android Programming Glossary: graph
Android Facebook chat example project to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook graph api facebook chat share improve this question There is one..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android any record where i am missing android facebook facebook graph api facebook fql facebook android sdk share improve this question..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty switch v.getId case savefunc break case Intent i new Intent i.setClassName this LineGraph.class.getName.. method for saving and reading from a file works . 2 At the graph screen appears a white background of course no data because..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts.. note that i don't want to use a third party tool. android graph charts share improve this question Original post Chart and.. With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android to programmatically..
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? I am using AChartEngine library for graphs but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android.. for graphs but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml My application requires graph library.. graph view with android xml My application requires graph library and I am using achartengine graph library. My app requires..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box public void postOnWall String msg Log.d Tests Testing graph API wall post try String response mFacebook.request me Bundle..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] good graphing packages for Android closed With Android removing the Swing.. have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a.. built atop it that allows for the easy creation of graphical data Some solutions bandied about on the web have been just..
Add button to a layout programmatically this is where I call another class that displays a nice graph setContentView new GraphTemperature getApplicationContext I.. a Button to this new screen so that it'll appear below the graph. I've tried creating a LinearLayout view then create a Button.. getApplicationContext And i'm guessing that new graphTemperature does not set anything with that id. It's a common..
Android post picture to Facebook wall this question first thing is that you are not using graph api to upload the pictures... u r using the old rest api..... the pictures... u r using the old rest api... try to use graph api its simple... Use following code Bundle param new Bundle..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone this question There is no like button in facebook graph api. There are some alternatives that you can select. First..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? what are some simple examples android facebook facebook graph api share improve this question Yes it is possible After..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue application with Facebook for these I am using Facebook's Graph API.I am retrieving profile friends information.It is working..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] to post image to facebook wall using graph api I am using Graph API to post on Facebook wall. strpostimageurl mnt sdcard DCIM.. to post on multiple friends wall so I am preferring to use Graph API. android share improve this question You are getting..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? FBImport.this permissions Request.executeGraphPathRequestAsync session me friends access_token session.getAccessToken.. is open but at this point the code is already starting a Graph API request thus the permission request comes to late ... Can't..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user .. session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted.. with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null System.out ..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object.. session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted.. with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null Toast.makeText LoginFacebook.this.getApplicationContext..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] share improve this question Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible.. post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small.. library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android to programmatically create..
Facebook integration in android application say it's a little rough around the edges as the new oAuth Graph API based stuff is quite young but it works well with a little..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? now I fetch an cache all contact names id mappings via FB Graph api http me friends and use that for the..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status Facebook Graph API to update status I've tried to update the status using..
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API user image from Facebook Graph API I want to show the users profile picture in a list view... profile ID. For Further details check this Reference for Graph API ............................ share improve this answer..
Get friends emails with facebook api this issue. There is a way to get my friends emails with Graph Api FQL or something I really need to import my Fb contacts.. not available and probably never will be via the Facebook Graph API or FQL. If you look at the documentation it says N A in..
Facebook Graph API: Getting a random N friends? Graph API Getting a random N friends I'm unsure if this is possible.. photos. I was wondering if there's a single call to the Graph API to sort randomly or somehow reduce the footprint of this.. This is possible via FQL query which you can run with Graph API SELECT uid name FROM user WHERE uid IN SELECT uid2 FROM..
Charts for android that can be used for making charts are Open Source Holo Graph Library aChartEngine ChartView aFreeChart ChartDroid charts4j.. aChartEngine ChartView aFreeChart ChartDroid charts4j GraphView AndroidPlot Paid aiCharts RChart pre Honeycomb Api 11 UI..
Android Facebook chat example project Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook graph api facebook chat share improve this question There is one Android Open Source Project available Beem Project and For..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android ' month 31' ORDER BY birthday_date ASC but i am not getting any record where i am missing android facebook facebook graph api facebook fql facebook android sdk share improve this question What you can do is calculate the following values..
achartengine - can't figure how to use dates as x axis - the file I save is empty Date ....value EditText findViewById ... switch v.getId case savefunc break case Intent i new Intent i.setClassName this LineGraph.class.getName this.startActivity i break public void savefunc.. I receive is empty some problem with the Date because the method for saving and reading from a file works . 2 At the graph screen appears a white background of course no data because the file is empty but why white background I use the same code..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] to draw charts in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Any good graphing packages for Android I want to draw charts like pie charts to display stats in my Android app. As Android doesn't support.. and AWT i wonder how can i draw charts in Android Please note that i don't want to use a third party tool. android graph charts share improve this question Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's.. question Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice looking line diagramms. It is easy..
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? I am using AChartEngine library for graphs but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml My application requires graph library and I am using.. I am using AChartEngine library for graphs but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml My application requires graph library and I am using achartengine graph library. My app requires.. library for graphs but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml My application requires graph library and I am using achartengine graph library. My app requires graph to be only 50 of the screen and other part is used..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box following code and could successfully posted my message on wall. public void postOnWall String msg Log.d Tests Testing graph API wall post try String response mFacebook.request me Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString message msg..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] good graphing packages for Android closed With Android removing the Swing and AWT libraries from Java I was wondering what solutions.. and AWT libraries from Java I was wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop.. There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop it that allows for the easy creation of graphical data Some solutions bandied about on the web have been just pull down a Google chart with a HTTP get which seems like..
