

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:18

android Programming Glossary: expected

Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments?


Fragments you already have no modification needed . As expected you join all this together by 1 creating an object that instantiate..

Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled


true to have a bit more memory. But doing this has a unexpected behavior it's looks like that recycle method of bitmaps do not.. for now the test I did came to 231Mb allocated memory the expected behavior is that the memory management keeps working and the..

Android Thread for a timer


are very vague and often unhelpful. Please indicate the expected results compared to actual results of your code and logcat if..

Focusable EditText inside ListView


arrow keys will move the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header row it is also displayed with.. item is selected both of which can give the user an unexpected experience. 2. setItemsCanFocus false selector is always drawn..

Change the background color of the options menu


null standard signature of constructor expected by inflater of all View classes @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private..

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML


this in other parts of my program where it is working as expected. To call this function I need an Activity but at the moment..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


make sense to me. If I am leaking memory I would have expected to crash at some point in scenario 1 but I went through all.. couldn't handle 10 images like in scenarion 2 I would have expected to crash in the first category but I crash only after 5 or 6..

Android - Camera preview is sideways


For the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER..

How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


measurements of the view into this listener. All works as expected for me so I hope that this is able to help. share improve this..

Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]


which seems like a fine workaround. However our eventual expected application usage is in a poor connectivity situation where..

How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android?


one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and is fully functional but the thumb does not follow suit...

Making sense of LayoutInflater


I've had severe trouble getting LayoutInflater to work as expected and so did other people help for using layoutinflator to add..

In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project


The default.properties file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1 K android_test_ws applicationRegistrar..

Android post picture to Facebook wall


253 03 02 14 19 29.584 WARN Bundle 1891 Key method expected byte but value was a java.lang.String. The default value null..

Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database?


already been upgraded on backup or restore Otherwise the expected schema might not match. android database restore database restore..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


intialize the Uri and the Cursor and the current expected size. Cursor c null Uri u MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. intialize the Uri and the Cursor and the current expected size. Cursor c null Uri u MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


images 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg and 9.jpg. the expected result is But if I scroll the list quickly some images are inserted..

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


y int m int d Log.d Picker Set 2012 6 15 picker.show Expected A Cancel button to appear in the dialog. Current A Cancel button.. DialogInterface dialog int which Log.d Picker Cancel Expected Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog should..

Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically


Error unexpected element uri http test.login local arg0 . Expected elements are arg2 arg1 arg0 Can Anyone Tell me why i am getting..

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd?


back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. 07 08 19 51 50.232 I Web Console.. back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. at file data data com.AccordFintech.. back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. 07 08 19 51 57.641 I Web Console..

After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error


app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration.. app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration.. app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration..

Google Play Services update


app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration..

Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved


of the expected activity B . Here the two behaviors Expected A B HOME B Actual A B HOME A bad Is there a setting I'm missing..

Android- how can I convert android.net.Uri object to java.net.URI object?


an IllegalArgumentException with the exception description Expected file scheme in URI content media external images media 3 whereas..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


is appreciated. UPDATE Actual Example with Actual Expected Output Test Case parcel of codes here has gotten from mapsforge..

Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2”


JSon error &ldquo Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2&rdquo I.. java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 android..

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?


throwing &ldquo Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY&rdquo I'm trying to parse.. java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 Any ideas..

Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market


.equals YOUR_DEBUG_KEY catch NameNotFoundException e Expected exception that occurs if the package is not present. YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME..

Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments?


the getItem method. The proper fragments you can use whatever Fragments you already have no modification needed . As expected you join all this together by 1 creating an object that instantiate MyFragmentPagerAdapter and 2 setting the adapter to..

Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled


bit more memory the application crashes. So I enabled largeHeap true to have a bit more memory. But doing this has a unexpected behavior it's looks like that recycle method of bitmaps do not work most of times and the application that worked in 58Mb.. now consumes memory exponentially and keeps growing for now the test I did came to 231Mb allocated memory the expected behavior is that the memory management keeps working and the application will not use more than 60Mb. How can I avoid that..

Android Thread for a timer


Focusable EditText inside ListView


true Assuming there are other items in the adapter using the arrow keys will move the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header row it is also displayed with the selector and no way to focus into the EditText using the.. feedback on any rows having focusable children or not on which item is selected both of which can give the user an unexpected experience. 2. setItemsCanFocus false selector is always drawn in non touch mode and EditText can never get focus even if..

Change the background color of the options menu


null @SuppressWarnings rawtypes static Constructor IconMenuItemView_constructor null standard signature of constructor expected by inflater of all View classes @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private static final Class standard_inflater_constructor_signature..

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML


with .setText Html.fromHtml somestring because I use this in other parts of my program where it is working as expected. To call this function I need an Activity but at the moment my layout is just a simple more or less static view in plain..

