android Programming Glossary: cv.put
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button 100 out ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_IMG out.toByteArray mDb.insert CERTIFICATES_TABLE null cv..
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed] throws SQLiteException ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_IMAGE image database.insert DB_TABLE.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_IMAGE image database.insert DB_TABLE null cv Retrieving..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” insertImage byte bytes ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put imageblob bytes Log.e inserted inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? your application icon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put package getPackageName Name of your activity declared in the.. Must be fully qualified name as shown below cv.put class com.example.badge.activity.Test cv.put badgecount 1 integer.. shown below cv.put class com.example.badge.activity.Test cv.put badgecount 1 integer count you want to display Execute insert..
How to add new contacts in android ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME New Name.. New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890 cv.put.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890 cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact Log.e TAG errrrror ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE.. cv new ContentValues cv.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE cv.put Data.DATA1 mydata cv.put.. rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE cv.put Data.DATA1 mydata cv.put Data.SYNC1 syncvalue Uri newIns cr.insert..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite byte array in database ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put CHUNK buffer CHUNK blob type field of your table long rawId..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android Double lat Double lon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE.. ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public..
SQLite in Android How to update a specific row a ContentValues object ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Field1 Bob These Fields should be your String values of actual.. Fields should be your String values of actual column names cv.put Field2 19 cv.put Field2 Male Then use the update method it should.. your String values of actual column names cv.put Field2 19 cv.put Field2 Male Then use the update method it should work now myDB.update..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button certificates.getBitmap .compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 out ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_IMG out.toByteArray mDb.insert CERTIFICATES_TABLE null cv public Certificates getFirstCertificatesFromDB throws SQLException..
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed] in the Database public void addEntry String name byte image throws SQLiteException ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_IMAGE image database.insert DB_TABLE null cv Retrieving data byte image cursor.getBlob 1 Code from.. void addEntry String name byte image throws SQLiteException ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_IMAGE image database.insert DB_TABLE null cv Retrieving data byte image cursor.getBlob 1 Code from a project I am working..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” about how to do this.. For database I use public void insertImage byte bytes ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put imageblob bytes Log.e inserted inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase .insert Image imageblob cv public byte getImage Cursor..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? cnt finally c.close In order to add a badge count to your application icon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put package getPackageName Name of your activity declared in the manifest as android.intent.action.MAIN. Must be fully qualified.. of your activity declared in the manifest as android.intent.action.MAIN. Must be fully qualified name as shown below cv.put class com.example.badge.activity.Test cv.put badgecount 1 integer count you want to display Execute insert getContentResolver.. android.intent.action.MAIN. Must be fully qualified name as shown below cv.put class com.example.badge.activity.Test cv.put badgecount 1 integer count you want to display Execute insert getContentResolver .insert Uri.parse content com.sec.badge..
How to add new contacts in android setContentView R.layout.main try ContentResolver cr this.getContentResolver ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890 cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE.. New Name cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 1234567890 cv.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE_MOBILE cr.insert ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact c3.getString c3.getColumnIndex Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME else Log.e TAG errrrror ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE cv.put Data.DATA1 mydata cv.put Data.SYNC1 syncvalue.. else Log.e TAG errrrror ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE cv.put Data.DATA1 mydata cv.put Data.SYNC1 syncvalue Uri newIns cr.insert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawid cv.put Data.MIMETYPE MyMime.MIMETYPE cv.put Data.DATA1 mydata cv.put Data.SYNC1 syncvalue Uri newIns cr.insert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI cv Log.i TAG insert..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite 100 stream byte imageInByte stream.toByteArray Store byte array in database ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put CHUNK buffer CHUNK blob type field of your table long rawId database.insert TABLE null cv TABLE table name Retrieve image..
Deleting Row in SQLite in Android void close helper.close public long createEntry String name Double lat Double lon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public void deleteEntry.. public long createEntry String name Double lat Double lon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public void deleteEntry long row Deletes.. String name Double lat Double lon ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put KEY_NAME name cv.put KEY_LATITUDE lat cv.put KEY_LONGITUDE lon return db.insert DATABASE_TABLE null cv public void deleteEntry long row Deletes a row given its rowId..
SQLite in Android How to update a specific row eclipse sqlite share improve this question First make a ContentValues object ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Field1 Bob These Fields should be your String values of actual column names cv.put Field2 19 cv.put Field2 Male Then use.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put Field1 Bob These Fields should be your String values of actual column names cv.put Field2 19 cv.put Field2 Male Then use the update method it should work now myDB.update TableName cv _id 1 null share improve.. new ContentValues cv.put Field1 Bob These Fields should be your String values of actual column names cv.put Field2 19 cv.put Field2 Male Then use the update method it should work now myDB.update TableName cv _id 1 null share improve this answer..