android Programming Glossary: ftp
openSSL using Android's NDK problems Projects portingLibs openssl android master disable ftp disable gopher disable file disable imap disable ldap disable.. proxy disable rtsp disable smtp disable telnet disable tftp without gnutls without libidn without librtmp disable dict make..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support Projects portingLibs openssl android master disable ftp disable gopher disable file disable imap disable ldap disable.. proxy disable rtsp disable smtp disable telnet disable tftp without gnutls without libidn without librtmp disable dict make..
Android FTP Library of client apps but no stand alone libraries. java android ftp share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp.. share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp ftpClient.connect InetAddress.getByName server ftpClient.login.. share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp ftpClient.connect InetAddress.getByName server ftpClient.login user..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? AsyncTask I have some EditTexts that a user enters an ftp address username password port anda testConnection button. If.. it returns a boolean value of true. boolean status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port ftpDisconnect if.. status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port ftpDisconnect if status true Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android service. Notice that the scheme is myapp and not http or ftp . That is precisely what I intend to define my own URI schema..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server is not responding to the client. Try uploading using an ftp connection through the Android application if that works then..
Connect two android phones with wi-fi (without laptop or access point) and send file how can I send a file from one phone to second Is there a ftp client and server or Can I ssh to other phone Or telnel netcat..
How to add the jar file into the build path i am working on the nd file upload and download from ftp server to android. now i am having the jar file which i need..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android do a simple ftp get file on Android I can't find an example of a simple FTP.. a simple FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp data observations metar stations KABQ.TXT.. FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp data observations metar stations KABQ.TXT It shouldn't..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support enabled RTMP support no with librtmp Protocols DICT FILE FTP GOPHER HTTP IMAP POP3 RTSP SMTP TELNET TFTP SONAME bump yes.. DICT FILE FTP GOPHER HTTP IMAP POP3 RTSP SMTP TELNET TFTP SONAME bump yes WARNING this library will be built with the..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling can make simple requests. Implementing your own HTTP or FTP handler is a bit more involved. For what it's worth this is..
Android FTP Library FTP Library I'm looking for a java library that works on the android.. on the android that can download and resume files from an FTP server. Does anyone know of such a library. I've found lots.. serverRoad ftpClient.setFileType FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE BufferedInputStream buffIn null buffIn new..
Android Contacts - Update Note String.valueOf Website.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals FTP selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_FTP.. new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_FTP selectArgs1 Data.CONTACT_ID AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Website.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE..
Java (Android) - class not found exception class not found exception I'm trying to do some simple FTP stuff in Android. After researching a little bit I decided to.. error Could not find class '' referenced from method ... ... Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError It seems like I've set everything up correctly so why..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android get file on Android I can't find an example of a simple FTP access of a file anywhere and the FTPClient class which a couple.. example of a simple FTP access of a file anywhere and the FTPClient class which a couple of examples use doesn't appear in.. I've got http access working but how do I do a simple FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp
openSSL using Android's NDK problems host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl android master disable ftp disable gopher disable file disable imap disable ldap disable ldaps disable pop3 disable proxy disable rtsp disable smtp.. disable imap disable ldap disable ldaps disable pop3 disable proxy disable rtsp disable smtp disable telnet disable tftp without gnutls without libidn without librtmp disable dict make Note that in the block above if you don't want to use the..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl android master disable ftp disable gopher disable file disable imap disable ldap disable ldaps disable pop3 disable proxy disable rtsp disable smtp.. disable imap disable ldap disable ldaps disable pop3 disable proxy disable rtsp disable smtp disable telnet disable tftp without gnutls without libidn without librtmp disable dict make Note that in the block above if you don't want to use the..
