android Programming Glossary: expand
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView new GroupsAdapter getActivity this android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1.. android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name.. is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing the children When all groups are displayed it..
How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen? sorts of things even going through the WindowManager to expand the window to full width and height manually but nothing works... window or an activity with the dialog theme will only expand according to its contents but even that doesn't always work... something small inside a dialog window but have it expand to full screen size without its content resizing as well android..
Get context of PopupMenu like ContextMenu RelativeLayout When you click on the TextView it will expand or collapse depending on whether or not the child rows are currently.. this functionality with a PopupMenu android contextmenu expandablelistview onclicklistener popupmenu share improve this question..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? templates webview share improve this question To expand on CommonsWare's correct answer WebView webview new WebView..
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView not expanding inside a ScrollView I have a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView.. that has android layout_height fill_parent but it doesn't expand to the full height of the ScrollView . My layout looks something.. irrelevant stuff 2 ScrollView fill_parent fill_parent this expands full height 3 LinearLayout fill_parent fill_parent this does..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] technical limitations of cross platfrom tools but let me expand a bit I think that cross platform tools have historically always.. are sold on the idea that they allow the developers to expand their market without learning new APIs. They are sold on the..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages Coase's nature of the firm theory says that businesses expand until the transaction costs for doing things internally become.. nature of the activity theory says that the activity expands until the transaction costs of doing things internally become..
Android: Expand/collapse animation v1 has visibily GONE. I would like to show v1 with an expand animation and push down v2 at the same time. I tried something.. The main advantage is that you don't have to know the expanded height to apply the animation and once the view is expanded.. height to apply the animation and once the view is expanded it adapts height if content changes. It works great for me...
Android Layout Weight up as much room as its content and the two buttons should expand horizontally to fill the rest of the available space in the..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView to build a view that contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable.. RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE ... The point is that.. seems to work for me. android checkbox radio button expandablelistview itemrenderer share improve this question I assume..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity passed it in. I can't do that because my address class may expand to include integers floats whatever. Right now the test app..
android viewPager implementation [closed] views. To use it with two layouts you're going to have to expand the layouts in a LayoutInflater and add as a view to each page...
Preventing status bar expansion there anyway to prevent users from sliding the status bar expand or collapsing back I'm trying out a lockscreen replacement and..
Gridview height gets cut class ExpandableHeightGridView extends GridView boolean expanded false public ExpandableHeightGridView Context context super.. context attrs defStyle public boolean isExpanded return expanded @Override public void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec.. represents the largest height possible. int expandSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec MEASURED_SIZE_MASK MeasureSpec.AT_MOST..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? size of 1x1dip and positioned it underneath a button.. To expand on above paragraph Don't have enough rep to reply but felt it..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? item expand with animation and require API level only 4 ExpandAnimationExample in onItemClick event use ExpandAnimation This.. only 4 ExpandAnimationExample in onItemClick event use ExpandAnimation This animation class is animating the expanding and.. the size of a view. The animation toggles between the Expand and Reduce depending on the current state of the view @author..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions'..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? 7 I did the following. Right Click Computer then Manage Expand Android phone at the top of the list Right click Android ADB..
Cannot resolve MapActivity class on Android by checking Project Properties Java Build Path Libraries Expand Google Apis Second browse to your manifest file and make sure..
Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab Android SDK and AVD Manager Click on Available packages Expand the Third party Add ons. There you will see Samsung Electronics..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK following Click on the Window menu and choose Preferences. Expand the Ant entry on the left and click on Runtime Click on Global..
Android: Expand/collapse animation Expand collapse animation Hi all Let's say I have a vertical linearLayout..
Android ExpandableListView with Checkbox, Controlling checked state ExpandableListView with Checkbox Controlling checked state Friends.. I am trying to write a application which use checkbox in ExpandableListView I got a problem here which is maintaining checkbox.. the checkboxes whenever I check one of the checkboxes and Expand the List the checkboxes do not have the checked state where..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) Mac then click the More Info... button. Screen grab here Expand the Hardware tree select USB then look for your target device...
