

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:22

android Programming Glossary: imgviewdesc

Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight


@style TitleBarLogo android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc android src @drawable title_logo ImageView style @style TitleBarSeparator.. TitleBarSeparator android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc TextView style @style TitleBarText ImageButton style @style.. @style TitleBarAction android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc android onClick onClickAbout android src @drawable title_about..

Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight


id @ id title_container style @style TitleBar ImageView style @style TitleBarLogo android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc android src @drawable title_logo ImageView style @style TitleBarSeparator android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc.. android src @drawable title_logo ImageView style @style TitleBarSeparator android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc TextView style @style TitleBarText ImageButton style @style TitleBarAction android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc.. TextView style @style TitleBarText ImageButton style @style TitleBarAction android contentDescription @string imgViewDesc android onClick onClickAbout android src @drawable title_about LinearLayout RelativeLayout android layout_width fill_parent..