android Programming Glossary: gridview
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + color primary_text_dark RelativeLayout RelativeLayout GridView android id @ id users_grid android layout_width match_parent.. android layout_below @ id header android numColumns 4 GridView RelativeLayout include layout @layout filter here i included..
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? possible to create pinterest like layout on Android using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure.. using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure if it is good solution. I do not want create..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works was great because I had no idea about how ListView and GridView optimized itself with recycling Views. So with his advice I.. his advice I was able to change how I added Views to my GridView. Problem is now I have something that does not make sense. This.. I am still trying to get the hang of using ListView and GridView so I do not understand why this is happening. One of the main..
Grid of images inside ScrollView my question ScrollView LinearLayout ImageView TextView GridView TextView LinearLayout ScrollView What is the best way to make.. note that disabling the scroll functionality for the GridView does not work as this just disables the scrollbars but does.. shows what it looks like with scrollbars disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? view which performs overscroll for ListViews and for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view.. for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view works for both CustomGlowListView android id @ id searches.. color black android layout_margin 10dp android tag GridView android numColumns 3 android horizontalSpacing 8dp android..
Gridview height gets cut wrap_ content and fill_parent apparently not. My grid view GridView android id @ id myId android layout_width fill_parent android.. excellent answer of Neil Traft . Adapting his work for the GridView has been dead easy. package com.example.. work for the GridView has been dead easy. package com.example public class ExpandableHeightGridView..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly on how to tackle this android android layout android gridview android gridlayout share improve this question There are..
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? heterogeneous gridview like pinterest Is it possible to create pinterest like layout.. that this solution is not good Pinterest style listview or gridview in android Any ideas java android design pinterest share..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works it ScrapView mechanism. android android listview android gridview share improve this question Initially I was also unaware..
Lazy download images into gridView .getThumbnailUrl holder.imgPhoto return vi android json gridview lazy loading share improve this question This is how I fetch..
Grid of images inside ScrollView disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen way around for landscape. First implementation was using a gridview. Problem is the height cannot be forced to fit in the screen... its near impossible to calculate the room available to the gridview Total screensize is known ofcourse but you have to 'guess' the.. right distance the right has too much top bottom android gridview android layout tablelayout share improve this question I..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device?
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? in place Is there a way to disable scrolling android gridview share improve this question Try to add or override setOnTouchListener.. then in onTouch method you can use code like this to make gridview not scrolling gridview.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener.. you can use code like this to make gridview not scrolling gridview.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview I'm attempting to create a gridview that is loaded with images.. on the SDCard using a gridview I'm attempting to create a gridview that is loaded with images from a specific folder that resides.. the proper method to do what I'm trying to do. android gridview uri android sdcard bitmapfactory share improve this question..
Horizontal scrolling grid view How can I implement them in a grid like structure android gridview scrolling share improve this question You can use a TableLayout..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application done in a GridView android arrays button dynamic android gridview share improve this question In the following code you should..
Gridview height gets cut height gets cut I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview. Sadly the gridview height is always too little so that it only.. I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview. Sadly the gridview height is always too little so that it only shows the first.. to a lack of vertical space. What can I do android gridview share improve this question After too much research I stumbled..
android gridview crashes on Galaxy 3 think I have a real question for a change. I implemented a gridView in Android following step by step the instructions in the Android..
Android gridview keep item selected class StackOverFlowActivity extends Activity GridView gridView MyCustomAdapter myAdapter ArrayList GridObject myObjects static.. for String s numbers myObjects.add new GridObject s 0 gridView GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter.. new GridObject s 0 gridView GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter this gridView.setAdapter myAdapter..
How to put GridView inside ScrollView sure you set it to expand. So ExpandableHeightGridView gridView ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter.. gridView ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter yourAdapter gridView.setExpanded true The reason.. findViewById gridView.setAdapter yourAdapter gridView.setExpanded true The reason you want this expandable GridView..
