android Programming Glossary: granted
Sprite size on different screen size Andengine Android
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) be called from your onCreate . Once the permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on..
Permission is only granted to system app is only granted to system app I have a System app that uses system permissions.. make a build command line build works Permission is only granted to system apps I'm already aware that my app requires system..
ADB over wireless and the network you use to see which IP address have been granted to device or configure your DHCP always to use the same for..
Android OS 2.2 Permissions: I have absolutely no idea why this simple piece of code doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? I'm getting just says that the permission SET_TIME was not granted to the program. Protection level 3. The permissions are there...and.. Update SET_TIME is available since 2.2 but can only be granted to the system process or apps signed with the system signature...
Google Maps & apps with mapview have different current positions cases. In the app manifest the following permissions are granted android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION..
Why are these permissions being refused? world to see what are the types of permissions that are granted and what are those that are refused To my amusement I found.. To my amusement I found about 40 of the permissions not granted Two were returned as unknown permissions. Here is the log of.. 0x8444 Now for a fact I know level two permissions are not granted to third party application developers and are reserved only..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? but I think what really happens is that this permission is granted to because there is..
Android System App 101 are a handful of signature permissions that can also be granted to any app on the system image. For example there is a permission..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission apps silently with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission I am trying to silently install.. system. My app is located in system app and successfully granted permition android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES However I cant.. dialog. How can I install app silently without root with granted android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES PS I am writing an app that..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? this question This worked with the following code granted I was being a little dumb with the last one. I still think there's..
Disabling “Force Stop” Button in Android app and to a limited extent the resources to which you're granted access. No other app has this kind of control so it's not reasonable..
Sprite size on different screen size Andengine Android
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) TAG we have the READ_LOGS permission already This code should be called from your onCreate . Once the permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on the Superuser app delaying your app start and potentially..
Permission is only granted to system app is only granted to system app I have a System app that uses system permissions and I have those permissions listed in the manifest. Eclipse.. the manifest. Eclipse gives the following error when I try to make a build command line build works Permission is only granted to system apps I'm already aware that my app requires system permissions and it is not a problem for me because my application..
ADB over wireless tcpip 5555 then look into wireless properties of your device and the network you use to see which IP address have been granted to device or configure your DHCP always to use the same for the device mac address . Then adb connect were..
Android OS 2.2 Permissions: I have absolutely no idea why this simple piece of code doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? is never just keeps on ticking. The error that I'm getting just says that the permission SET_TIME was not granted to the program. Protection level 3. The permissions are there...and in the API for 2.2 it says that this feature is supported..
Google Maps & apps with mapview have different current positions see for the frequency and distance I pass the 0 param in both cases. In the app manifest the following permissions are granted android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION..
Why are these permissions being refused? it I requested all the permissions from my application hello world to see what are the types of permissions that are granted and what are those that are refused To my amusement I found about 40 of the permissions not granted Two were returned as.. that are granted and what are those that are refused To my amusement I found about 40 of the permissions not granted Two were returned as unknown permissions. Here is the log of all the permissions that were denied to me W PackageManager.. to package com.robosoft.linuxtop protectionLevel 3 flags 0x8444 Now for a fact I know level two permissions are not granted to third party application developers and are reserved only for OEMs. But I am surprised as a lot of level three permissions..
What is the correct permission handling when sending sensitive app data as email attachment? to give Gmail the right to access my content provider but I think what really happens is that this permission is granted to because there is more than one match for the Intent and Android creates a wrapper..
Android System App 101 special about a system application beyond this is that there are a handful of signature permissions that can also be granted to any app on the system image. For example there is a permission to directly talk with the package manager to install an..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission apps silently with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission I am trying to silently install apk into the system. My app is located in system app and successfully.. permission I am trying to silently install apk into the system. My app is located in system app and successfully granted permition android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES However I cant find anywhere how to use this permition. I tried to copy files.. intent But this code opens standard installation dialog. How can I install app silently without root with granted android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES PS I am writing an app that will install many apk's from folder into the system on the..
How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android? android camera android intent mediastore share improve this question This worked with the following code granted I was being a little dumb with the last one. I still think there's got to be a better way so that the original image is..
Disabling “Force Stop” Button in Android that nothing on the device is yours to control besides your app and to a limited extent the resources to which you're granted access. No other app has this kind of control so it's not reasonable to expect that your client's would either. However..