android Programming Glossary: ground
EditText causing memory leak Yes i know it causes the Activity to be recreated from the ground up and this is what I want because i have different layouts..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation device is placed flat on a surface that is parallel to the ground. The most ideal position for my app to work would be with the.. pointing straight up ie the device is perpendicular to the ground with the screen facing the user . Whenever I orient my device.. mHandler DecimalFormat d new DecimalFormat #.## ADI background image. private ImageView adiBackground ADI axes. private ImageView..
Android Application ApK it it works fine but if I press home key app goes to background and when I bring it to foreground again it starts from the beginning.. home key app goes to background and when I bring it to foreground again it starts from the beginning not from the current screen.. specific screen and press home button and send App to back ground and then bring it to fore ground it show the specific activity..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] http 2009 05 opengl es from ground up table of.html As for libraries which a beginner might use..
Draw in Canvas by finger android new MyView this mv.setDrawingCacheEnabled true mv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.afor set the back ground if you wish to setContentView.. true mv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.afor set the back ground if you wish to setContentView mv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias..
Service call backs to activity in android call backs to activity in android HI I have a back ground service running.I have a client which interacts with service...
How to change string resource xml values in Android programatically? to edit String.xml directly. However there is a middle ground look into using SharedPreferences . Those are great when you..
Android: I want to shake it a strong shake when the application starts and hits the ground from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation..
How to change android indeterminate ProgressBar color? the default theme that is to be used on white light back ground use one of the inverse styles ProgressBar style @android style..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver a fax and save as a picture. So far I'm starting from the ground up and making sure I can intercept a call at the users discretion...
Is it possible to measure distance to object with camera? of the iPhone to estimate the distance to a point on the ground. Hold the iPhone in front of you align the point in the camera.. point the camera to the point where object touches the ground. Then the phone measures the inclination and with simple trigonometry..
Android games development SDK? [closed] game engine for Android. Rokon has been rewritten from the ground up. Many more features are integrated and the future promises..
Android:sound pool and service which implement the media player class to play the back ground music.But now i want to convert into sound pool so that multiple.. question Just i have implemented the service with background sound i have check the code from http android
How to change color and font on ListView I am trying to change my font color and size and the back ground on my ListView. I want to change it with code lines not on xml... Color.WHITE text.setText items.get position text.setBackgroundColor Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor.. Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor color return mView The list item looks like this custom_list.xml..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? WGS84 reference ellipsoid. It is not the altitude above ground level or sea level. Here is more detail on that http
EditText causing memory leak WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 32ms Clearly a memory leak. Yes i know it causes the Activity to be recreated from the ground up and this is what I want because i have different layouts for landscape and portrait modes. Nontheless it shouldn't cause..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation gyro drift . Unfortunately the code only works when my device is placed flat on a surface that is parallel to the ground. The most ideal position for my app to work would be with the top of the device pointing straight up ie the device is perpendicular.. for my app to work would be with the top of the device pointing straight up ie the device is perpendicular to the ground with the screen facing the user . Whenever I orient my device in this position the pitch values go to 90 degrees as expected.. are only for displaying the sensor output. public Handler mHandler DecimalFormat d new DecimalFormat #.## ADI background image. private ImageView adiBackground ADI axes. private ImageView adiAxes ADI frame. private ImageView adiFrame Layout...
Android Application ApK it with signature and when I install it first time on device it it works fine but if I press home key app goes to background and when I bring it to foreground again it starts from the beginning not from the current screen but if i press back button.. it first time on device it it works fine but if I press home key app goes to background and when I bring it to foreground again it starts from the beginning not from the current screen but if i press back button end application and starts again.. then its behavior is perfect as I defined means if I m on a specific screen and press home button and send App to back ground and then bring it to fore ground it show the specific activity from where I send it to back ground. Does any one have this..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] smaurice AppleCoder iPhone_OpenGL Archive.html http 2009 05 opengl es from ground up table of.html As for libraries which a beginner might use to get a simpler hands on experience with OpenGL ES I have..
Draw in Canvas by finger android savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mv new MyView this mv.setDrawingCacheEnabled true mv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.afor set the back ground if you wish to setContentView mv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither.. mv new MyView this mv.setDrawingCacheEnabled true mv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.afor set the back ground if you wish to setContentView mv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000..
Service call backs to activity in android call backs to activity in android HI I have a back ground service running.I have a client which interacts with service. When the client requests for some operation the service performs..
How to change string resource xml values in Android programatically? share improve this question You aren't going to be able to edit String.xml directly. However there is a middle ground look into using SharedPreferences . Those are great when you just have a couple values to store and don't feel like dealing..
Android: I want to shake it the acceleration to earth gravity. Otherwise you would get a strong shake when the application starts and hits the ground from free fall. However the code gets used to the gravitation due to the low cut filter and would work also on other planets..
How to change android indeterminate ProgressBar color? share improve this question To get a ProgressBar in the default theme that is to be used on white light back ground use one of the inverse styles ProgressBar style @android style Widget.ProgressBar.Inverse ProgressBar style @android style..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver as a fax machine IE Send a picture as a fax or receive a fax and save as a picture. So far I'm starting from the ground up and making sure I can intercept a call at the users discretion. I have an Receiver registered in the Manifest of my program..
Is it possible to measure distance to object with camera? read how measures the distance Uses the angle of the iPhone to estimate the distance to a point on the ground. Hold the iPhone in front of you align the point in the camera and get a direct reading of the distance. The distance can.. the height of where you hold the phone eye level then you must point the camera to the point where object touches the ground. Then the phone measures the inclination and with simple trigonometry it calculates distance. This is of course not very..
Android games development SDK? [closed] Rokon is an open source extensive powerful and flexible 2D game engine for Android. Rokon has been rewritten from the ground up. Many more features are integrated and the future promises a lot of things. Examples tutorials and documentation will..
Android:sound pool and service sound pool and service I have create the service which implement the media player class to play the back ground music.But now i want to convert into sound pool so that multiple sound can be played. can help any on which can provide.. in Advance. android android service share improve this question Just i have implemented the service with background sound i have check the code from http android 2010 11 play audio resources using soundpool.html and http..
How to change color and font on ListView to change color and font on ListView I am trying to change my font color and size and the back ground on my ListView. I want to change it with code lines not on xml. my list view looks like the xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. if items.get position null text.setTextColor Color.WHITE text.setText items.get position text.setBackgroundColor Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor color return mView The list item looks like.. text.setText items.get position text.setBackgroundColor Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor color return mView The list item looks like this custom_list.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? a smartphone tablet GPS The altitude is the altitude above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid. It is not the altitude above ground level or sea level. Here is more detail on that http forumsen topic.asp TOPIC_ID 10915 . This error can..