

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:12

android Programming Glossary: event.values

How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer?


onSensorChanged SensorEvent event float xChange history 0 event.values 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values.. xChange history 0 event.values 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange.. 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT else..

Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame


system. Thus even though m does not change but the event.values returns by the sensors are different because the basis is different.. different I will talk about fluctuation later . As is the event.values are useless because it gives us the coordinates but we do not.. system is just the product of the rotation matrix and the event.values returned by the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and similarly for..

Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread


Auto generated method stub double Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt.. stub double Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt x x y y z z db.addAccel.. Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt x x y y z z db.addAccel Acceleration..

android device angle to vertical axis


public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event azimuth event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll.. SensorEvent event azimuth event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll code to deal with orientation.. event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll code to deal with orientation changes pitch is the angle..

Android: How to use SensorManager.getAltitude(float p0, float p)?


public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event presure event.values 0 float altitude getAltitude SensorManager.PRESSURE_STANDARD_ATMOSPHERE..

Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere)


we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField.. we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField..

Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off


SensorEvent event Log.d accelerometer event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange.. Log.d accelerometer event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange be called.. event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange be called every time..

How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer?


SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME @Override public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event float xChange history 0 event.values 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT.. @Override public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event float xChange history 0 event.values 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT else if xChange 2 direction 0 RIGHT .. SensorEvent event float xChange history 0 event.values 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT else if xChange 2 direction 0 RIGHT if yChange 2 direction 1..

Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame


of time x t y t z t in mathematics term it is a moving coordinate system. Thus even though m does not change but the event.values returns by the sensors are different because the basis is different I will talk about fluctuation later . As is the event.values.. returns by the sensors are different because the basis is different I will talk about fluctuation later . As is the event.values are useless because it gives us the coordinates but we do not know what the basis is i.e with respect to some basis we know... the coordinates of m with respect to the world coordinates system is just the product of the rotation matrix and the event.values returned by the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and similarly for a . In android the rotation matrix is obtained by calling getRotationMatrix..

Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread


public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub double Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt x x y y z z db.addAccel Acceleration Log.d MESSAGE SAVED.. onSensorChanged SensorEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub double Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt x x y y z z db.addAccel Acceleration Log.d MESSAGE SAVED @Override public.. SensorEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub double Acceleration x y z x event.values 0 y event.values 2 z event.values 2 Acceleration Math.sqrt x x y y z z db.addAccel Acceleration Log.d MESSAGE SAVED @Override public void onAccuracyChanged..

android device angle to vertical axis


roll public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event azimuth event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll code to deal with orientation changes pitch is the angle between.. Sensor sensor int accuracy public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event azimuth event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll code to deal with orientation changes pitch is the angle between the vertical axis and.. accuracy public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event azimuth event.values 0 azimuth pitch event.values 1 pitch roll event.values 2 roll code to deal with orientation changes pitch is the angle between the vertical axis and the device's y axis the one..

Android: How to use SensorManager.getAltitude(float p0, float p)?


Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere)


onSensorChanged SensorEvent event If we don't have a Location we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue.. onSensorChanged SensorEvent event If we don't have a Location we break out if LocationObj null return float azimuth event.values 0 float baseAzimuth azimuth GeomagneticField geoField new GeomagneticField Double .valueOf LocationObj.getLatitude .floatValue..

Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off


cause e.getMessage @Override public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event Log.d accelerometer event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange be called every time we unregister register the listener... @Override public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event Log.d accelerometer event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange be called every time we unregister register the listener. The problem.. public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent event Log.d accelerometer event received xyz event.values 0 event.values 1 event.values 2 which indeed makes the onSensorChange be called every time we unregister register the listener. The problem is that the..