Lazy download images into gridView download images into gridView In my application I need to download a lot of pictures from.. download a lot of pictures from urls and display them in a gridView. It can be between 1 200 pictures . I don't want to download.. in a different thread and only if the user scroll down the gridView I will continue to the other parts of the Json and so on Edit..
java.lang.illegalstateexception could not find a method (view) in the activity class android fragment AnimationDrawable frameAnimation ImageAdapter ia GridView gridView int in public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup.. void onStart super.onStart ia new ImageAdapter getActivity gridView GridView getActivity .findViewById gridView.setAdapter.. gridView GridView getActivity .findViewById gridView.setAdapter ia new Starter gridView.setOnItemClickListener..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images http apk res android android id @ id gridViewContacts android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter new.. GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter new MyAdapter this And enjoy the results share..
Making the gridView center in Android the gridView center in Android xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout.. I have been breaking my head on how to make the gridView center horizonal and vertical. I have also attached my screen..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down setContentView R.layout.activity_main final GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled.. final GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled true gridView.setOnItemClickListener this.. findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled true gridView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter..
gridView with different cells sizes, pinterest style with different cells sizes pinterest style Background GridView..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons question Your best bet in my opinion would be to use the gridView that way it supports scrolling and spacing and you can be very..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images with two columns and auto resized images I'm trying to make..
Gridview Tutorial problems Tutorial problems I'm trying to get into android development..
Making image full screen on android tutorial app full screen on android tutorial app Using the Hello World Gridview tutorial example I am attempting to make the image fullscreen..
Horizontal scrolling in android gridview view in its getView method. My java file is public class Gridview extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. parent View v int position long id Toast.makeText Gridview.this position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public class GridAdapter..
Android: How to get Scroll-Position from Gridview How to get Scroll Position from Gridview I am trying to build my own gridview functions extending on..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android I have a requirement in that I want to implement..
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? number of columns I would like to understand better how Gridview works in particular auto_fit . Here is the XML layout xml version..
Gridview height gets cut height gets cut I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview...
Need to create Footer for Gridview in Android to create Footer for Gridview in Android See below layout. I am unable to put footer button.. below a GridView . Any help will be appreciate. When Gridview fill in the screen Button is not displayed. xml version 1.0..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + text 30km android textSize 12sp android textColor @android color primary_text_dark RelativeLayout RelativeLayout GridView android id @ id users_grid android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_below @ id.. layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_below @ id header android numColumns 4 GridView RelativeLayout include layout @layout filter here i included the filter.xml which is on top of find.xml layout and is initially..
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? heterogeneous gridview like pinterest Is it possible to create pinterest like layout on Android using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure if it is good solution. I do not want create three LinearLayouts.. Is it possible to create pinterest like layout on Android using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure if it is good solution. I do not want create three LinearLayouts I think that this solution is not good..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works and naturally I asked for help on here . Luksprog's answer was great because I had no idea about how ListView and GridView optimized itself with recycling Views. So with his advice I was able to change how I added Views to my GridView. Problem.. and GridView optimized itself with recycling Views. So with his advice I was able to change how I added Views to my GridView. Problem is now I have something that does not make sense. This is my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int.. position 6 and position 8 plus it puts two in position 8. Now I am still trying to get the hang of using ListView and GridView so I do not understand why this is happening. One of the main reasons I am making this question is to help others who probably..
Grid of images inside ScrollView by the surrounding ScrollView. An image will best illustrate my question ScrollView LinearLayout ImageView TextView GridView TextView LinearLayout ScrollView What is the best way to make show a grid of a varying number of images where the grid does.. images where the grid does not have scroll functionality Please note that disabling the scroll functionality for the GridView does not work as this just disables the scrollbars but does not show all items. Update The image below shows what it looks.. but does not show all items. Update The image below shows what it looks like with scrollbars disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? Graeme's Amazing Custom List View v2 I've created a custom view which performs overscroll for ListViews and for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view works for both CustomGlowListView android id @ id searches.. a custom view which performs overscroll for ListViews and for GridViews XML example is for slightly more involved GridView but view works for both CustomGlowListView android id @ id searches android layout_width match_parent android layout_height.. android layout_weight 1 android background @android color black android layout_margin 10dp android tag GridView android numColumns 3 android horizontalSpacing 8dp android verticalSpacing 8dp CustomGlowListView The CustomGlowListView..
