

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:21

android Programming Glossary: imggetter

Html.ImageGetter TextView


.getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById R.id.scrollView1 textView.setText Html.fromHtml mPost imgGetter null private ImageGetter imgGetter new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable.. TextView findViewById R.id.scrollView1 textView.setText Html.fromHtml mPost imgGetter null private ImageGetter imgGetter new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromPath source try..

How to show an image in the email body?


new String abc@gmail.com i.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Html.fromHtml Hi img src 'http url to the image.jpg' imgGetter null i.setType image png startActivity Intent.createChooser i Email private ImageGetter imgGetter new ImageGetter public.. to the image.jpg' imgGetter null i.setType image png startActivity Intent.createChooser i Email private ImageGetter imgGetter new ImageGetter public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawable null try drawable getResources .getDrawable.. t null t TextView findViewById R.id.textviewdemo t.setText Html.fromHtml Hi img src 'http url to the image.jpg' imgGetter null UPDATE 2 I had used bold tag and anchor tag as i shown below these tag are working fine but when i used img tag i can..