META INF 3 change the extension to .apk 4 Use the jarsinger and zipalign with your new keystore. hope it helps share improve this..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator instance. The file .mime.types in the user's home directory. The file lib mime.types The file or resources named META INF mime types The file or resources named META INF mime types.default usually only found in the activation.jar file If your.. directory. The file lib mime.types The file or resources named META INF mime types The file or resources named META INF mime types.default usually only found in the activation.jar file If your Mimetypes are all coming out as application octet..
Using serviceloader on android them all separately but be able to iterate over them. I was trying to use serviceloader but could never get the META INF services into my apk. So I am wondering if it is possible to use serviceloader on android Thanks EDIT I am asking about.. asking about java.util.ServiceLoader I think it should but I can't figure out how to get my services folder into META INF on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded.. services folder into META INF on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded from the APK by ApkBuilder the only comment in is we need to exclude some..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack In the end the problem was global to all asmack. It seems it's a known issue the smack.providers file usually in META INF folder in normal versions of smack can't be loaded in Android because its jar packaging. So all the providers must be initialized..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs libmessaging.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace.. libmessaging.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs protobuf 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't.. resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs protobuf 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry protobuf 2.3.0.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Printing classes to C Workspace Riptide1_1_ptr_74..
How to get frequency from fft result? i 0 to N 2 1 re fft 2 i im fft 2 i 1 magnitude i sqrt re re im im find largest peak in power spectrum max_magnitude INF max_index 1 for i 0 to N 2 1 if magnitude i max_magnitude max_magnitude magnitude i max_index i convert index of largest..
Android signing with ANT www css base.css in data app vmdl48898.tmp 11 07 11 06 20.060 WARN PackageParser 58 java.lang.SecurityException META INF XXXXX.SF has invalid digest for assets www res droidhdpi favorite_off.png in data app vmdl48898.tmp 11 07 11 06 20.060 WARN..
Android Proguard Duplicate Definition scala.xml 183 Can't write path bin projectname debug shrinked.jar Can't read path projectname libs jmdns.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry jmdns.jar javax jmdns JmDNS Delegate.class I've made sure that the jar..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib generates the following .jar . morseflash resources.jar com ... R.class .apklib . morseflash resorces.apklib META INF AndroidManifest.xml res layout values I'd like all this content in a single file and I'd like to be able to list it as a..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException class from sdklib.jar ignores different folders while it creates the package source . One of those folders is META INF no matter if its in the attached library or in the project's source folder. Workaround for version 1.8 and probably other.. for version 1.8 and probably other also but I didn't test it of Jersey is to provide custom default one looks up META INF services which is not present in android apk implementation for ServiceFinder ServiceIteratorProvider which has hard coded.. types supported by Jersey I needed only String . To support other types you have to add providers located in META INF services folder of jersey client.jar or from Lucas' implementation and check if they don't cause verification errors on..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead Editable s @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem mSearchView SearchView.. boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu MenuItem searchItem menu.findItem mSearchView SearchView searchItem.getActionView..
Running a Haskell program on the Android OS C with the android NDK which comes with a GCC port for ARM architectures. JHC can trivially do this with a very small inf style file which describes the platform word size c compiler etc I've done this with the Wii homebrew dev kit and it was.. a tutorial about how to do this For the first part I understand I have to download JHC. What do I have to write in the inf file and how to use it Please note before I answer this question I haven't used jhc for quite sometime since I originally..
Using serviceloader on android new to java and android development and to learn I am trying to start with an application to gather statistics and information like munin does. I am trying to be able to load plugins in my application. These plugins are already in the application.. I think it should but I can't figure out how to get my services folder into META INF on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded from the APK by ApkBuilder the..
Error opening android camera for streaming video method. when I replace it with all works correct. protected Camera getFrontCamera Camera.CameraInfo inf new Camera.CameraInfo for int i 0 i Camera.getNumberOfCameras i Camera.getCameraInfo i inf if inf.facing Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT.. Camera.CameraInfo inf new Camera.CameraInfo for int i 0 i Camera.getNumberOfCameras i Camera.getCameraInfo i inf if inf.facing Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT return i return null Upd2 yes explicit setting of format.. Camera.CameraInfo inf new Camera.CameraInfo for int i 0 i Camera.getNumberOfCameras i Camera.getCameraInfo i inf if inf.facing Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT return i return null Upd2 yes explicit setting of format and..