Gridview height gets cut second. Setting android layout_height 300dp makes it work. wrap_ content and fill_parent apparently not. My grid view GridView android id @ id myId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android.. this question After too much research I stumbled on the excellent answer of Neil Traft . Adapting his work for the GridView has been dead easy. package com.example public class ExpandableHeightGridView extends GridView.. on the excellent answer of Neil Traft . Adapting his work for the GridView has been dead easy. package com.example public class ExpandableHeightGridView extends GridView boolean expanded false public ExpandableHeightGridView..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly stretches all the way to give enough space for Cell 0. Thoughts on how to tackle this android android layout android gridview android gridlayout share improve this question There are limitations when using the GridLayout the following quote is..
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? heterogeneous gridview like pinterest Is it possible to create pinterest like layout on Android using GridView I want to create image gallery.. solution. I do not want create three LinearLayouts I think that this solution is not good Pinterest style listview or gridview in android Any ideas java android design pinterest share improve this question Create layout like as follow ScrollView.....
How ListView's recycling mechanism works and GridView's recycling View or the way this article puts it ScrapView mechanism. android android listview android gridview share improve this question Initially I was also unaware of listview recycling and the convertview usage mechanism but..
Lazy download images into gridView .isEmpty imageLoader.DisplayImage arrayUrls.get position .getThumbnailUrl holder.imgPhoto return vi android json gridview lazy loading share improve this question This is how I fetch multiple photos in my activity. You can use parts of it..
Grid of images inside ScrollView Update The image below shows what it looks like with scrollbars disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives me nuts..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen and 4 vertically for portrait mode and the other way around for landscape. First implementation was using a gridview. Problem is the height cannot be forced to fit in the screen. For a workaround I can try to scale the images ofcourse but.. For a workaround I can try to scale the images ofcourse but its near impossible to calculate the room available to the gridview Total screensize is known ofcourse but you have to 'guess' the size of the notification bar and that doesn't seem to be.. the Images. Example The left screen shot shows too much left right distance the right has too much top bottom android gridview android layout tablelayout share improve this question I figured this shouldn't be too hard using a custom view which..
How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device?
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? some screenshots of the problem. How could I lock the GridView in place Is there a way to disable scrolling android gridview share improve this question Try to add or override setOnTouchListener for GridView then in onTouch method you can use.. Try to add or override setOnTouchListener for GridView then in onTouch method you can use code like this to make gridview not scrolling gridview.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event.. setOnTouchListener for GridView then in onTouch method you can use code like this to make gridview not scrolling gridview.setOnTouchListener new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview I'm attempting to create a gridview that is loaded with images from a specific folder that resides on an SDCard. The path.. images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview I'm attempting to create a gridview that is loaded with images from a specific folder that resides on an SDCard. The path to the folder is known sdcard pictures.. this in the wrong way please let me know and direct me toward the proper method to do what I'm trying to do. android gridview uri android sdcard bitmapfactory share improve this question OK after many iterations of trying I finally have an example..
Horizontal scrolling grid view but I am getting all image buttons in a single line. How can I implement them in a grid like structure android gridview scrolling share improve this question You can use a TableLayout inside a HorizontalScrollView or stay with your approach..
Add an array of buttons to a GridView in an Android application layout the buttons in a grid like I would like. Can this be done in a GridView android arrays button dynamic android gridview share improve this question In the following code you should change the upper limits of the for to a variable. public..
Gridview height gets cut height gets cut I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview. Sadly the gridview height is always too little so that it only shows the first row and a little part of the second. Setting.. height gets cut I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview. Sadly the gridview height is always too little so that it only shows the first row and a little part of the second. Setting android layout_height.. textAppearanceSmall LinearLayout The issue does not seem related to a lack of vertical space. What can I do android gridview share improve this question After too much research I stumbled on the excellent answer of Neil Traft . Adapting his..
android gridview crashes on Galaxy 3 gridview crashes on Galaxy 3 Ok I think I have a real question for a change. I implemented a gridView in Android following step by step the instructions in the Android Developers page http resources tutorials..
Android gridview keep item selected the adapter. I have set up a little example Activity public class StackOverFlowActivity extends Activity GridView gridView MyCustomAdapter myAdapter ArrayList GridObject myObjects static final String numbers new String A B C D E F G H I J K L.. R.layout.main myObjects new ArrayList GridObject for String s numbers myObjects.add new GridObject s 0 gridView GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter this gridView.setAdapter myAdapter gridView.setOnItemClickListener.. new ArrayList GridObject for String s numbers myObjects.add new GridObject s 0 gridView GridView findViewById myAdapter new MyCustomAdapter this gridView.setAdapter myAdapter gridView.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..
