

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:20

android Programming Glossary: img

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


i show image in row imageview. if getItem position null img.setvisibilty View.Visible else System.out.println imagenull.. public static String category state miles public ImageView img private Context context private int current 1 ArrayList Constant.. position .id textView1.setText getItem position .caption img ImageView rowView.findViewById R.id.img img.setVisibility View.GONE..

Caching images and displaying


TAG_UTCOST utcost private static final String TAG_IIMG iimg JSONArray posts null @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString TAG_UTCOST String iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown.. to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


then be used the same as ImageView. Example TouchImageView img TouchImageView findViewById R.id.img If you are using TouchImageView.. TouchImageView img TouchImageView findViewById R.id.img If you are using TouchImageView in xml then you must provide.. Example com.example.touch.TouchImageView android id @ id img android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


int defaultColor private String text private Bitmap img null public RouteOverlay GeoPoint gp1 GeoPoint gp2 int mode.. t this.text t public void setBitmap Bitmap bitmap this.img bitmap public int getMode return mode @Override public boolean..

Android and MJPEG


sample public cam String URL http gamic.dnsalias.net 7001 img video.mjpeg requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow..

How to play a video in a webview with android?


tag video id myvideo controls width 120 height 60 poster img img01.jpg src video 01.mp4 video and then I found that I didn't.. video id myvideo controls width 120 height 60 poster img img01.jpg src video 01.mp4 video and then I found that I didn't..

How to add an image in email body


an image in the email body. How to do this I'm using this. img src data image png base64 convertFileTOByteEncrypt or img src.. img src data image png base64 convertFileTOByteEncrypt or img src http images.anandtech.com doci 3982 HTCSurround 0134.jpg..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


class Zoom extends View private Drawable image ImageButton img img1 private int zoomControler 20 public Zoom Context context.. Zoom extends View private Drawable image ImageButton img img1 private int zoomControler 20 public Zoom Context context super..

android encryption/decryption with AES


AES Is there a good example of how to encrypt decrypt img and other files with AES on Android I'm working on a project..

Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask


program to demonstrate how things work String html Hello img src 'http www.gravatar.com avatar f9dd8b16d54f483f22c0b7a7e3d840f9.. s 32 d identicon r PG' This is a test img src 'http www.gravatar.com avatar a9317e7f0a78bb10a980cadd9dd035c9..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


html String html DOCTYPE html html body bgcolor #7f7f7f img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace 10 br loop.. Base64.encodeToString byteArray Base64.DEFAULT html img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace 10 br html..

how to store image in sqlite database


i 0 Database database new Database this String i1 String img @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. R.id.targetimage Bundle b getIntent .getExtras if b null img b.getString image targetImage2.setImageURI image i am getting.. @Override public void onClick View v String img IMAGE.elementAt position Log.i image... img Context ctx v.getContext..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


imageview in list_row.xml.when i click the list row item then i show image in row imageview. if getItem position null img.setvisibilty View.Visible else System.out.println imagenull iam using this but image display in last row only.please help.. class DistanceArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Constant public static String category state miles public ImageView img private Context context private int current 1 ArrayList Constant dataObject public DistanceArrayAdapter Context context.. rowView.findViewById R.id.text2 textView.setText getItem position .id textView1.setText getItem position .caption img ImageView rowView.findViewById R.id.img img.setVisibility View.GONE if position 2 1 rowView.setBackgroundResource R.color.even_list..