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView void populateContactList Set up our adapter mAdapter new GroupsAdapter getActivity this android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts.. mAdapter new GroupsAdapter getActivity this android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1 new String ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE Name for group layouts new int new String ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. block 3 The group does not open and no error is thrown Here is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing the children When all groups are displayed it ouputs 05 20 10 08 22.765 D GroupsListFragment 22132 onCreateLoader..
How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen? dialog theme set and I want it to be full screen. I tried all sorts of things even going through the WindowManager to expand the window to full width and height manually but nothing works. Apparently a dialog window or an activity with the dialog.. width and height manually but nothing works. Apparently a dialog window or an activity with the dialog theme will only expand according to its contents but even that doesn't always work. For instance I show a progress bar circle which has width and.. instead of filling the screen. There must be a way of displaying something small inside a dialog window but have it expand to full screen size without its content resizing as well android gui dialog share improve this question I found the..
Get context of PopupMenu like ContextMenu src @drawable ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light ImageView RelativeLayout When you click on the TextView it will expand or collapse depending on whether or not the child rows are currently displayed. I have attached an OnClickListener to the.. be applied to the children rows of that group. How can I get this functionality with a PopupMenu android contextmenu expandablelistview onclicklistener popupmenu share improve this question So I figured out that in order to have some context..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] android hint type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView android id @android id list android layout_width..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? WebView to replace the ebay logo with my own javascript android templates webview share improve this question To expand on CommonsWare's correct answer WebView webview new WebView webview.setWebViewClient new WebClient webview.loadUrl
LinearLayout not expanding inside a ScrollView not expanding inside a ScrollView I have a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView that has android layout_height fill_parent but it doesn't.. a ScrollView I have a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView that has android layout_height fill_parent but it doesn't expand to the full height of the ScrollView . My layout looks something like level layout layout_width layout_height 1 LinearLayout.. fill_parent 2 LinearLayout fill_parent wrap_content 3 some irrelevant stuff 2 ScrollView fill_parent fill_parent this expands full height 3 LinearLayout fill_parent fill_parent this does not has orientation vertical following stuff probably are..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] improve this question My answer here covers some of the technical limitations of cross platfrom tools but let me expand a bit I think that cross platform tools have historically always been also rans because such tools have the wrong philosophical.. that they allow the developers to write once run anywhere. They are sold on the idea that they allow the developers to expand their market without learning new APIs. They are sold on the idea that they allow the developers to slash cost and time..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages on configuration changes. What do you think about this pattern Coase's nature of the firm theory says that businesses expand until the transaction costs for doing things internally become higher than the transaction costs for having other firms.. costs for having other firms do the same things. Murphy's nature of the activity theory says that the activity expands until the transaction costs of doing things internally become higher than the transaction costs for having other activities..
Android: Expand/collapse animation Let's say I have a vertical linearLayout with v1 v2 By default v1 has visibily GONE. I would like to show v1 with an expand animation and push down v2 at the same time. I tried something like this Animation a new Animation int initialHeight @Override.. that this question became popular so I post my actual solution. The main advantage is that you don't have to know the expanded height to apply the animation and once the view is expanded it adapts height if content changes. It works great for me... The main advantage is that you don't have to know the expanded height to apply the animation and once the view is expanded it adapts height if content changes. It works great for me. public static void expand final View v v.measure LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT..
