android Programming Glossary: event's
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states So I implemented an OnTouchListener that checks the touch event's co ordinates against the Bitmap's pixel values as described..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling int priority EventPriority.EVENT_PRIORITY_LOW ID for this event's sender private int idSource 0 ID for this event's destination.. for this event's sender private int idSource 0 ID for this event's destination private int idDestination 0 Action to be performed.. Parcelable public Event Parcel in readFromParcel in Gets event's priority public int getPriority return priority Sets this event's..
Android: How to determine character index of a touch event's position in TextView? How to determine character index of a touch event's position in TextView I have a TextView with an OnTouchListener..
Android phone orientation overview including compass system for SensorEvent s of type TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD . The event's value array needs to bepassed into SensorManger.getRotationMatrix..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent simulatedType type..
How to crop image in android deltaX deltaY hv.invalidate According to the event's position change the focus to the first hitting cropping rectangle...
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold things to try to get rid of it I've tried setting the event's coords to something else to see if I could trick it into thinking..
Creating irregular shaped ImageButton with different click states where the underlying rectangular image is non transparent. So I implemented an OnTouchListener that checks the touch event's co ordinates against the Bitmap's pixel values as described in the first answer here link . This works in terms of the logic..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling private int idEvent 0 Indicates this event priority private int priority EventPriority.EVENT_PRIORITY_LOW ID for this event's sender private int idSource 0 ID for this event's destination private int idDestination 0 Action to be performed private.. private int priority EventPriority.EVENT_PRIORITY_LOW ID for this event's sender private int idSource 0 ID for this event's destination private int idDestination 0 Action to be performed private int action EventAction.DEFAULT public static final.. of the event public Event int id idEvent id Constructor for Parcelable public Event Parcel in readFromParcel in Gets event's priority public int getPriority return priority Sets this event's priority public void setPriority int priority this.priority..
Android: How to determine character index of a touch event's position in TextView? How to determine character index of a touch event's position in TextView I have a TextView with an OnTouchListener . What I want is the character index the user is pointing..
Android phone orientation overview including compass as now it seems you need to register a listener with the system for SensorEvent s of type TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD . The event's value array needs to bepassed into SensorManger.getRotationMatrix .. method to get a rotation matrix see below which is..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent simulatedType type true bubbles true cancelable window view 1 detail touch.screenX..
How to crop image in android i HighlightView hv mHighlightViews.get i hv.mMatrix.postTranslate deltaX deltaY hv.invalidate According to the event's position change the focus to the first hitting cropping rectangle. private void recomputeFocus MotionEvent event for int..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold a Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.1. I've tried several different things to try to get rid of it I've tried setting the event's coords to something else to see if I could trick it into thinking the cursor was in a different place I tried re dispatching..