

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:20

android Programming Glossary: img.setimagebitmap

NullPointerException at openFileOutput in Activity


ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewPlan img.setImageBitmap bitmap catch IOException e return false return true The problem..

What happens to an AsyncTask when the launching activity is stopped/destroyed while it is still running?


result ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap result @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Android image view from url


ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap bitmap private InputStream OpenHttpConnection String urlString..

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


50 bs img.setVisibility View.VISIBLE img.setImageBitmap newbitmap byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText..

How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android


ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.smallImage img.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray temp_image1 0 temp_image1.length..

How to download and save an image in Android


etUrl .getText .toString .trim img.setImageBitmap bmp save.setEnabled true break case R.id.btnDownloadBackground.. result if listener null listener.onImageDownloaded bmp img.setImageBitmap bmp save.setEnabled true Toast.makeText c download complete..

Opening a File from assets folder in android


icon.png Bitmap bit BitmapFactory.decodeStream bitmap img.setImageBitmap bit catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally if bitmap..

android html.fromhtml to load image from web


cable 01.jpg ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap bitmap However this isn ™t asynchronous. Normally we would create..

Runnable is posted successfully but not run


public void run System.out.println setting bitmap... img.setImageBitmap bmp System.out.println bitmap set. System.out.println Runnable..

Android: how to programmatically set width of ImageView inside TableRow


Set Imageview to show image in sdcard?


Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview


100 100 image2 Bitmap data.getExtras .get data img.setImageBitmap image2 String incident_ID IncidentFormActivity.incident_id..

How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter


catch Exception e Log.v Excep e img.setImageBitmap theImage if this.dialog.isShowing this.dialog.dismiss ..

ViewFlipper : Receiver not registered


LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT img.setImageBitmap bitmap System.out.println target target i img.setOnTouchListener..

Android : Converting color image to grayscale [duplicate]


i j s ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.image1 img.setImageBitmap myBitmap But when I run my application on Emulator it's force..

Android - Is it possible to declare an alpha mask directly within layer-list XML definition?


canvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null img.setImageBitmap result img.invalidate android android layout png mask alphablending..

NullPointerException at openFileOutput in Activity


Name Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is is.close ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewPlan img.setImageBitmap bitmap catch IOException e return false return true The problem is that I get NullPointerException on the line with openFileOutput..

What happens to an AsyncTask when the launching activity is stopped/destroyed while it is still running?


DownloadImage urls 0 protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap result @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main..

Android image view from url


T3L3KgcTj2I AAAAAAAABbQ Ki60e1LU9sE s1600 Sachin 2BTendulkar.png ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap bitmap private InputStream OpenHttpConnection String urlString throws IOException InputStream in null int response 1 URL..

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


bs new ByteArrayOutputStream newbitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 50 bs img.setVisibility View.VISIBLE img.setImageBitmap newbitmap byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put..

How to display content from sqlite using ViewFlipper in android


R.id.tTitle text.setText temp_name txtDesc.setText temp_desc ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.smallImage img.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray temp_image1 0 temp_image1.length txtName1 TextView findViewById R.id.tvName txtName1.setText..

How to download and save an image in Android


if etUrl.getText .toString .trim .length 0 bmp ImageDownloader.getBitmapFromURL etUrl .getText .toString .trim img.setImageBitmap bmp save.setEnabled true break case R.id.btnDownloadBackground check whether there is some Text entered if etUrl.getText.. values @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result if listener null listener.onImageDownloaded bmp img.setImageBitmap bmp save.setEnabled true Toast.makeText c download complete Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show super.onPostExecute result public static..

Opening a File from assets folder in android


perfectly InputStream bitmap null try bitmap getAssets .open icon.png Bitmap bit BitmapFactory.decodeStream bitmap img.setImageBitmap bit catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally if bitmap null bitmap.close If your image is very big then you should..

android html.fromhtml to load image from web


DownloadImage http www.streetcar.org mim cable images cable 01.jpg ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.img img.setImageBitmap bitmap However this isn ™t asynchronous. Normally we would create a thread to do some background work but a thread can ™t..

Runnable is posted successfully but not run


bitmap bmp.toString img img.toString if img.post new Runnable public void run System.out.println setting bitmap... img.setImageBitmap bmp System.out.println bitmap set. System.out.println Runnable won't run System.out.println runnable posted .start..

Android: how to programmatically set width of ImageView inside TableRow


Set Imageview to show image in sdcard?


Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview


img new ImageView this img.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams 100 100 image2 Bitmap data.getExtras .get data img.setImageBitmap image2 String incident_ID IncidentFormActivity.incident_id l2.addView img imagepath sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File..

How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter


theImage BitmapFactory.decodeStream imageStream while mNotesCursor.moveToNext catch Exception e Log.v Excep e img.setImageBitmap theImage if this.dialog.isShowing this.dialog.dismiss NotesDbAdapter.Class public class NotesDbAdapter public static..

ViewFlipper : Receiver not registered


img new ImageView this img.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT img.setImageBitmap bitmap System.out.println target target i img.setOnTouchListener this img.setId i l.addView img img null android viewflipper..

Android : Converting color image to grayscale [duplicate]


0 j imgHeight j int s myBitmap.getPixel i j 3 myBitmap.setPixel i j s ImageView img ImageView findViewById R.id.image1 img.setImageBitmap myBitmap But when I run my application on Emulator it's force close. Any idea I have solved my problem use the following..

Android - Is it possible to declare an alpha mask directly within layer-list XML definition?


new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN canvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null img.setImageBitmap result img.invalidate android android layout png mask alphablending share improve this question .png files can have..