android Programming Glossary: buffersizeinbytes
Voice Detection in Android Application for the successful creation of an AudioRecord object. int bufferSizeInBytes AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS.. RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes.. int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs for the successful creation of an AudioRecord object. int bufferSizeInBytes AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS.. RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes.. int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int..
Voice Detection in Android Application R.layout.main Get the minimum buffer size required for the successful creation of an AudioRecord object. int bufferSizeInBytes AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING Initialize Audio Recorder... AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean.. bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new..
Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs public void arm Get the minimum buffer size required for the successful creation of an AudioRecord object. int bufferSizeInBytes AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING Initialize Audio Recorder. audioRecorder.. new AudioRecord MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC RECORDER_SAMPLERATE RECORDER_CHANNELS RECORDER_AUDIO_ENCODING bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean.. bufferSizeInBytes Start Recording. audioRecorder.startRecording int numberOfReadBytes 0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new..