android Programming Glossary: imho
Validating and reading a Word file in Android ms word share improve this question Simplest way IMHO is to port Apache POI library to Android. It's possible and..
Is it a bad practice to use negative margins in Android? use negative margins on LinearLayout and RelativeLayout . IMHO last one in wins so I'd go with the latter Romain ly advice...
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar then you will need to roll your own menu replacement. IMHO most fullscreen apps did this already e.g. a game going with..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps which is possible by listening to some onTouch events but IMHO you can't make it look good enough especially on some slow devices...
Is there any way to Intercept incoming calls/sms to either block/unblock it?..Android Make sure your users understand this The best solution IMHO would be to have a separate build of android which supported..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service periodically asks the Service for the latest data. IMHO this option sucks but it's certainly possible. Callbacks. Per..
Update tabs from a tab's activity in a Android TabHost run faster take up less memory and be a better solution IMHO. That being said in the Tab A Activity call getParent to get..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites improve this question I can suggest you another approach IMHO more robust. Basically you need to brodcast a logout message..
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) a service Any good snippets of code tutorial for this ... IMHO yes. Then again I wrote that blog post. For an example see the..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this is several orders of magnitude nicer to work with share..
Get Mail Sent Notification in onActivityResult “Android”
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages the speed difference will not be significant to most users IMHO. If we have only one activity context it's simpler to find and..
Connecting to oracle in android question yes I'm one that'll tell u it is a bad idea. IMHO given that Android apps are intended to run on mobiles where..
NFC card emulation Android too secretive about it. Engineers in charge of the API are IMHO playing a smokescreen game. They claim about the lack of interest..
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? models sure. Actual literal code not worth worrying about IMHO. Doesn't the functionality of the DataStore above partially..
Android: How to declare global variables? easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers to developer applications..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver used on Android and I certainly would not recommend it. IMHO JDBC is designed for high bandwidth low latency highly reliable..
How do I call functions in fragment from another? but displayed via separate activities on smaller screens. IMHO activities should mediate all communications between fragments...
How to create a persistent AlarmManager
How to change the default Android browser's homepage within an app? you would want. I understand some app already do it and IMHO that's bad. Does not mean that your app should be doing the..
Validating and reading a Word file in Android should be able to make some changes to it and save it. android ms word share improve this question Simplest way IMHO is to port Apache POI library to Android. It's possible and there proof of that Porting POI you can embed Word editing feature..
Is it a bad practice to use negative margins in Android?
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps around. You have to move the PopupWindow somehow yourself which is possible by listening to some onTouch events but IMHO you can't make it look good enough especially on some slow devices. If you do it the simple way it jumps around from one..
Is there any way to Intercept incoming calls/sms to either block/unblock it?..Android an application to do this as the sideeffects could be severe. Make sure your users understand this The best solution IMHO would be to have a separate build of android which supported these child safety features I assume that is what you want..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service You have three major options as I see it Polling. The Activity periodically asks the Service for the latest data. IMHO this option sucks but it's certainly possible. Callbacks. Per jax's answer the Activity registers a callback object observer..
Update tabs from a tab's activity in a Android TabHost rather than individual activities this would be far simpler run faster take up less memory and be a better solution IMHO. That being said in the Tab A Activity call getParent to get at the TabActivity . Then you can use the methods pointed out..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites option that I'm completely overlooking android share improve this question I can suggest you another approach IMHO more robust. Basically you need to brodcast a logout message to all your Activities need to stay under a logged in status...
AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver instead of Service - is that bad ? (Timeout) are forever services are not If YES I should switch to a service Any good snippets of code tutorial for this ... IMHO yes. Then again I wrote that blog post. For an example see the WakefulIntentService project. share improve this answer..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML
Get Mail Sent Notification in onActivityResult “Android”
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages to start another activity For most modern Android devices the speed difference will not be significant to most users IMHO. If we have only one activity context it's simpler to find and solve problems with memory leaks Except that you still have..
Connecting to oracle in android Any ideas java android oracle jdbc share improve this question yes I'm one that'll tell u it is a bad idea. IMHO given that Android apps are intended to run on mobiles where connectivity might be an issue or be lost temporarily I claim..
NFC card emulation Android in Android. Google and manufacturers are being a little bit too secretive about it. Engineers in charge of the API are IMHO playing a smokescreen game. They claim about the lack of interest in card emulation and they difficulties developers could..
Logic code reuse between apps for Android and other platforms: To ContentProvider or not to ContentProvider? a common code base. Common design sure. Interchangeable data models sure. Actual literal code not worth worrying about IMHO. Doesn't the functionality of the DataStore above partially overlap with that of the ContentProvider in Android The APIs..
Android: How to declare global variables? generally points to extremely inflexible design which is not easily modified and leads to many problems down the road. IMHO the strong contract the Android API offers to developer applications is one of the most appealing and pleasing aspects of..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver Does JDBC not work with Android JDBC is infrequently used on Android and I certainly would not recommend it. IMHO JDBC is designed for high bandwidth low latency highly reliable network connections e.g. desktop to database server Web..
How do I call functions in fragment from another? of the time . They might be side by side on a large screen but displayed via separate activities on smaller screens. IMHO activities should mediate all communications between fragments. If you have two fragments that are too tightly coupled for..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager
How to change the default Android browser's homepage within an app? with some new release of Android which is probably not what you would want. I understand some app already do it and IMHO that's bad. Does not mean that your app should be doing the same and frustrate more potential users. share improve this..