Caching images and displaying


final String TAG_MDNAME mdname private static final String TAG_UTCOST utcost private static final String TAG_IIMG iimg JSONArray posts null @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate.. Storing each json item in variable String mdname c.getString TAG_MDNAME String utcost c.getString TAG_UTCOST String iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String.. iimg c.getString TAG_IIMG Forming the Url of the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewUrl Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


USAGE Place TouchImageView.java in your project. It can then be used the same as ImageView. Example TouchImageView img TouchImageView findViewById R.id.img If you are using TouchImageView in xml then you must provide the full package name.. your project. It can then be used the same as ImageView. Example TouchImageView img TouchImageView findViewById R.id.img If you are using TouchImageView in xml then you must provide the full package name because it is a custom view. Example.. provide the full package name because it is a custom view. Example com.example.touch.TouchImageView android id @ id img android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent Note I've removed my prior answer which included some..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


GeoPoint gp2 private int mRadius 6 private int mode 0 private int defaultColor private String text private Bitmap img null public RouteOverlay GeoPoint gp1 GeoPoint gp2 int mode GeoPoint is a int. 6E this.gp1 gp1 this.gp2 gp2 this.mode mode.. mode this.defaultColor defaultColor public void setText String t this.text t public void setBitmap Bitmap bitmap this.img bitmap public int getMode return mode @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when..

Android and MJPEG


public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle sample public cam String URL http gamic.dnsalias.net 7001 img video.mjpeg requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN..

How to play a video in a webview with android?


I loaded a local html in sdcard and in this html I used tag video id myvideo controls width 120 height 60 poster img img01.jpg src video 01.mp4 video and then I found that I didn't loaded this html when I disabled the tag the html was working.. I loaded a local html in sdcard and in this html I used tag video id myvideo controls width 120 height 60 poster img img01.jpg src video 01.mp4 video and then I found that I didn't loaded this html when I disabled the tag the html was working..

How to add an image in email body


body. I don't want to attach an image to the email but add an image in the email body. How to do this I'm using this. img src data image png base64 convertFileTOByteEncrypt or img src http images.anandtech.com doci 3982 HTCSurround 0134.jpg Then.. an image in the email body. How to do this I'm using this. img src data image png base64 convertFileTOByteEncrypt or img src http images.anandtech.com doci 3982 HTCSurround 0134.jpg Then image is displayed like this. android image email email..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


import android.widget.ImageButton public class Zoom extends View private Drawable image ImageButton img img1 private int zoomControler 20 public Zoom Context context super context image context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.j.. import android.widget.ImageButton public class Zoom extends View private Drawable image ImageButton img img1 private int zoomControler 20 public Zoom Context context super context image context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.j..

android encryption/decryption with AES


encryption decryption with AES Is there a good example of how to encrypt decrypt img and other files with AES on Android I'm working on a project which needs to encrypt decrypt data but I'm not really sure..

Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask


response.getEntity .getContent Finally below is the sample program to demonstrate how things work String html Hello img src 'http www.gravatar.com avatar f9dd8b16d54f483f22c0b7a7e3d840f9 s 32 d identicon r PG' This is a test img src 'http www.gravatar.com.. Hello img src 'http www.gravatar.com avatar f9dd8b16d54f483f22c0b7a7e3d840f9 s 32 d identicon r PG' This is a test img src 'http www.gravatar.com avatar a9317e7f0a78bb10a980cadd9dd035c9 s 32 d identicon r PG' this.textView TextView this.findViewById..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


Base64.DEFAULT create the html add the first image to the html String html DOCTYPE html html body bgcolor #7f7f7f img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace 10 br loop through the rest of the pages and repeat the above for int.. stream stream.close byteArray stream.toByteArray base64 Base64.encodeToString byteArray Base64.DEFAULT html img src data image png base64 base64 hspace 10 vspace 10 br html body html load the html in the webview wv.loadDataWithBaseURL..

how to store image in sqlite database


Activity Button buttonLoadImage ImageView targetImage int i 0 Database database new Database this String i1 String img @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main5.. R.id.loadimage targetImage ImageView findViewById R.id.targetimage Bundle b getIntent .getExtras if b null img b.getString image targetImage2.setImageURI image i am getting error as i cant assign string to imageview. buttonLoadImage.setOnClickListener.. R.id.fwd mVHolder.imv.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v String img IMAGE.elementAt position Log.i image... img Context ctx v.getContext Intent myIntent new Intent ctx v.getContext myIntent.setClass..