Android: out of memory exception in Gallery


Drawable.java 657 This doesn't make sense to me. If I am leaking memory I would have expected to crash at some point in scenario 1 but I went through all the categories a substantial number of times and didn't crash... which didn't present any potential culprits. If the system couldn't handle 10 images like in scenarion 2 I would have expected to crash in the first category but I crash only after 5 or 6 categories. Some code The coverflow's adapter functions public..

Android - Camera preview is sideways


device and watched the logCat output while I rotated the device. For the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would have expected portrait 90 degrees was turning the phone 90 degrees COUNTER CLOCKWISE I had assumed it would have been clockwise . In the..

How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]


web have been just pull down a Google chart with a HTTP get which seems like a fine workaround. However our eventual expected application usage is in a poor connectivity situation where network usage is expensive unlocked phones in resource poor..

How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android?


int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and is fully functional but the thumb does not follow suit. This is only a graphical glitch so I'm overlooking it for now...

Making sense of LayoutInflater


sense of LayoutInflater I've had severe trouble getting LayoutInflater to work as expected and so did other people help for using layoutinflator to add views at runtime . The recurring question is why does LayoutInflater..

In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project


added reference to my library project via project properties. The default.properties file has the reference added as expected ie android.library.reference.1 K android_test_ws applicationRegistrar The green tick against the referenced library project..

Android post picture to Facebook wall


2.run AsyncFacebookRunner.java 253 03 02 14 19 29.584 WARN Bundle 1891 Key method expected byte but value was a java.lang.String. The default value null was returned. Shows several times underneath each other. What..

Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database?


at some now unreachable point. Can I be sure the database has already been upgraded on backup or restore Otherwise the expected schema might not match. android database restore database restore android backup service share improve this question..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME intialize the Uri and the Cursor and the current expected size. Cursor c null Uri u MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Query the Uri to get the data path. Only if the Uri.. MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA BaseColumns._ID intialize the Uri and the Cursor and the current expected size. Cursor c null Uri u MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI if CurrentFile null Query the Uri to get the data..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


View.GONE The 'sdcard example images' directory has the images 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg and 9.jpg. the expected result is But if I scroll the list quickly some images are inserted in the wrong items. It happens due to use of convertView..

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


@Override public void onDateSet DatePicker v int y int m int d Log.d Picker Set 2012 6 15 picker.show Expected A Cancel button to appear in the dialog. Current A Cancel button does not appear. Screenshots 4.0.3 OK and 4.1.1 possibly.. DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int which Log.d Picker Cancel Expected Pressing the BACK key or clicking outside the dialog should do nothing . Pressing Cancel should print Picker Cancel . Pressing..

Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically


the above code i am getting Following Error Unmarshalling Error unexpected element uri http test.login local arg0 . Expected elements are arg2 arg1 arg0 Can Anyone Tell me why i am getting Success in SOAPUI bt not through my code. I have referred..

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd?


www skinLoader.html 07 08 19 51 50.232 D CordovaLog 664 Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. 07 08 19 51 50.232 I Web Console 664 Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is.. 3.2 and lower only. 07 08 19 51 50.232 I Web Console 664 Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. at file data data com.AccordFintech files www default wlclient js cordova.js 908 07 08 19.. AccordFintech.html 07 08 19 51 57.641 D CordovaLog 664 Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is missing. Expected for Android 3.2 and lower only. 07 08 19 51 57.641 I Web Console 664 Falling back on PROMPT mode since _cordovaNative is..

After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error


by java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the element google play services_lib Manifest xml version.. java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name com.google.android.gms.version.. by java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name com.google.android.gms.version..

Google Play Services update


by java.lang.IllegalStateException The meta data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name com.google.android.gms.version..

Android: bug in launchMode=“singleTask”? -> activity stack not preserved


preserve my activity stack and returns straight to A instead of the expected activity B . Here the two behaviors Expected A B HOME B Actual A B HOME A bad Is there a setting I'm missing or is this a bug If the latter is there a workaround for..

Android- how can I convert android.net.Uri object to java.net.URI object?


I try to construct a java URI object from this object I get an IllegalArgumentException with the exception description Expected file scheme in URI content media external images media 3 whereas the android URI shows the scheme as content Never found..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


. Big Help with my thesis. Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated. UPDATE Actual Example with Actual Expected Output Test Case parcel of codes here has gotten from mapsforge MercatorProjectionClass.java A performance optimized implementation..

Android JSon error “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2”


JSon error &ldquo Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2&rdquo I am getting JSon data from a web service the sample data is.. Data public List Section sections The LogCat says com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 android json illegalstateexception share improve this question ..

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?


throwing &ldquo Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY&rdquo I'm trying to parse a JSON string like this one updated_at 2012 03 02 21 06 01.. return this.modified But it throws me with com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 Any ideas how should I fix it Thanks EDIT Thanks for your replys. Got..

Detect if app was downloaded from Android Market


boolean shouldUseTestServer appInfo.signatures 0 .toCharsString .equals YOUR_DEBUG_KEY catch NameNotFoundException e Expected exception that occurs if the package is not present. YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME must be something like 'com.wsl.CardioTrainer'. It..