android Programming Glossary: extra_message
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? new Bundle 2 bdl.putInt EXTRA_TITLE title bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the.. .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE ... etc ... This way if detached and re attached the object..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) EditText etGWid Button OKbtn public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE @Override protected void onCreate.. text to blank String message TestHello intent.putExtra EXTRA_MESSAGE message startActivity intent @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu..
Android Studio Manifest Missing Error
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts SecondFragment extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final SecondFragment newInstance.. extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final SecondFragment newInstance String paramString.. Bundle localBundle new Bundle 1 localBundle.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE paramString f.setArguments localBundle return f @Override public..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications DemoActivity extends Activity public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE message public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID registration_id..
Send SMS until it is successful i new Intent pubCon sms_sender.class i.putExtra sms_sender.EXTRA_MESSAGE message i.putExtra sms_sender.EXTRA_RECEIVERS new String receiver.. message.delivered public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE extra.message public static final String EXTRA_RECEIVERS extra.receivers.. Intent intent String message intent.getStringExtra EXTRA_MESSAGE String receivers intent.getStringArrayExtra EXTRA_RECEIVERS..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final FragmentAcoesMusculares newInstance.. extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final FragmentAcoesMusculares newInstance String.. Bundle bdl new Bundle item f.item item bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f private int item private..
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? AlertDialogFragment f new AlertDialogFragment Bundle bdl new Bundle 2 bdl.putInt EXTRA_TITLE title bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE ... etc ... This way if detached and re attached the object state can be stored through the arguments. Much like bundles..
Setting a value in one class and retrieving from another class in Java (Android app) public class MainActivity extends Activity EditText etGWid Button OKbtn public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. editText new EditText this etGWid.setText set the edit text to blank String message TestHello intent.putExtra EXTRA_MESSAGE message startActivity intent @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate the menu this adds items to..
Android Studio Manifest Missing Error
How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts 2 at the max. EDIT code for SecondFragment public class SecondFragment extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final SecondFragment newInstance String paramString SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle.. EDIT code for SecondFragment public class SecondFragment extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final SecondFragment newInstance String paramString SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle localBundle.. String paramString SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle localBundle new Bundle 1 localBundle.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE paramString f.setArguments localBundle return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater paramLayoutInflater ViewGroup..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications .forward request response DemoActivity Code public class DemoActivity extends Activity public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE message public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID registration_id private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION appVersion..
Send SMS until it is successful String message String receiver Intent i new Intent pubCon sms_sender.class i.putExtra sms_sender.EXTRA_MESSAGE message i.putExtra sms_sender.EXTRA_RECEIVERS new String receiver pubCon.startService i @Override public void onReceive.. message.sent public static final String INTENT_MESSAGE_DELIVERED message.delivered public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE extra.message public static final String EXTRA_RECEIVERS extra.receivers public sms_sender super sms_sender private static.. System.out.println Illegal argument protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent String message intent.getStringExtra EXTRA_MESSAGE String receivers intent.getStringArrayExtra EXTRA_RECEIVERS sendSMS message receivers 0 java android eclipse sms smsmanager..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment getFragments is this class below public class FragmentAcoesMusculares extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final FragmentAcoesMusculares newInstance String message int item FragmentAcoesMusculares f.. is this class below public class FragmentAcoesMusculares extends Fragment public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE EXTRA_MESSAGE public static final FragmentAcoesMusculares newInstance String message int item FragmentAcoesMusculares f new FragmentAcoesMusculares.. int item FragmentAcoesMusculares f new FragmentAcoesMusculares Bundle bdl new Bundle item f.item item bdl.putString EXTRA_MESSAGE message f.setArguments bdl return f private int item private ImageView images private String urlString int i 0 @Override..