android Programming Glossary: appname
Android sending lots of SMS messages new HashMap String ArrayList Long boolean check String appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new.. boolean check String appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new ArrayList Long return isUnderLimit.. appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new ArrayList Long return isUnderLimit mSmsStamp.get appName..
Robolectric with Gradle: Resources not found 16 error cannot find symbol final String appName activity.getResources .getString R.string.app_name ^ symbol..
How do I programmatically write a shortcut to a specific page on the homescreen of the Android launcher? shortcutIntent intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME appName BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable res.get app_id .activityInfo.loadIcon..
Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o) like you do not have permission to open appSchema appName authorizationSensitiveInfo... the appendages after the ' ' are.. are correct . Possible problems lie within the appSchema appName part. from my understanding this is the redirect URL which tells.. the onResume method. Where do the values for appSchema appName come from defined in manifest if so where . Why the problem..
Custom title of PreferenceActivity (problem) layout_gravity center_vertical android text @string appName android paddingLeft 5dip android paddingRight 5dip TextView..
How to kill currently running task in android i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String.. appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String pack.getApplicationLabel pack.getApplicationInfo packageName.. packageName arraylist of package name apps.add appName arraylist of app name icons.add d arraylist of icons It worked..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles needs little bit different set of images different strings appName copyright etc and also some of the elements in layouts should..
Use a persistent notification to allow the user to return to running Android app to create a persistent notification that more or less says AppName Return to AppName that will be present whenever my background.. notification that more or less says AppName Return to AppName that will be present whenever my background services are running...
C2DM implementation PHP code googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id'..
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? mode with the command ant debug and got the apk filename AppName debug.apk . Is there any way to generate the apk file in the.. Is there any way to generate the apk file in the format of AppName debug version number .apk directly without 'mv' command Thanks...
Detect inside Android Browser or WebView Res Values strings.xml string name user_agent_suffix AppName 1.0 string Javascript function isNativeApp return AppName 0.. AppName 1.0 string Javascript function isNativeApp return AppName 0 9 . .test navigator.userAgent share improve this answer..
Android sending lots of SMS messages int mPeriod mMaxAllowed mMax mCheckPeriod mPeriod mSmsStamp new HashMap String ArrayList Long boolean check String appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new ArrayList Long return isUnderLimit mSmsStamp.get appName private.. mPeriod mSmsStamp new HashMap String ArrayList Long boolean check String appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new ArrayList Long return isUnderLimit mSmsStamp.get appName private boolean isUnderLimit ArrayList.. new HashMap String ArrayList Long boolean check String appName if mSmsStamp.containsKey appName mSmsStamp.put appName new ArrayList Long return isUnderLimit mSmsStamp.get appName private boolean isUnderLimit ArrayList Long sent Long ct System.currentTimeMillis..
Robolectric with Gradle: Resources not found raises this error during the compileTestJava task ... 16 error cannot find symbol final String appName activity.getResources .getString R.string.app_name ^ symbol variable string location class R 1 error test compileTestJava..
How do I programmatically write a shortcut to a specific page on the homescreen of the Android launcher? new Intent intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT shortcutIntent intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME appName BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable res.get app_id .activityInfo.loadIcon p .getCurrent Bitmap newbit newbit bd.getBitmap intent.putExtra..
Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o) to the application.... Instead I get an error that reads something like you do not have permission to open appSchema appName authorizationSensitiveInfo... the appendages after the ' ' are the oauth_token and oauth_verifier from the service we can.. the service we can assume all steps up until the redirection are correct . Possible problems lie within the appSchema appName part. from my understanding this is the redirect URL which tells the Uri to use the phone's browser to locate my application.. to use the phone's browser to locate my application and invoke the onResume method. Where do the values for appSchema appName come from defined in manifest if so where . Why the problem with permission Must I set permissions for my Uri to access..
Custom title of PreferenceActivity (problem) white android textSize 16dip android layout_weight 1 android layout_gravity center_vertical android text @string appName android paddingLeft 5dip android paddingRight 5dip TextView ProgressBar style android attr progressBarStyleSmall android..
How to kill currently running task in android for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String pack.getApplicationLabel pack.getApplicationInfo packageName.. a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String pack.getApplicationLabel pack.getApplicationInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA catch NameNotFoundException.. catch NameNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace packName.add packageName arraylist of package name apps.add appName arraylist of app name icons.add d arraylist of icons It worked for me But now as I am trying to kill the task using killBackgroundProcesses..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles clean install P Customer2 In other words different customer needs little bit different set of images different strings appName copyright etc and also some of the elements in layouts should be hidden or shown Developer profile so different layouts..
Use a persistent notification to allow the user to return to running Android app am developing an app with numerous Activities. I would like to create a persistent notification that more or less says AppName Return to AppName that will be present whenever my background services are running. Creating and disposing of the notification.. with numerous Activities. I would like to create a persistent notification that more or less says AppName Return to AppName that will be present whenever my background services are running. Creating and disposing of the notification was no problem...
C2DM implementation PHP code the Authorise Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id'..
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? apk with ant Normally we build android package in debug mode with the command ant debug and got the apk filename AppName debug.apk . Is there any way to generate the apk file in the format of AppName debug version number .apk directly without.. ant debug and got the apk filename AppName debug.apk . Is there any way to generate the apk file in the format of AppName debug version number .apk directly without 'mv' command Thanks. android ant version apk share improve this question ..
Detect inside Android Browser or WebView