android Programming Glossary: hz
Android MediaPlayer error (1, -2147483648) 2011 12 03 04 43 46 Stream #0.1 eng Audio aac 48000 Hz stereo s16 159 kb s Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43.. 2011 12 03 04 43 46 Stream #0.1 eng Audio aac 44100 Hz stereo s16 151 kb s Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43..
AudioRecord object not initializing try Log.d C.TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat channel channelConfig int bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize..
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time private int samplingRate 44100 in Hz private int channelConfig AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO.. initialization for example to use sampling rate 8000Hz and sample format 8 bits instead of 16 it doesn't throw the..
JTransforms FFT in Android from PCM data of your sinusoid Frequency Fs i N where Fs sample rate Hz i index of peak N number of points in FFT 1024 in this case..
How to get frequency from fft result? on the bottom string 5th fret of my guitar at roughly 440Hz . java android fft pcm share improve this question The.. of the peak as follows freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you.. frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you are using N size of FFT e.g. 1024 in your case..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling try Log.d LOG_TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat int bufrSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize..
Android MediaPlayer error (1, -2147483648) kb s 23.97 fps 90k tbr 90k tbn 180k tbc Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43 46 Stream #0.1 eng Audio aac 48000 Hz stereo s16 159 kb s Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43 46 Video 2 Input #0 mov mp4 m4a 3gp 3g2 mj2 from '500416ea44aeb4b95d5ae8a0_hd.mp4'.. kb s 23.99 fps 90k tbr 180k tbn 180k tbc Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43 46 Stream #0.1 eng Audio aac 44100 Hz stereo s16 151 kb s Metadata creation_time 2011 12 03 04 43 46 I am aware that AAC support came with Honeycomb and therefore..
AudioRecord object not initializing new short AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO try Log.d C.TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat channel channelConfig int bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize rate channelConfig audioFormat if..
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time Here is the code variables private int audioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC private int samplingRate 44100 in Hz private int channelConfig AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO private int audioFormat AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT.. on a uninitialized AudioTrack . However if I change the AudioTrack initialization for example to use sampling rate 8000Hz and sample format 8 bits instead of 16 it doesn't throw the exception anymore and the application runs although it produces..
JTransforms FFT in Android from PCM data
How to get frequency from fft result? return a frequency The sound recorded was me playing an 'A' on the bottom string 5th fret of my guitar at roughly 440Hz . java android fft pcm share improve this question The complex data is interleaved with real components at even indices.. frequency of any given peak you can convert the index of the peak as follows freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you are using N size of FFT e.g. 1024 in your case Note if you.. the index of the peak as follows freq i Fs N where freq frequency in Hz i index of peak Fs sample rate e.g. 44100 Hz or whatever you are using N size of FFT e.g. 1024 in your case Note if you have not previously applied a suitable window..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC try Log.d LOG_TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat int bufrSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize this.recordingSampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO audioFormat..