android Programming Glossary: grouping
Android listview groups ListActivity. I need to show search results in listview grouping several items. So how do I add grouping to my listview android.. in listview grouping several items. So how do I add grouping to my listview android listview share improve this question.. give your ListView a ListAdapter that knows how to do the grouping. This could be a matter of overriding getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? return df.format bd It however also produces a so called grouping seperator that makes all my values come out like this xxx xxx.. locale or using the DecimalFormatSymbols . If you want the grouping separator to be a point you can use an european locale NumberFormat.. method. These symbols include the decimal separator the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols..
Add new item count to icon on button - Android the appropriate buttons tabs. I would probably do this by grouping each button with its badge in a RelativeLayout container like..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker cell you can group them. If you need slightly more clever grouping you might also check the neighbouring cells. Maybe it sounds..
Android listview groups I have Activity for displaying search results. It extends ListActivity. I need to show search results in listview grouping several items. So how do I add grouping to my listview android listview share improve this question You give your ListView.. results. It extends ListActivity. I need to show search results in listview grouping several items. So how do I add grouping to my listview android listview share improve this question You give your ListView a ListAdapter that knows how to.. android listview share improve this question You give your ListView a ListAdapter that knows how to do the grouping. This could be a matter of overriding getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType in the adapter to describe which positions get..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? 1 df.setMaximumIntegerDigits 3 df.setGroupingSize 20 return df.format bd It however also produces a so called grouping seperator that makes all my values come out like this xxx xxx I do however need the separator to be a dot or a point and.. question You can change the separator either by setting a locale or using the DecimalFormatSymbols . If you want the grouping separator to be a point you can use an european locale NumberFormat nf NumberFormat.getNumberInstance Locale.GERMAN DecimalFormat.. that appear in the formatted numbers produced by the format method. These symbols include the decimal separator the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols new DecimalFormatSymbols currentLocale..
Add new item count to icon on button - Android these TextView badges can be placed in your layout on top of the appropriate buttons tabs. I would probably do this by grouping each button with its badge in a RelativeLayout container like so RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker then count that several markers fall into the same bin grid cell you can group them. If you need slightly more clever grouping you might also check the neighbouring cells. Maybe it sounds a bit primitive but No n^2 algorithms No assumption about ordering..