Add button to a layout programmatically Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState this is where I call another class that displays a nice graph setContentView new GraphTemperature getApplicationContext I want to add a Button to this new screen so that it'll appear.. new GraphTemperature getApplicationContext I want to add a Button to this new screen so that it'll appear below the graph. I've tried creating a LinearLayout view then create a Button and add it to this view but I just get NullPointerException.. Now you've set that here setContentView new GraphTemperature getApplicationContext And i'm guessing that new graphTemperature does not set anything with that id. It's a common mistake to think you can just find any view with findViewById...
Android post picture to Facebook wall java android facebook picture share improve this question first thing is that you are not using graph api to upload the pictures... u r using the old rest api... try to use graph api its simple... Use following code Bundle.. first thing is that you are not using graph api to upload the pictures... u r using the old rest api... try to use graph api its simple... Use following code Bundle param new Bundle param.putString message picture caption param.putByteArray..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone Thanks in advance. iphone android facebook share improve this question There is no like button in facebook graph api. There are some alternatives that you can select. First you can use a webview and show the like button in a webview...
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? SD Card to a Facebook account via the Facebook SDK If so what are some simple examples android facebook facebook graph api share improve this question Yes it is possible After two days of trying and researching I was able to do it. Here's..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue Android Facebook integration issue I have integrated my application with Facebook for these I am using Facebook's Graph API.I am retrieving profile friends information.It is working fine on my device which has Android version 2.3 but recently..
How to post sdcard image into facebook wall using graph api [duplicate] wall using graph api duplicate Possible Duplicate How to post image to facebook wall using graph api I am using Graph API to post on Facebook wall. strpostimageurl mnt sdcard DCIM mnt sdcard DCIM Camera1354795516555.jpg String res UrltoValue.getValuefromUrl.. file with that Bitmap and I am using that. And I need to post on multiple friends wall so I am preferring to use Graph API. android share improve this question You are getting the Bad Request error because you are passing the wrong values..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? session.requestNewReadPermissions new Session.NewPermissionsRequest FBImport.this permissions Request.executeGraphPathRequestAsync session me friends access_token session.getAccessToken fields id name hometown new Request.Callback ..... I'm doing is to request the permission as soon as the session is open but at this point the code is already starting a Graph API request thus the permission request comes to late ... Can't you request a permission at the same time you initialize..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login newPermissionsRequest make request to the me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user .. make request to the me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null .. Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null System.out .println Facebook Response response.toString access_token..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly exception if session.isOpened make request to the me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response.. make request to the me API Request.executeMeRequestAsync session new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null Toast.makeText.. new Request.GraphUserCallback callback after Graph API response with user object @Override public void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null Toast.makeText LoginFacebook.this.getApplicationContext Facebook Error Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
How to draw charts in Android? [duplicate] i don't want to use a third party tool. android graph charts share improve this question Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android.. graph charts share improve this question Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android to programmatically create flexible and.. Original post Chart and Graph Library for Android With the library GraphView it's possible to create a line graph. GraphView is a small library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice looking line diagramms. It is easy to understand..
Facebook integration in android application
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver?
Android Facebook Graph API to update status Facebook Graph API to update status I've tried to update the status using the Facebook graph API with Android http
Get user image from Facebook Graph-API user image from Facebook Graph API I want to show the users profile picture in a list view. When I try to call the graph api from android to retrieve..
Get friends emails with facebook api emails with facebook api I read lots of question about this issue. There is a way to get my friends emails with Graph Api FQL or something I really need to import my Fb contacts into my App. But it seems there is not possible. Even setting.. fql share improve this question Friend emails are not available and probably never will be via the Facebook Graph API or FQL. If you look at the documentation it says N A in the friend column for the email row. share improve this answer..
Facebook Graph API: Getting a random N friends? Graph API Getting a random N friends I'm unsure if this is possible I'm developing an Android game and I want it to include profile.. randomly select a subset of friends and retrieve their profile photos. I was wondering if there's a single call to the Graph API to sort randomly or somehow reduce the footprint of this job so that I can use their server side limit 15 to reduce.. facebook facebook graph api share improve this question This is possible via FQL query which you can run with Graph API SELECT uid name FROM user WHERE uid IN SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 me ORDER BY rand limit 15 To get it via Graph..
Charts for android are super similar questions answers.. Anyway some libraries that can be used for making charts are Open Source Holo Graph Library aChartEngine ChartView aFreeChart ChartDroid charts4j GraphView AndroidPlot Paid aiCharts RChart pre Honeycomb Api.. can be used for making charts are Open Source Holo Graph Library aChartEngine ChartView aFreeChart ChartDroid charts4j GraphView AndroidPlot Paid aiCharts RChart pre Honeycomb Api 11 UI ShinobiControls Steema TeeChart means I didn't tried those..