android Programming Glossary: extstoragedirectory
Save image to sdcard from drawble resource on Android The path to SD Card can be retrieved using String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Then save.. save to sdcard on button click using File file new File extStorageDirectory ic_launcher.PNG outStream new FileOutputStream file bm.compress..
Android: How to create a directory on the SD Card and copy files from /res/raw to it? subfolder of your app's folder on the SD card String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString String basepath.. .toString String basepath extStorageDirectory name of your app folder on the SD card ... in onCreate File..
android image save to res/drawable folder [duplicate] cht qr chl http 3A 2F 2Fandroid 2F String extStorageDirectory Bitmap bm Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. bm LoadImage image_URL bmOptions bmImage.setImageBitmap bm extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageState .toString extStorageDirectory.. Environment.getExternalStorageState .toString extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString buttonSave.setText..
Cursor and Adapter .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile.. .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid dB flyDroid.db SQLiteDatabase db.. .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false static String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString static File.. .toString static File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid dB flyDroid.db static SQLiteDatabase..
How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews? false boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile.. .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory XXX xxx dB xxx.db SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase.. false boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile..
Save image to sdcard from drawble resource on Android bm BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.ic_launcher The path to SD Card can be retrieved using String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Then save to sdcard on button click using File file new File extStorageDirectory.. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Then save to sdcard on button click using File file new File extStorageDirectory ic_launcher.PNG outStream new FileOutputStream file bm.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 outStream outStream.flush..
Android: How to create a directory on the SD Card and copy files from /res/raw to it? in the clipart subfolder of the .apk assets folder to the clipart subfolder of your app's folder on the SD card String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString String basepath extStorageDirectory name of your app folder on the SD.. folder on the SD card String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString String basepath extStorageDirectory name of your app folder on the SD card ... in onCreate File clipartdir new File basepath clipart if clipartdir.exists clipartdir.mkdirs..
android image save to res/drawable folder [duplicate] image_URL http chart chs 200x200 cht qr chl http 3A 2F 2Fandroid 2F String extStorageDirectory Bitmap bm Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. new BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions.inSampleSize 1 bm LoadImage image_URL bmOptions bmImage.setImageBitmap bm extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageState .toString extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString buttonSave.setText.. image_URL bmOptions bmImage.setImageBitmap bm extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageState .toString extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString buttonSave.setText Save to extStorageDirectory qr.PNG buttonSave.setOnClickListener..
Cursor and Adapter openAndQueryDatabase if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid dB.. extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid dB flyDroid.db SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null Log.i tag db.. void displayResultList if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid..
System services not available to Activities before onCreate? list_AC new List_AC boolean mExternalStorageAvailable false boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false static String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString static File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid.. false static String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString static File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory Aero Technologies flyDroid dB flyDroid.db static SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null Default..
How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews? TextView activityTitle boolean mExternalStorageAvailable false boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory XXX xxx dB xxx.db SQLiteDatabase.. false String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory XXX xxx dB xxx.db SQLiteDatabase db SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase dbfile null END My Adapter AdaperAC public class.. TextView activityTitle boolean mExternalStorageAvailable false boolean mExternalStorageWriteable false String extStorageDirectory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File dbfile new File extStorageDirectory myComp myApp dB myApp.db SQLiteDatabase..