How to put GridView inside ScrollView activity where you set the GridView's adapter you want to make sure you set it to expand. So ExpandableHeightGridView gridView ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter yourAdapter gridView.setExpanded true The reason you.. make sure you set it to expand. So ExpandableHeightGridView gridView ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter yourAdapter gridView.setExpanded true The reason you want this expandable GridView is because the fact that a.. So ExpandableHeightGridView gridView ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter yourAdapter gridView.setExpanded true The reason you want this expandable GridView is because the fact that a standard GridView doesn't expand..
Lazy download images into gridView download images into gridView In my application I need to download a lot of pictures from urls and display them in a gridView. It can be between 1 200.. download images into gridView In my application I need to download a lot of pictures from urls and display them in a gridView. It can be between 1 200 pictures . I don't want to download all pictures at once. I read about lazy downloading and my.. Can i get only one part of the Json download the pictures in a different thread and only if the user scroll down the gridView I will continue to the other parts of the Json and so on Edit Hi again. I want to implement multi select in this gridView..
java.lang.illegalstateexception could not find a method (view) in the activity class android fragment @SuppressLint NewApi public class CitiesTab extends Fragment AnimationDrawable frameAnimation ImageAdapter ia GridView gridView int in public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState return LinearLayout.. inflater.inflate R.layout.citytab container false public void onStart super.onStart ia new ImageAdapter getActivity gridView GridView getActivity .findViewById gridView.setAdapter ia new Starter gridView.setOnItemClickListener.. void onStart super.onStart ia new ImageAdapter getActivity gridView GridView getActivity .findViewById gridView.setAdapter ia new Starter gridView.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images size. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 GridView xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id gridViewContacts android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setAdapter new MyAdapter this And enjoy the results share improve this answer..
Making the gridView center in Android the gridView center in Android xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android.. android numColumns 2 android stretchMode none RelativeLayout I have been breaking my head on how to make the gridView center horizonal and vertical. I have also attached my screen shot for the same. Below is my image code. xml version 1.0..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled true gridView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled true gridView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this gridView.setAdapter.. R.layout.activity_main final GridView gridView GridView findViewById gridView.setTextFilterEnabled true gridView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this gridView.setAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter public void onItemClick..
gridView with different cells sizes, pinterest style with different cells sizes pinterest style Background GridView is a class that extends AdapterView which means it shows..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons this android grid android layout share improve this question Your best bet in my opinion would be to use the gridView that way it supports scrolling and spacing and you can be very dynamic in what each items layout and events are. Another..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images with two columns and auto resized images I'm trying to make a gridview with two columns. I mean two photos per row side..
Gridview Tutorial problems Tutorial problems I'm trying to get into android development and I'm going through the tutorials however I'm really stuck..
Making image full screen on android tutorial app image full screen on android tutorial app Using the Hello World Gridview tutorial example I am attempting to make the image fullscreen on click instead of display the position of the image in the..
Horizontal scrolling in android gridview a Gallery and implement an adapter that provides a multirow view in its getView method. My java file is public class Gridview extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v int position long id Toast.makeText Gridview.this position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public class GridAdapter extends BaseAdapter int mGalleryItemBackground private..
Android: How to get Scroll-Position from Gridview How to get Scroll Position from Gridview I am trying to build my own gridview functions extending on the GridView. The only thing I do net solve is how to get the..
How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android? to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android I have a requirement in that I want to implement image gallery in a grid view. I gave tried using Hello gallery..
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns I would like to understand better how Gridview works in particular auto_fit . Here is the XML layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 GridView xmlns android http
Gridview height gets cut height gets cut I'm trying to display 8 items inside a gridview. Sadly the gridview height is always too little so that..
Need to create Footer for Gridview in Android to create Footer for Gridview in Android See below layout. I am unable to put footer button below a GridView . Any help will be appreciate. When Gridview.. in Android See below layout. I am unable to put footer button below a GridView . Any help will be appreciate. When Gridview fill in the screen Button is not displayed. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http