Android Layout Weight and a custom edit text. The edit text should only take up as much room as its content and the two buttons should expand horizontally to fill the rest of the available space in the row. Like this... #Button # #Button # et After several attempts..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView ExpandableListView Im trying to figure out how to build a view that contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE ... The point.. view that contains many of PARENT1 checkable expandable CHILD1 RADIO BUTTON CHILD2 RADIO BUTTON ... PARENT2 checkable expandable CHILD1 CHECKABLE CHILD2 CHECKABLE ... The point is that parent has to be checkable and based on that children have to.. me into the right direction because from what i found nothing seems to work for me. android checkbox radio button expandablelistview itemrenderer share improve this question I assume you have your data structured somehow like ArrayList where..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity just flattened the GeoPoint object into two integers and passed it in. I can't do that because my address class may expand to include integers floats whatever. Right now the test app below is only two strings for simplicity. I thought if I could..
android viewPager implementation [closed]
Preventing status bar expansion status bar expansion Is there anyway to prevent users from sliding the status bar expand or collapsing back I'm trying out a lockscreen replacement and seems like it's a must have feature. Is there any possible..
Gridview height gets cut easy. package com.example public class ExpandableHeightGridView extends GridView boolean expanded false public ExpandableHeightGridView Context context super context public ExpandableHeightGridView Context context AttributeSet.. Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle public boolean isExpanded return expanded @Override public void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec HACK TAKE THAT ANDROID if isExpanded Calculate.. height by providing a very large height hint. View.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK represents the largest height possible. int expandSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec MEASURED_SIZE_MASK MeasureSpec.AT_MOST super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec expandSpec ViewGroup.LayoutParams..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? I didn't find a good solution to hide it so I just gave it a size of 1x1dip and positioned it underneath a button.. To expand on above paragraph Don't have enough rep to reply but felt it was useful Somewhere in the XML of your current Content View..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? this question Here is example from Udinic. It had listview item expand with animation and require API level only 4 ExpandAnimationExample in onItemClick event use ExpandAnimation This animation class is animating the expanding and reducing the.. had listview item expand with animation and require API level only 4 ExpandAnimationExample in onItemClick event use ExpandAnimation This animation class is animating the expanding and reducing the size of a view. The animation toggles between.. This animation class is animating the expanding and reducing the size of a view. The animation toggles between the Expand and Reduce depending on the current state of the view @author Udinic public class ExpandAnimation extends Animation private..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” is to install these 'subversive' Eclipse plugins Help Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions' and 'Subversive SVN Team Provider' but this didn't work for..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? did not work showed up as android adb interface . In Windows 7 I did the following. Right Click Computer then Manage Expand Android phone at the top of the list Right click Android ADB Interface then Update Driver Software Browse my computer for..
Cannot resolve MapActivity class on Android you app. You can confirm that maps.jar is on your build path by checking Project Properties Java Build Path Libraries Expand Google Apis Second browse to your manifest file and make sure you have the uses library snippet nested within the application..
Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab official Samsung Galaxy Tab emulator do the following Open the Android SDK and AVD Manager Click on Available packages Expand the Third party Add ons. There you will see Samsung Electronics add ons. Once the add on is installed create a new emulator...
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK you are using Eclipse then skip the steps above and do the following Click on the Window menu and choose Preferences. Expand the Ant entry on the left and click on Runtime Click on Global Entries in the Classpath tab on the right. Click Add External..
Android: Expand/collapse animation Expand collapse animation Hi all Let's say I have a vertical linearLayout with v1 v2 By default v1 has visibily GONE. I would..
Android ExpandableListView with Checkbox, Controlling checked state ExpandableListView with Checkbox Controlling checked state Friends I am trying to write a application which use checkbox in ExpandableListView.. with Checkbox Controlling checked state Friends I am trying to write a application which use checkbox in ExpandableListView I got a problem here which is maintaining checkbox state of the application I got the example from here my problem.. example from here my problem is maintaining checked state of the checkboxes whenever I check one of the checkboxes and Expand the List the checkboxes do not have the checked state where they supposed to have. I have try to maintain by adding ArrayList..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) Menu in the top left corner of the screen select About this Mac then click the More Info... button. Screen grab here Expand the Hardware tree select USB then look for your target device. In the above example my device is named SomeDevice I did..