

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:02

android Programming Glossary: call_log

How to retrieve missed calls on Android SDK 2.2


cursor context.getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content call_log calls projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder while cursor.moveToNext..

How can I update the contents of an entry in the Call Log?


0 with this line Uri.parse content call_log calls It works. I don't know why but something is not correct..

How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android?


public class CallLog public static final String AUTHORITY call_log The content style URL for this provider public static final.. public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content call_log calls The content style URL for filtering this table on phone.. static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.parse content call_log calls filter The default sort order for this table public..

I want read call logs in the android [duplicate]


Cursor c c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content call_log calls columns null null Calls._ID DESC last record first while..

How do I access call log for android?


phone call history Uri allCalls Uri.parse content call_log calls Cursor c managedQuery allCalls null null null null String..

How to retrieve missed calls on Android SDK 2.2


DESC Cursor cursor null try cursor context.getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content call_log calls projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder while cursor.moveToNext String callLogID cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndex..

How can I update the contents of an entry in the Call Log?


above and replace the line ContentUris.withAppendedId CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI 0 with this line Uri.parse content call_log calls It works. I don't know why but something is not correct with the content URI. example ContentValues newValues new..

How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android?


contains information about placed and received calls. public class CallLog public static final String AUTHORITY call_log The content style URL for this provider public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content AUTHORITY Contains the recent.. implements BaseColumns The content style URL for this table public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Uri.parse content call_log calls The content style URL for filtering this table on phone numbers public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.parse.. style URL for filtering this table on phone numbers public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.parse content call_log calls filter The default sort order for this table public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER date DESC The MIME type..

I want read call logs in the android [duplicate]


CallLog.Calls.DATE CallLog.Calls.DURATION CallLog.Calls.TYPE Cursor c c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content call_log calls columns null null Calls._ID DESC last record first while c.moveToNext dialed c.getLong c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.DATE..

How do I access call log for android?


android share improve this question This is for accessing phone call history Uri allCalls Uri.parse content call_log calls Cursor c managedQuery allCalls null null null null String num c.getString c.getColumnIndex CallLog.Calls.NUMBER for..