android Programming Glossary: grabbing
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted your thread has grabbed it you hold it until release so grabbing it again does not block. This means you cannot pause from within..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? Context developers will sometimes try to save some code by grabbing a reference to a Context and holding onto it. It just so happens..
How to make an Android SlidingDrawer slide out from the left? question I don't think you can other than perhaps by grabbing the SlidingDrawer source code making changes to it and using..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android Language application smil So I don't have an issue grabbing the data in an MMS that falls into the first two categories... into the first two categories. However I am having trouble grabbing the data from MMS of message type application smil Below I have..
Android basics: Running code in the UI thread an instance of BackgroundTask will waste a lot of time grabbing a thread out of the thread pool to execute a default no op doInBackground..
Recommendations for persisting data on Android? on the SD Card and only update it as needed. Currently I'm grabbing the data an XML file and parsing it into an object tree using..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts my method is probably quite inefficient. Currently I am grabbing a cursor of the all the contacts placing each name and each..
How can I get the google username on Android? account id username via android but it seems like it's for grabbing the authtoken I just need access to the username no passwords..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? care about accuracy or frequency of update. Just grabbing one location is sufficient as long as it's not way off. Maybe..
Enable longClick in WebView URL string String fileName url.getFile Make sure we are grabbing just the filename int index fileName.lastIndexOf if index 0..
Android / 9-patch PNG: What, if I need smth like a 11-patch PNG? like an 11 patch png. Because I don't want the little grabbing area to be scaled. How to get it working The screenshot describes..
Bulk Insertion on Android device three would work just fine but the latter suggestion of grabbing the data from a formatted file and building the SQL yourself..
Deleting items from a ListView using a custom BaseAdapter attempt to retrieve the deleted element's position by grabbing the tag but it's always the wrong position in the list. There..
How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused
Using accelerometer, gyroscope and compass to calculate device's movement in 3D world remembering the values you used last for those. So after grabbing 3 samples you can start to calculate position from that. There..
Is it possible to access the current Fragment being viewed by a ViewPager? I can get at its arguments. I have an OnPageChangeListener grabbing the current page index but ViewPager.getChildAt int position..
How to open last activity from notification status bar? the same parameters as above Intent has. Hence instead of grabbing baseIntent from recentTasks it's quite good to use above code...
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? Bundle 2 bdl.putInt EXTRA_TITLE title bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted trying to get away from this archaic system. Semaphore s once your thread has grabbed it you hold it until release so grabbing it again does not block. This means you cannot pause from within your own thread. CyclicBarrier Must be created anew each..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? Context. Since so many classes and methods require a Context developers will sometimes try to save some code by grabbing a reference to a Context and holding onto it. It just so happens that many of the objects we have to create to run our Activity..
How to make an Android SlidingDrawer slide out from the left? layout android widget slidingdrawer share improve this question I don't think you can other than perhaps by grabbing the SlidingDrawer source code making changes to it and using your modified version. You similarly cannot make a SlidingDrawer..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android gif image jpg image png SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language application smil So I don't have an issue grabbing the data in an MMS that falls into the first two categories. However I am having trouble grabbing the data from MMS of message.. don't have an issue grabbing the data in an MMS that falls into the first two categories. However I am having trouble grabbing the data from MMS of message type application smil Below I have included 5 different examples of application smil MMS messages..
Android basics: Running code in the UI thread thread. The third one assuming you create and execute an instance of BackgroundTask will waste a lot of time grabbing a thread out of the thread pool to execute a default no op doInBackground before eventually doing what amounts to a post..
Recommendations for persisting data on Android? so I thought it would be nice if the app could cache it on the SD Card and only update it as needed. Currently I'm grabbing the data an XML file and parsing it into an object tree using SAX. This process takes at most 2 3 seconds over my WIFI...
Android - Autocomplete with contacts of all contacts but after looking in the Android APIs it seems my method is probably quite inefficient. Currently I am grabbing a cursor of the all the contacts placing each name and each contact id into two different arrays then passing the name array..
How can I get the google username on Android? http questions 2245545 accessing google account id username via android but it seems like it's for grabbing the authtoken I just need access to the username no passwords or any auth tokens. I'm using android 2.1 sdk. android username..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? time I need it in Activity X it will be available. Don't particularly care about accuracy or frequency of update. Just grabbing one location is sufficient as long as it's not way off. Maybe if I want to be fancy I'll update the location once every..
Enable longClick in WebView URL url new URL result.getExtra Grabs the file part of the URL string String fileName url.getFile Make sure we are grabbing just the filename int index fileName.lastIndexOf if index 0 fileName fileName.substring index Create a temporary file File..
Android / 9-patch PNG: What, if I need smth like a 11-patch PNG? SDK says the 9 patch png is malformed. Because I have something like an 11 patch png. Because I don't want the little grabbing area to be scaled. How to get it working The screenshot describes everything Error Meassage in Console ERROR 9 patch image..
Bulk Insertion on Android device direct SQL and the other has the data in a non SQL format. All three would work just fine but the latter suggestion of grabbing the data from a formatted file and building the SQL yourself seems the cleanest. If true batch update capability is added..
Deleting items from a ListView using a custom BaseAdapter mLanguages.get position return convertView I later attempt to retrieve the deleted element's position by grabbing the tag but it's always the wrong position in the list. There is no noticeable pattern to the position given here it always..
How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused
Using accelerometer, gyroscope and compass to calculate device's movement in 3D world right with c and d missing. You can attempt to compensate by remembering the values you used last for those. So after grabbing 3 samples you can start to calculate position from that. There is a significant amount of information about how to interpret..
Is it possible to access the current Fragment being viewed by a ViewPager? figure out how to get the current Fragment being viewed so I can get at its arguments. I have an OnPageChangeListener grabbing the current page index but ViewPager.getChildAt int position returns a View . What's the relationship between this View..
How to open last activity from notification status bar? Intent.ACTION_MAIN baseIntent contains the same parameters as above Intent has. Hence instead of grabbing baseIntent from recentTasks it's quite good to use above code. This notificationIntent will then be passed to pendingIntent..