android Programming Glossary: event.preventdefault
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault title script var delay 200 var haltEvent function event event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new..
touchend event doesn't work on Android map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord.. false map.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord.. document.getElementById touchEvent .innerHTML Touch End event.preventDefault false console.innerHTML event attached script style type text..
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images browser for the event in question. In your javascript try event.preventDefault See https en DOM event.preventDefault..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) events if event.originalEvent.touches.length 1 return event.preventDefault use this to prevent scrolling during ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault the behavior JSFiddle DOCTYPE html html head title title script var delay 200 var haltEvent function event event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener..
touchend event doesn't work on Android console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord .innerHTML S touch.pageX touch.pageY document.getElementById.. document.getElementById touchEvent .innerHTML Touch Start false map.addEventListener 'touchmove' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord .innerHTML M touch.pageX touch.pageY document.getElementById.. touchCoord .innerHTML E touch.pageX touch.pageY document.getElementById touchEvent .innerHTML Touch End event.preventDefault false console.innerHTML event attached script style type text css html body height 100 width 100 margin 0 background color..
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) use this function to simulate mouse event Ignore multi touch events if event.originalEvent.touches.length 1 return event.preventDefault use this to prevent scrolling during ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent..