

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:57

android Programming Glossary: customcursoradapter

Android: how to use CursorAdapter?


to use CursorAdapter I have a database a ListView and a CustomCursorAdapter that extends CursorAdapter . A menu button adds an item to the.. eventually get it to work by calling cursor.requery or mCustomCursorAdapter.changeCursor newCursor whenever I added a new item but when..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


private class PrepareAdapter extends AsyncTask Void Void CustomCursorAdapter @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setMessage Wait.. Log.e TAG Posle nov mAdapter @Override protected CustomCursorAdapter doInBackground Void... unused Cursor cursor myDbNamesHelper.getCursorQueryWithAllTheData.. cursor return mAdapter protected void onPostExecute CustomCursorAdapter result TabFirstView.this.getListView .setAdapter result Log.e..

Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox


and CheckBox I have ListView with my own layout and CustomCursorAdapter. Every row has it's own checkbox. So... it's absolutely clear..

Android: how to use CursorAdapter?


how to use CursorAdapter I have a database a ListView and a CustomCursorAdapter that extends CursorAdapter . A menu button adds an item to the database. I want the ListView to update and show this change... until i go to the homescreen and reopen the application. I did eventually get it to work by calling cursor.requery or mCustomCursorAdapter.changeCursor newCursor whenever I added a new item but when I set autoRequery to false in the CursorAdapter constructor..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


as possible. i have done this with asyncTask here is the code private class PrepareAdapter extends AsyncTask Void Void CustomCursorAdapter @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setMessage Wait dialog.setIndeterminate true dialog.setCancelable false dialog.show.. dialog.setIndeterminate true dialog.setCancelable false dialog.show Log.e TAG Posle nov mAdapter @Override protected CustomCursorAdapter doInBackground Void... unused Cursor cursor myDbNamesHelper.getCursorQueryWithAllTheData mAdapter.changeCursor cursor startManagingCursor.. ms testTime SystemClock.elapsedRealtime mAdapter.initIndexer cursor return mAdapter protected void onPostExecute CustomCursorAdapter result TabFirstView.this.getListView .setAdapter result Log.e TIME posle adapterSet String.valueOf SystemClock.elapsedRealtime..

Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox


CursorAdapter ListView and CheckBox I have ListView with my own layout and CustomCursorAdapter. Every row has it's own checkbox. So... it's absolutely clear that during sroll the checkboxes loose their states. The only..