android Programming Glossary: gradient
Standard Android Button with a different color apk res android item android state_pressed true shape gradient android startColor @color yellow1 android endColor @color.. 10dp shape item item android state_focused true shape gradient android endColor @color orange4 android startColor @color.. right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient android endColor @color blue2 android startColor @color blue25..
How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android? apk res android android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #SomeGradientBeginColor android endColor..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a.. secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600.. id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog false size android width 50dip android height 50dip gradient android type sweep android useLevel false android startColor.. res android item android id @android id background shape gradient android startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android.. item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android..
Multi-gradient shapes gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following.. shape that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients.. from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients from color 3 to color 4. I know how to make a shape with a..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android.. item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android.. 1dp android bottom 0dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #8F8F8F android centerColor #656565 android..
Gradient Radius as percentage of screen size Radius as percentage of screen size I'm trying to create a..
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android Here's an example of the.. text android textColor @android color black android text Gradient background. EditText android id @ id editText2 android layout_width..
Is it possible to dither a gradient drawable? and unfortunately there's no way to enable dithering on a GradientDrawable except by explicitly calling GradientDrawable.setDither.. on a GradientDrawable except by explicitly calling GradientDrawable.setDither in code. The way the codes looks technically.. The way the codes looks technically you could include the Gradient as the only child of a selector and enable dithering on the..
Oval Gradient in Android Gradient in Android I know how to setup and display an oval shape. I..
Android Circular Gradient Alpha Mask Circular Gradient Alpha Mask Is there a way to draw a circular gradient mask.. foggyWindowBmp 0 0 null Create a radial gradient RadialGradient gradient new circleX circleY.. RadialGradient gradient new circleX circleY radius 0xFF000000 0x00000000
Android LinearLayout Gradient Background LinearLayout Gradient Background I am having trouble applying a gradient background..
Gradient appears banded in a SurfaceView, but looks very smooth in a normal View appears banded in a SurfaceView but looks very smooth in a normal.. false paint.setDither false Shader shader new LinearGradient 0 0 0 200 new int 0xff150d2f 0xff432b96 null Shader.TileMode.CLAMP..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format these questions but still no solution can be found there Gradient compatibility issue ICS defaults to fewer colors than all the..
Standard Android Button with a different color encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_pressed true shape gradient android startColor @color yellow1 android endColor @color yellow2 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android.. left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item android state_focused true shape gradient android endColor @color orange4 android startColor @color orange5 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android.. 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient android endColor @color blue2 android startColor @color blue25 android angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android..
How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android? xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 shape xmlns android http apk res android android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #SomeGradientBeginColor android endColor #SomeGradientEndColor android angle 270 corners android bottomRightRadius..
How to change progress bar's progress color in Android http apk res android item android id @android id background shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #ff9d9e9d android centerColor #ff5a5d5a android centerY 0.75 android endColor #ff747674 android.. android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor #80ffd300 android centerColor #80ffb600 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a0ffcb00 android.. android angle 270 shape clip item item android id @android id progress clip shape corners android radius 5dip gradient android startColor @color progress_start android endColor @color progress_end android angle 270 shape clip item layer..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog innerRadiusRatio 4 android thicknessRatio 4 android useLevel false size android width 50dip android height 50dip gradient android type sweep android useLevel false android startColor #300000ff android centerColor #500000ff android endColor #ff0000ff.. states layer list xmlns android http apk res android item android id @android id background shape gradient android startColor #000001 android centerColor #0b131e android centerY 0.75 android endColor #0d1522 android angle.. android endColor #0d1522 android angle 270 shape item item android id @android id secondaryProgress clip shape gradient android startColor #234 android centerColor #234 android centerY 0.75 android endColor #a24 android angle 270 shape..
Multi-gradient shapes gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2.. gradient shapes I'd like to create a shape that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients from color 3 to color 4. I know how to make a shape with.. that's like the following image Notice the top half gradients from color 1 to color 2 but theres a bottom half that gradients from color 3 to color 4. I know how to make a shape with a single gradient but I'm not sure how to split a shape into two..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget solid android color @color default_back_color shape item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666 android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius.. solid android color @color default_back_color shape item item android top 2dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #AAAAAA android centerColor #888888 android endColor #666666 android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius.. shape item item android top 4dp android left 1dp android right 1dp android bottom 0dp shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #8F8F8F android centerColor #656565 android endColor #3F3F3F android angle 90 corners android bottomRightRadius..
Gradient Radius as percentage of screen size Radius as percentage of screen size I'm trying to create a shape drawable with radial gradient background with radius that..
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android Here's an example of the iPhone EditText control. How can I create the same control.. android background @drawable gradientbg android inputType text android textColor @android color black android text Gradient background. EditText android id @ id editText2 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android..
Is it possible to dither a gradient drawable? you referenced. I've taken another look at the code and unfortunately there's no way to enable dithering on a GradientDrawable except by explicitly calling GradientDrawable.setDither in code. The way the codes looks technically you could include.. at the code and unfortunately there's no way to enable dithering on a GradientDrawable except by explicitly calling GradientDrawable.setDither in code. The way the codes looks technically you could include the Gradient as the only child of a selector.. by explicitly calling GradientDrawable.setDither in code. The way the codes looks technically you could include the Gradient as the only child of a selector and enable dithering on the entire selector however it's definitely a hack. I'm not convinced..
Oval Gradient in Android Gradient in Android I know how to setup and display an oval shape. I know how to apply a gradient to this shape. What I cant figure..
Android Circular Gradient Alpha Mask Circular Gradient Alpha Mask Is there a way to draw a circular gradient mask on a bitmap in Android Trying to produce something similar to.. Copy foggyWindowBmp into tempBitmap tempCanvas.drawBitmap foggyWindowBmp 0 0 null Create a radial gradient RadialGradient gradient new circleX circleY radius 0xFF000000 0x00000000 foggyWindowBmp 0 0 null Create a radial gradient RadialGradient gradient new circleX circleY radius 0xFF000000 0x00000000 Draw transparent circle into tempBitmap..
Android LinearLayout Gradient Background LinearLayout Gradient Background I am having trouble applying a gradient background to a LinearLayout. This should be relatively simple from..
Gradient appears banded in a SurfaceView, but looks very smooth in a normal View appears banded in a SurfaceView but looks very smooth in a normal View My problem is that when drawing a simple test image.. Paint.Style.FILL paint.setAntiAlias false paint.setFilterBitmap false paint.setDither false Shader shader new LinearGradient 0 0 0 200 new int 0xff150d2f 0xff432b96 null Shader.TileMode.CLAMP paint.setShader shader canvas.drawRect 0 0 getWidth..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format decoding format . This problem has also been reported in these questions but still no solution can be found there Gradient compatibility issue ICS defaults to fewer colors than all the previous versions of Android Awful background image quality..