android Programming Glossary: cutting
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android mMatrix mMinScale mScale zoomTo mScale mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting return super.setFrame l t r b protected float getValue Matrix.. return mCanvasMatrix.postScale scale scale public void cutting int width int mIntrinsicWidth getScale int height int mIntrinsicHeight.. 1 scale scale scale zoomTo scale mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting else if isScaling int distanceX mPrevMoveX int event.getX..
My Xml design not working in all android Devices? But on 4.0.1 my screen is not showing full Some design is cutting from Bottom . Why android xml design compatibility share..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags for most feeds it's working fine however for ESPN it is cutting off part of the article url due to the way ESPN formats it's.. nba news story id 5189101 As you can see it's cutting everything off the url from the ampersand escape code and after... sax share improve this question As you can see it's cutting everything off the url from the ampersand escape code and after...
Android: How do i pass an object from one activity to another? [duplicate] by other activities but for some reason this just isn't cutting it. Are there any other ways of doing this android object activity..
Android without Java bit better in 2.2 with the JIT but limiting myself to the cutting edge would be a rather harsh decision. The only alternative..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination had an idea on how to rotate the preloaded image w out cutting my sprite sheet I would be very grateful. android image rotation..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? hashed and salted which is stored on my server. I'm cutting out any other superfluous code which I'm not using e.g. payload..
Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency it on transparency I have a bitmap out of which I'm cutting out a multipi point polygon. I'm curious what the correct process..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android paddingWidth paddingHeight setImageMatrix mMatrix mMinScale mScale zoomTo mScale mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting return super.setFrame l t r b protected float getValue Matrix matrix int whichValue matrix.getValues mMatrixValues return.. return if scale 1 getCanvasScale scale CANVAS_MAX_SCALE return mCanvasMatrix.postScale scale scale public void cutting int width int mIntrinsicWidth getScale int height int mIntrinsicHeight getScale if getTranslateX width mWidth mMatrix.postTranslate.. dist mPrevDistance dispDistance mPrevDistance dist scale 1 scale scale scale zoomTo scale mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting else if isScaling int distanceX mPrevMoveX int event.getX int distanceY mPrevMoveY int event.getY mPrevMoveX int event.getX..
My Xml design not working in all android Devices? my project My Design is working fine in my android HTC 2.3.4 But on 4.0.1 my screen is not showing full Some design is cutting from Bottom . Why android xml design compatibility share improve this question Since you haven't posted any code I'll..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags I've created my own DefaultHandler to parse rss feeds and for most feeds it's working fine however for ESPN it is cutting off part of the article url due to the way ESPN formats it's urls. An example of a full article url from ESPN.. http this from the tag that contains the above url. http nba news story id 5189101 As you can see it's cutting everything off the url from the ampersand escape code and after. How can I get the SAX parser to not cut my string off at.. e Log.e RSSReader e.toString Rob W. android parsing escaping sax share improve this question As you can see it's cutting everything off the url from the ampersand escape code and after. From the documentation of the characters method The Parser..
Android: How do i pass an object from one activity to another? [duplicate] tried making the object public static so it can be accessed by other activities but for some reason this just isn't cutting it. Are there any other ways of doing this android object activity share improve this question When you are creating..
Android without Java the devices themselves pose some limits. This seems to be a bit better in 2.2 with the JIT but limiting myself to the cutting edge would be a rather harsh decision. The only alternative I know that's used somewhat seems to be Scala. Is there some..
Android: How to rotate a moving animated sprite based on the coordinates of its destination and cannot reload an image on each draw rotation. So if someone had an idea on how to rotate the preloaded image w out cutting my sprite sheet I would be very grateful. android image rotation sprite sheet share improve this question First it..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? comms using SSL and I already require a prior username password hashed and salted which is stored on my server. I'm cutting out any other superfluous code which I'm not using e.g. payload editing. Some of the methods have 5 or 6 parameters in their..
Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency I have a bitmap out of which I'm cutting out a multipi point polygon. I'm curious what the correct process is for taking the pixels within the arbitrary shape and..