android Programming Glossary: expandablelistadapter
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView package com.example import com.example.ExpandableList.MyExpandableListAdapter import android.content.Context import import android.view.View import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView.. import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.TextView..
Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity ExpandableListView list getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null int length.. getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null int length adapter.getGroupCount ArrayList.. null ExpandableListView list getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null for int i..
Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView share improve this question Try putting this in your ExpandableListAdapter listView is a reference to the ExpandableListView itself. And.. is a integer member variable defined inside your ExpandableListAdapter . @Override public void onGroupExpanded int groupPosition collapse..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter to write custom ExpandableListAdapter I'm looking to write my own ExpandableListAdapter which operates.. custom ExpandableListAdapter I'm looking to write my own ExpandableListAdapter which operates similarly to ArrayAdapter . My data model is.. name Pretty simple. How can I map this relationship into a ExpandableListAdapter implementation I have a working SimpleExpandableListAdapter..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter hold under a different license. That said doesn't ExpandableListAdapter and ExpandableListView do almost the same job if you override..
GridView inside Expandable list in android LIST ADAPTER public class CustomListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter String catg AdministraĆ§Ć£o Escritorio e Industria Cultura e Entretenimento.. xmls . You should insert a few more lines inside your ExpandableListAdapter 's getChildView method @Override public View getChildView int..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.FrameLayout.. long id onListItemClick ListView parent v position id ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter ExpandableListView mList View mEmptyView TextView mStandardEmptyView.. the cursor for the list view. public void setListAdapter ExpandableListAdapter adapter boolean hadAdapter mAdapter null mAdapter adapter if..
How to implement an ExpandableList in a ViewPager in Android? import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.SimpleExpandableListAdapter import java.util.ArrayList.. import android.widget.SimpleExpandableListAdapter import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List.. NAME private static final String IS_EVEN IS_EVEN private ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView dispatchDraw and so on then write your own GrandExpandableListAdapter with 3 levels. Medium solution use ExpandableListAdapter for.. with 3 levels. Medium solution use ExpandableListAdapter for first 2 levels and use LinearLayouts for 3rd level. share..
Pinned groups in ExpandableListView sample package com.example import com.example.ExpandableList.MyExpandableListAdapter import android.content.Context import import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.View.. import import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.View import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.TextView A ListView.. import android.view.View import android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.TextView A ListView that maintains a header pinned at the..
Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity null restoreExpandedState expandedIds private long getExpandedIds ExpandableListView list getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null int length adapter.getGroupCount ArrayList Long expandedIds new ArrayList.. private long getExpandedIds ExpandableListView list getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null int length adapter.getGroupCount ArrayList Long expandedIds new ArrayList Long for int i 0 i length i.. long expandedIds this.expandedIds expandedIds if expandedIds null ExpandableListView list getExpandableListView ExpandableListAdapter adapter getExpandableListAdapter if adapter null for int i 0 i adapter.getGroupCount i long id adapter.getGroupId i ..
Programmatically collapse a group in ExpandableListView I collapse the last one expanded android expandablelistview share improve this question Try putting this in your ExpandableListAdapter listView is a reference to the ExpandableListView itself. And lastExpandedGroupPosition is a integer member variable defined.. to the ExpandableListView itself. And lastExpandedGroupPosition is a integer member variable defined inside your ExpandableListAdapter . @Override public void onGroupExpanded int groupPosition collapse the old expanded group if not the same as new group to..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter to write custom ExpandableListAdapter I'm looking to write my own ExpandableListAdapter which operates similarly to ArrayAdapter . My data model is this public.. to write custom ExpandableListAdapter I'm looking to write my own ExpandableListAdapter which operates similarly to ArrayAdapter . My data model is this public class Group private String name private List Child.. List Child children public class Child private String name Pretty simple. How can I map this relationship into a ExpandableListAdapter implementation I have a working SimpleExpandableListAdapter working right now but I need more custom control over items..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter to code doesn't stop it being made available by the author copyright hold under a different license. That said doesn't ExpandableListAdapter and ExpandableListView do almost the same job if you override the expand collapse behaviour Hope this helps Phil Lello ..
GridView inside Expandable list in android can i make my expandable list child adapt to the gridview size LIST ADAPTER public class CustomListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter String catg AdministraĆ§Ć£o Escritorio e Industria Cultura e Entretenimento EducaĆ§Ć£o e CrianƧas Eventos e Estado do tempo.. of your grid cell renderers the dp size set in your layout xmls . You should insert a few more lines inside your ExpandableListAdapter 's getChildView method @Override public View getChildView int groupPosition int childPosition boolean isLastChild View convertView..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ListAdapter import android.widget.ListView.. public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v int position long id onListItemClick ListView parent v position id ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter ExpandableListView mList View mEmptyView TextView mStandardEmptyView View mListContainer boolean mSetEmptyText.. ListView l View v int position long id Provide the cursor for the list view. public void setListAdapter ExpandableListAdapter adapter boolean hadAdapter mAdapter null mAdapter adapter if mList null mList.setAdapter adapter if mListShown hadAdapter..
How to implement an ExpandableList in a ViewPager in Android? import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.SimpleExpandableListAdapter import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List.. import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter import android.widget.SimpleExpandableListAdapter import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map Demonstrates expandable lists.. ExpandableListActivity private static final String NAME NAME private static final String IS_EVEN IS_EVEN private ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState List Map String String..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView from the scratch I mean you understand methods requestLayout dispatchDraw and so on then write your own GrandExpandableListAdapter with 3 levels. Medium solution use ExpandableListAdapter for first 2 levels and use LinearLayouts for 3rd level. share..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView But i'm not sure if this is the best approach. Does anyone have any suggestions android simplecursoradapter expandablelistadapter android cursorloader share improve this question So i figured out that I needed to map loaderids to groupPositions and..
How to add image in expandable List in parent in android? List in parent in android And is it possible to customize the child in expandable list android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter share improve this question Working with SimpleExpandableListAdapter is anything but simple. Here's some code that should..
Android: long click on the child views of a ExpandableListView? present and working before . How can I enable long clicks on child views android click expandablelistview expandablelistadapter long click share improve this question I managed to get long clicks working on an ExpandableListView child item using..
Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android load of code but this has me stumped and hopefully someone can help. Thanks Kevin java android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter settext share improve this question I don't think the problem is with the dialogs. I had the same problem in my project..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter surprised that there isn't an implementation in the SDK even an abstract one which helps one accomplish this. android expandablelistadapter share improve this question Here's an implementation I just whipped up. I have no idea if it works or not but seems..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView For my last question I might note that there can be anywhere from 1 to 20 MainGroups . android expandablelistview expandablelistadapter share improve this question First of all let me recommend you GrepCode site. It has sources of Android SDK classes...