Android FTP Library server. Does anyone know of such a library. I've found lots of client apps but no stand alone libraries. java android ftp share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp ftpClient.connect InetAddress.getByName server ftpClient.login.. of client apps but no stand alone libraries. java android ftp share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp ftpClient.connect InetAddress.getByName server ftpClient.login user password ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory serverRoad.. apps but no stand alone libraries. java android ftp share improve this question Try using apache commons ftp ftpClient.connect InetAddress.getByName server ftpClient.login user password ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory serverRoad ftpClient.setFileType..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? do I return a boolean from AsyncTask I have some EditTexts that a user enters an ftp address username password port anda testConnection button. If a connection is successfully estabished it returns a boolean.. testConnection button. If a connection is successfully estabished it returns a boolean value of true. boolean status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port ftpDisconnect if status true Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Succesful.. estabished it returns a boolean value of true. boolean status ftpConnect _address _username _password _port ftpDisconnect if status true Toast.makeText SiteManager.this Connection Succesful Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android This 20is 20a 20test must be handled by my own application or service. Notice that the scheme is myapp and not http or ftp . That is precisely what I intend to define my own URI schema globally for the Android OS. Is this possible This is somewhat..
Upload a picture from Android to PHP server share improve this question It seems that the server is not responding to the client. Try uploading using an ftp connection through the Android application if that works then check your Apache configuration on accepting connections and..
Connect two android phones with wi-fi (without laptop or access point) and send file connect to another's android wi fi If they will be connected how can I send a file from one phone to second Is there a ftp client and server or Can I ssh to other phone Or telnel netcat Maybe http android wifi android wifi share improve this..
How to add the jar file into the build path to add the jar file into the build path currently i am working on the nd file upload and download from ftp server to android. now i am having the jar file which i need to use in my application.can to please suggest me how to add..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android do a simple ftp get file on Android I can't find an example of a simple FTP access of a file anywhere and the FTPClient class which a couple.. Class Index. I've got http access working but how do I do a simple FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp data observations metar stations KABQ.TXT It shouldn't require login change directory etc. Just giving.. Index. I've got http access working but how do I do a simple FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp data observations metar stations KABQ.TXT It shouldn't require login change directory etc. Just giving that..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support lib with lber lib LDAPS support no enable ldaps RTSP support enabled RTMP support no with librtmp Protocols DICT FILE FTP GOPHER HTTP IMAP POP3 RTSP SMTP TELNET TFTP SONAME bump yes WARNING this library will be built with the SONAME number bumped.. RTSP support enabled RTMP support no with librtmp Protocols DICT FILE FTP GOPHER HTTP IMAP POP3 RTSP SMTP TELNET TFTP SONAME bump yes WARNING this library will be built with the SONAME number bumped due to a detected ABI breakage. See lib..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling iOS apps to implement a custom URL handler so that other apps can make simple requests. Implementing your own HTTP or FTP handler is a bit more involved. For what it's worth this is exactly how PhoneGap works on iOS. PhoneGap includes an NSURLProtocol..
Android FTP Library FTP Library I'm looking for a java library that works on the android that can download and resume files from an FTP server... FTP Library I'm looking for a java library that works on the android that can download and resume files from an FTP server. Does anyone know of such a library. I've found lots of client apps but no stand alone libraries. java android ftp.. server ftpClient.login user password ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory serverRoad ftpClient.setFileType FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE BufferedInputStream buffIn null buffIn new BufferedInputStream new FileInputStream file ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode..
Android Contacts - Update Note else if type.equals Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals FTP selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_FTP selectArgs1 Data.CONTACT_ID AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Website.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.. String.valueOf Website.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals FTP selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_FTP selectArgs1 Data.CONTACT_ID AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Website.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE ' AND Website.TYPE builder.withSelection selectArgs1..
Java (Android) - class not found exception Android class not found exception I'm trying to do some simple FTP stuff in Android. After researching a little bit I decided to go with the apache commons net . Here are the steps I took.. it force closes and my LogCat in Eclipse shows the following error Could not find class '' referenced from method ... ... Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError It seems.. referenced from method ... ... Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError It seems like I've set everything up correctly so why is the execution complaining that it can't find the class Any..
Howto do a simple ftp get file on Android do a simple ftp get file on Android I can't find an example of a simple FTP access of a file anywhere and the FTPClient class which a couple of examples use doesn't appear in the Android Class Index... do a simple ftp get file on Android I can't find an example of a simple FTP access of a file anywhere and the FTPClient class which a couple of examples use doesn't appear in the Android Class Index. I've got http access working but how.. of examples use doesn't appear in the Android Class Index. I've got http access working but how do I do a simple FTP get All I want to do is download for example ftp data observations metar stations KABQ.TXT It shouldn't..